Under the moonlight

The waterfall was gurgling, and in the pool below the waterfall, one big and three small people were floating on the water, drifting with the current.

The four people floating were Wuxin and three students. They were not far apart, and they all exuded a lazy temperament, which was the same charm as Wuxin.

The moonlight shone, the water was rippled, and Ringo Yuyuri asked lazily: "Teacher, what is the Chunin Exam like?"

Ringo Yuyuri's words made Hoshigaki Takeya and Kihara Toda also perk up and pricked up their ears.

"Chunin Exam? The village will hold it in March and September every year.

Yuyuri, are you interested in this year's Chunin Exam?"

Wuxin explained, and his body floating on the water turned around, swam to the shore, and leaned his elbows on the rocks on the shore.

"Well! I think, with my strength, passing the exam... shouldn't be a problem!"

Ringo Yuyuri replied, put away her laziness, turned over, imitated Wuxin, swam to the shore, and rested her elbows on the stone.

Ringo Yuyuri, Hoshigaki Takeya, and Kihara Toda followed Wuxin for half a year. Although Wuxin taught them a lot of ninjutsu, they still lacked some experience.

The previous three people, Kikuta Tomoko, Ono Reima, and Iijima Rikto, followed Wuxin for nearly two years. They passed the exam in one go, allowing Wuxin to accumulate some teaching experience.

After a moment of silence, Wuxin said softly:

"It's good to dare to challenge, but you have only graduated a short time ago. Although you are strong, you still lack some experience."

Wuxin's underlying meaning is that he doesn't want the three to be so eager for success. These three graduated from the blood mist assessment and became Genin. From the beginning, they were murderous and cold, but after being tossed by Wuxin, they were pulled back to the category of normal people.

Although Wuxin is obsessed with ninjutsu, he is actually very lazy about life, and Wuxin's teacher, Murayama Yuto, is even more lazy and stuffy. Wuxin's nature is like this, and he is influenced by Murayama Yuto, making him even more casual.

Under Wuxin's influence, whether it is the three subordinates assigned to him at the beginning, such as Kuroki Kiyomi, or the three students accepted from the Ninja School, such as Ono Reima. Or the current Ringo Yuyuri and others, all of them have been infected by Wuxin, and they have long lost their murderous and neurotic nature.

After being guided by Wuxin, these people have implemented the saying that rest is the most important ability of a ninja.

Kihara Toda gathered his long green hair with both hands and whispered:

"But teacher, didn't you graduate and become a Chunin that year?

As your disciples, we can't lose your limelight."

"That's right."

Ringo Yuyuri, who originally listened to Wuxin's words, reacted and immediately followed suit.

Hoshigaki Takeya, who had been floating on the water and remained silent, also turned his face to look at Wuxin.

"Both of you want to take part in the Chunin Exam?"

Wuxin finally reacted, and after asking, he looked at Hoshigaki Takeya and asked:

"Takeya, what do you think of the Chunin Exam?"

Hoshigaki Takeya turned over, did a high-speed freestyle, swam to the shore, and replied:

"Teacher! I think what Yuri and Toda said is right.

You are a big shot in the Hidden Mist Village. As your disciples, we should work harder and not lose your limelight."

"It seems that the three of you are very confident."

Wuxin rubbed his long black hair with his right hand, and ignored Hoshigaki Takeya's flattery. After a slight pause, he chuckled and continued:

"Okay! Since you want to participate, the teacher will definitely support you!

I will teach you an advanced ninjutsu tonight so that you can better cope with the Chunin Exam!"

"Advanced ninjutsu?"

"What ninjutsu?"

"Is it swordsmanship?"

The three of them suddenly had bright eyes and were ready to fight.

Wuxin smiled slightly and said, "Let's have a three-on-one competition first. During the battle, I will teach you ninjutsu. Come on!"


"Competition? Forget it, teacher!"

"Can I apply for a different teaching method?"

When the three heard about the three-on-one competition, they were ready to fight, but their faces changed instantly.


The next day

In the early morning, Wuxin set off back to the Hidden Mist Village with his three subordinates covered in bandages.

Ringo Yuyuri, Hoshigaki Takeya, and Kihara Toda were all bandaged, but they were all energetic, their eyes full of excitement, thinking about the new techniques they had learned.

Five days later, Wuxin and the others returned to the Hidden Mist Village in the morning.

After a week of training and learning ninjutsu, the three disciples were more confident about the Chunin Exam. It seemed as if they would become geniuses of the Hidden Mist Village, graduating from Genin that year and being promoted to Chunin that year.

Wuxin took the three of them to the Mizukage.Building, report the monitoring mission status to the Mizukage, and receive the reward.

After handing over the mission, Wuxin took the three people to the mission hall to visit the master, fill in the Chunin Exam registration form, and as the guiding jonin of the three people, Wuxin acted as the recommender of the three people.

After the Chunin Exam registration ended, Wuxin disbanded the team and returned home.


Arriving at the door of the house, Wuxin exclaimed, walked forward, and took down the envelope tied with thousands of books on the door.

The letter left by Terumi Mei, dated half a month ago, roughly asked Wuxin to go to the Terumi clan to practice with her after the mission was completed, and the father-in-law Terumi Yoshiaki invited Wuxin to be a guest.

After reading the letter, Wuxin folded the letter and put it away, stretched out his finger and pointed at the small hole pierced by thousands of books on the door.

"After all, he is the future fifth generation, how can he not be violent."

Shaking his head, Wuxin returned home. After several months away, there was surprisingly little dust in the house. Only Terumi Mei and Murayama Yuto had the key to Wuxin's house.

Murayama Yuto would definitely not help Wuxin clean up. Looking at the clean floor and thinking of how Terumi Mei cleaned up for him, the unhappiness of having a hole in the door disappeared instantly.

After checking the house and making some simple lunch, Wuxin pushed open the gate and prepared to go out. As soon as he stepped out, Wuxin stopped, looked back at the yard, and said to himself:

"Wangcai is considered wild, and there is no shadow to be seen."

Wuxin gave up the idea of ​​going to Kikuta Tomoko's house to find Wangcai and train the ninja dog, and walked towards the Terumi tribe.

Wuxin hurried all the way and arrived at the Terumi tribe. The Terumi tribe, which was deserted before, was now crowded with people, and young people walked on the street from time to time.

Wuxin went straight to the Terumi clan leader's mansion, and led by the housekeeper, went to the inner courtyard of the clan leader's mansion.

In the corridor, Terumi Mei, who received the notice from the guard, also hurried out to greet him and met Wuxin in the corridor.

"Long time no see, Ming."

Wuxin saw the person in front of him, smiled and greeted softly, and the housekeeper who led the way on the side withdrew tactfully and turned away.

Terumi Mei was wearing a blue long skirt, and her figure became more and more beautiful. When she saw the person in front of her, perhaps because she hadn't seen him for nearly a year, Terumi Mei's original enthusiasm and expectation froze in an instant, and became a little reserved. Her cheeks blushed and she replied softly:

"Long time no see..."

It has been nearly a year since the Terumi clan went to the battlefield of the Fire Country. Terumi Mei has changed a lot. Not only has her figure grown and matured, but she is no longer as timid as before when they met. She has some reserved and indifferent temperament of a woman.

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