The four-member team of Wuxin crossed the sea from the port southwest of the central island of the Water Country, and arrived at the border of the Sea Country two days later.

The Sea Country is a maritime country ruled by the daimyo. There is no ninja village in the country. The daimyo has long rented ninjas from the Water Country to protect the country, which belongs to the sphere of influence of the Water Country.

The four Wuxins walked for half a day according to the map, and finally arrived at the target location, Yuyang Town, near noon.

Yuyang Town, the Sea Country, is a coastal town, and the nearby sea is rich in tuna. There are mountains next to the town. The mountains block the wind and rain, making the sea near Yuyang Town calm, and there are mines in the mountains. Some merchants built arsenals here to make ninja tools and weapons. Because of the excellent quality, many ninjas and samurai will come here to buy weapons. Merchants also often come here to purchase seafood and rest. It is a town formed by the development of commerce.

The town belongs to the feudal territory of the Plateau Clan of the Sea Country. The castle of the Plateau Clan was built in the center of Yuyang Town, and the mission target, the Plateau Arsenal and the Ninja Master Shuihu, are about three kilometers west of the Plateau Castle in the center of the town.

Wuxin followed the senior ninja Yuto Murayama, looking at the bustling Yuyang Town, and was a little surprised. The town has developed commerce. At noon, there are still many vendors on the streets, shouting constantly, and a prosperous scene.

After the four of them walked around the town for a while, they saw a hotel. Yuto Murayama went directly into the hotel, opened two rooms, and arranged for Wuxin and the other two to rest. Yuto Murayama had a room alone, and Wuxin and the other two had a room.

According to the senior ninja Yuto Murayama, everyone had been traveling all the way, resting in the afternoon to recuperate, and making plans at night after resting well.

Wuxin sat cross-legged in the room, closing his eyes to rest, and before he knew it, the night fell, the noisy town fell into silence, and the salty and humid sea breeze blew outside the window.

It was a dark and windy night for murder.

There was a knock on the door, and the three people who were resting with their eyes closed opened their eyes instantly. Shui Lian, who was closest to the door, stood up and opened the door.

Murayama Yuto strode into the room, glanced at the three people with a serious face, and asked:

"Have you rested well?"

"Full of energy."

"Just waiting for your order, Teacher Yuto."

Gui Deng Mai and Shui Lian replied softly, while Wu Xin looked at Murayama Yuto, waiting for instructions.

Murayama Yuto, who was on a mission, was capable and serious, and he didn't smile. He nodded when he heard it, took out a scroll from the tactical pocket of his vest, squatted down and spread it on the floor of the room, and waved to Wu Xin and the other two.

"This is the map of the arsenal. It is surrounded by walls and has only two gates, east and west. There is one person on duty at each gate at night."

Murayama Yuto pointed at the two gates on the map with his finger. Seeing that the three people were listening attentively, he continued:

"The mission target usually lives in a single-family villa in the dormitory complex of the arsenal. Although the target seems isolated, there is a guardhouse in the dormitory building, and there will be two guards on duty at night.

We sneak in from the wall on the left side of the east gate, Wuxin..."


Hearing Wuxin's reply, Wuxin had carefully read the map and memorized it in his mind.

The map was drawn very simply, using squares to represent buildings, and the squares were written with arsenals, dormitory buildings, guardhouses, etc., which was very easy to remember.

"You are good at perception, so you will take the lead in sneaking in. Shuilian, Mai, the two of you will assist Wuxin, and I will hide in the dark to cover you and look for opportunities."

Murayama Yuto directed the action in an orderly manner.


The three responded one after another.

The state of Yuto Murayama during the mission was very different from that of usual. He had no expression on his face from beginning to end. After glancing at the three people, he said coldly:

"Have you memorized the map?"

"I remember it!"

"I've written it down."

After receiving the answer, Yuto Murayama closed the map and put it back into the multifunctional pocket of his vest. His face softened a little and he said softly:

"The Gaoyuan family is the lord of the town and is very rich. This arsenal has cost the Gaoyuan family a lot of effort, so the guards must be strict. It is even possible that there are ninjas guarding it in secret.

So, we must be careful and cautious in this mission and must not be careless!"



The three Wuxin were affected by Yuto Murayama's cold expression and all had stern faces.

"One minute, check the ninja equipment."

Yuto Murayama walked to the window and opened the sliding window.

The three people checked it briefly and walked behind Yuto Murayama one after another.

Swish! Swish!

The breeze rippled in the room, and the four figures disappeared.

There were few pedestrians on the street at midnight, and only some shops were still lit.

Wuxin and his four companions crossed five streets and came to a building complex.

The building complex was surrounded by a wall, which was about three meters high and at least two hundred meters long. There was aThe gate.

In front of the gate, there is a man holding a long sword, who looks like a samurai. The samurai stayed up most of the night, holding the long sword in both hands, and kept slashing at the air, as if practicing swordsmanship.

The four-man team hidden in the dark, Murayama Yuto raised his index and middle fingers together, and moved forward, signaling Wuxin and the other two to sneak in.

Wuxin saw the gesture, closed his eyes, made the seal of the future with both hands, and performed the perception technique. The perception range was fan-shaped, focusing on one direction, and strengthening the perception distance of the target direction.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters.

Wuxin, who did not sense the chakra, opened his eyes, crouched down, and moved forward lightly, and soon approached the wall. Shuilian and Mai Kizuna did the same thing as Wuxin, and followed behind him lightly.

Wuxin looked back at the two people, condensed the chakra on his feet, and jumped lightly, jumped over the wall, and fell into the arsenal yard. Mai Kizuna and Shui Lian behind him also jumped and followed Wuxin's footsteps.

Wuxin followed the route on the map and quietly sneaked to the outside of the dormitory group. There were more than ten houses in the dormitory group. The easternmost one had a two-story single-family villa with a front yard and backyard, which was in sharp contrast to the other five-story dormitories without courtyards.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the dormitory group, a dog barked suddenly, followed by footsteps on the grass.

Wuxin and the other two held their breath, condensed their palms and soles with chakra, climbed up the wall with their hands and feet, and clung to the wall of the dormitory like a gecko, hiding in the darkness with the help of the night environment.

Following the footsteps, a warrior led a large dog and came below Wuxin and the other two. The large dog's nose twitched, as if it was sniffing something, and the warrior's eyes were scanning around.

"Langwan, don't howl in the middle of the night. Everyone is resting. If you disturb the weapon craftsmen and get complained, you will be punished."

The warrior who was leading the large dog complained and pulled the dog away.

On the wall, Wuxin, who was holding a kunai in his right hand, breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the warrior looked up, Wuxin would kill him.

Hearing the warrior's footsteps going away, Wuxin and the other two jumped down from the wall and moved towards the villa.

The three of them quickly reached the villa and easily climbed into the villa yard. The three of them carefully climbed up the wall directly to the second floor and walked lightly to the bedroom door.

Wuxin held his breath and gently pushed open the door.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

As soon as the door was opened, a bell suddenly rang in the room.

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