Although the healing technique is not as effective as the palm magic, it can also help the wound cells divide and heal. When the healing speed reaches a certain time, it can be renamed the palm magic in a sense.

Wuxin's healing technique stopped the bleeding of the wound, leaving scars on the wound. Wuxin stopped the healing technique, took out the bandage, wrapped it around his waist and abdomen, then climbed to the wellhead and stuck his head out to observe.

In just over a minute, the battle in the yard stopped. The three Konoha ninjas in vests were stabbed with at least eight kunai on average. They were covered in blood and leaned against each other to support each other. They looked a little miserable.

Opposite the Konoha ninjas, Murayama Yuto was holding the head of a white-haired old man in his hand, and Mai Kizuna was supporting Shui Lian behind him.

Wuxin was relieved to see the fresh force, and Murayama Yuto, who was a senior ninja, appeared. He jumped out of the well and came behind Murayama Yuto.

The handsome ninja in the middle of the three Konoha ninjas, holding his companion with his left hand, stood on the ground with a long sword in his right hand, looked at Murayama Yuto with caution, and said in a deep voice:

"The target we protected was killed by you, and our declared a failure. There is no point in fighting any further, let's end the battle now?"

Murayama Yuto held the head in his left hand and held a kunai in his right hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking.

For a mission between ninjas, if one side fails in the mission, there is indeed no need to fight any further.

However, it cannot be ruled out that these losers will kill the enemy to atone for their sins, make up for their mistakes, and restore their reputation.

The Konoha ninjas who didn't wait for a reply looked more alert. The black-turbaned ninja on the right said:

"We failed in our mission. There is no need to continue fighting. Moreover, we are willing to offer fifty detonating talismans as a gift to stop the war. We promise not to go back on our word."

The bandaged-faced ninja on the left didn't speak. He stared at the four people on the opposite side, Yuto Murayama. The Konoha ninjas looked alert and a little nervous, waiting for Yuto Murayama's reply.

If they couldn't reach an agreement, it would be a desperate battle.

Yuto Murayama didn't answer. The field fell into silence. The eyes of the three Konoha ninjas on the opposite side also began to show determination.

"Fifty detonating talismans? Sure. Leave here immediately after paying."

Yuto Murayama, who was silent for nearly ten seconds, finally agreed to stop the battle.

The mission has been completed, the opponent has surrendered, and no one on his side has died in the battle. There is really no point in fighting. Even a senior ninja can't guarantee that he won't capsize in the gutter.

The three Konoha ninjas on the opposite side reached into their ninja tool bags and handed the detonating talisman to the bandage-faced ninja on the left. The bandage-faced ninja put the detonating talisman into a pile, walked forward slowly, and placed it in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides, then faced Murayama Yuto and others and slowly retreated.

After the bandage-faced ninja retreated and joined the other two companions, they began to retreat.

"Mai, go check it out."

Murayama Yuto didn't care about the retreat of the Konoha ninjas, and whispered to Mai Kizuna behind him.


Mai Kizuna walked forward, picked up the detonating talisman, checked it one by one, turned around and nodded to Murayama Yuto, indicating that there was no problem.

Wuxin looked at Mai Kizuna's face, remembering the scene when he was cut in the throat by the Konoha ninja, but it was the clear water that splashed, and then his water cannon counterattack, and his own sneak attack.

Of course, the most memorable thing is that the handsome ninja lurking in the enemy attacked, and he was attacked from both sides by the enemy, but Mai Kizuna sat back and watched coldly.

Shui Lian is a civilian genin, which may be considered good among the genin of various countries in the ninja world, but he is not strong enough to deal with Konoha Chunin, so he can only fight. Wuxin can understand this.

Mai Kizuna is stronger than Shui Lian, and Wuxin remembers his indifference deeply in his heart.

"Mai Kizuna..."

Wuxin silently recited Mai Kizuna's name. Although Wuxin hated Mai Kizuna, he did not want to kill or harm him. From this moment on, Mai Kizuna was on Wuxin's murder list.

"Water transformation technique, if there is a chance, I must kill him and explore the secret of water transformation technique..."

Wuxin's mind surged, looking at Mai Kizuna who handed the detonating talisman to Murayama Yuto, with a weird look in his eyes.

After checking the detonating talisman, Yuto Murayama seemed to be in a good mood and whispered:

"Thanks to you for leading these three people away, I can easily kill the target of the mission. The first step is successfully completed.

Now, start the second step, destroy this arsenal.

In the utility room on the first floor of the arsenal, the client has placed kerosene there. We just need to pour the kerosene all over the arsenal and then set it on fire.

These detonating talismans, each of you take five to destroy them."

While talking, Yuto Murayama, while taking out the scroll, he sealed the head of the target ninja Shuihu into the scroll.

Then he gave five Exploding Talismans, the ransom paid by the Konoha ninjas, to each person, just like giving out money.

Exploding Talismans, which explode like small fire escape ninjutsu, are very practical ninja tools, and are expensive. They are sold at 3,500 taels each in the Hidden Mist Village.

However, I heard that the market price in the Land of Fire is 2,000 taels each. Because of the difference in ninjutsu between the two countries, there are few ninjas in the Land of Water who are good at fire escape, while there are many ninjas in the Land of Fire who are good at fire escape. Exploding Talismans can only be made by ninjas who are very good at fire escape, so the price difference between the two places is large.

The reward for a B-level mission is only 80,000 to 200,000 taels. If you divide it up, everyone will get about 50,000 taels each. If a battle consumes too many Exploding Talismans, it will not be worth it for the mission.


After receiving the supplies distributed by Yuto Murayama, the three answered respectfully.

"Follow me!"

After Murayama Yuto distributed the detonating talisman, he jumped and rushed to the workshop of the arsenal, followed by Wuxin and the other two.

Wuxin and the others entered the factory, found the kerosene barrel from the utility room, and began to pour kerosene in the arsenal with the barrel.

The arsenal was a large factory building, divided into many workshops. Wuxin poured the oil until he reached the door of the general manager's office.

"General Manager's Office?"

Wuxin saw the big characters on the doorplate, and the general manager seemed to be the office of the ninja master who was the target of the mission.

Wuxin kicked the door open, carried the barrel, and poured the oil in the office.

"Outline of Ninja Tool Forging in the Artisan Village?"

Wuxin poured the oil until he reached the desk, looked at the desk for a few times, and when he wanted to pour the oil on the desk, he saw the name of the scroll on the desk.

Wuxin put down the barrel, picked up the scroll, walked to the window, and checked it with the help of the moonlight.

Wu Xin became more and more interested as he read. After about ten minutes, Wu Xin realized that he was still on a mission. So he began to scan the scroll at a glance, and after reading it, he closed the scroll and put it in his arms. Then he walked to the desk, looked at the papers and documents on the desk one by one, and put away the ones he thought were useful.

After searching for things he thought were useful, Wu Xin knocked over the kerosene, opened the window, squatted on the window, lit the lighter, threw it inside, and jumped away.

The arsenal was burning with a raging fire. Along with the fire that illuminated the night, it was the guards and staff in the arsenal who came with buckets.

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