The morning sun shines on the Hidden Mist Village

In the residential area south of the Hidden Mist Village, Wuxin wiped off the sweat from morning exercise and sat on a chair in the living room of his home, holding a thick banknote in his hand, carefully counting the amount.

Wuxin returned to the village in the evening yesterday. After a night's rest, he couldn't wait to make a fan that could control the wind escape early in the morning.

The process of making a wind escape fan includes melting chakra metal and engraving inscriptions. The rumored chakra metal is very expensive. Wuxin doesn't know the specific price and counts his property.

The banknotes left by his parents are close to 4 million taels. The Yuanshi personally issued Wuxin a pension of 5 million taels. The remuneration for Wuxin's two recent missions totaled 80,000 taels. Most of the B-level missions accepted by Yuto Murayama are full of 200,000 taels of bounty, and Wuxin can only get 40,000.

"Nine million taels, even if chakra metal is expensive, it's not so expensive that you can't afford it."

After counting the banknotes, Wuxin stood up and put the banknotes back into the safe. Then he changed into his regular clothes, walked out of the house, and went to the ninja tool shop in the village.

After going out, Wuxin quickly shuttled through several streets and came to the door of a shop called Takeuchi Weapon Shop with ease.

Takeuchi Weapon Shop, one of the ninja tool shops located at the southern end of the village, is not far from Wuxin's home. It is a ninja tool shop that Wuxin often visits.

Wuxin stood in front of the store and looked up at the name of the store. For some reason, since graduating from that Genin massacre, Wuxin felt a little strange about everything he was familiar with.

"Hey, Wuxin, what are you in a daze about? What do you want to buy this time?"

The counter of Takeuchi Weapon Shop blocked the entire door. The owner, Takeuchi Taro, sat in the middle of the counter and greeted Wuxin who was a little dazed.

"Ah, Uncle Taro."

Wuxin heard the shop owner's voice, put his thoughts back, and strode to the counter.

On the walls of the store, there were ninja swords, long swords, hammers, axes, nunchakus, kunai, shuriken, sealing scrolls, detonating talismans and other products, all of which were dazzling.

Especially the ninja swords were the most numerous, long and short, in various shapes and sizes, shining with cold light, and they were extremely sharp at a glance.

Wuxin stood outside the counter and took a look at the ninja tools in the store. As usual, there was nothing new. Then he turned his eyes to the boss Takeuchi Taro who was sitting in the middle of the counter and said softly:

"Uncle Taro, um, I want to buy some chakra metal, do you have it here?"

"Huh? Chakra metal, yes, of course.

My Takeuchi Taro Weapon Shop is famous for its comprehensive products, how could it be that it is not available, just wait."

Boss Takeuchi Taro stood up from his seat while speaking, walked to the wall, took a dagger from the many ninja swords hanging on the wall, and returned to the counter seat.

"Look, Wuxin, this is the chakra weapon."

Taro Takeuchi pulled out the dagger and held it with one hand. As he spoke, the dagger emitted a blue chakra light.

"It's so easy to materialize chakra?"

Wuxin looked at the blue light on the chakra dagger and was a little surprised. Chakra emerged into shape, which was not an easy thing to do.

"How is it? This is the chakra weapon. My products here are comprehensive, hahahaha."

Taro Takeuchi transferred chakra to the dagger for about ten seconds, and fatigue appeared on his face. He stopped the chakra transmission, and the dagger returned to normal, a dark and thick dagger.

Taro Takeuchi put the dagger on the counter, with a warm smile on his face and then said:

"Wuxin, you are an old customer here.

This sword is very expensive. However, I heard that you have graduated from Genin, and this sword should be your first chakra weapon.

Uncle, I will sell it half and give it away, four million taels."

After Wuxin saw the chakra weapon, he kept smiling on his face until he heard Taro Takeuchi's offer of four million taels, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

Merchants pursue profits. For such expensive goods, the weapon store will probably not have too many backlogs and for too long.

Wuxin thought for a moment, but was not happy about Takeuchi Taro's half-sale and half-giveaway. He said softly with some embarrassment:

"Uncle Taro, what I want is chakra iron, the raw material, not this kind of shaped weapon."

Wuxin emphasized his request again, chakra metal, not chakra weapon.

Taro Takeuchi's smile froze, and he put the dagger back into the scabbard.

"Chakra iron? You mean the metal material that can transmit chakra, right? There are some."

Taro Takeuchi put the chakra dagger under the cabinet, then took out a black metal block the size of a brick from under the cabinet and put it on the table.

"Is this chakra metal?"

Seeing this, Wuxin picked up the iron block and condensed chakra in his hand.Pull, chakra was easily transmitted to the iron block, making the iron block light up with chakra blue light.

The blue light of the iron block surprised Wuxin a little. It seemed that what he held in his hand was not iron, but his own chakra arm. The high price was indeed justified.

"It is indeed a material that conducts chakra! Not bad."

Wuxin confirmed the characteristics of the material's chakra transmission again and again, and the more he played with it, the more satisfied he was.

"This chakra metal is expensive, of course it is good. Just this piece costs three million taels, can it be bad?"

Taro Takeuchi spoke softly. The target audience of his weapon store is the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village. These cold ninjas who lick blood on the blade are very strict in their demand for weapons.

But even so, there are still very few people who will buy such expensive weapons.

This kind of sophisticated ninja sword, even if it is forged with chakra metal, is still just a weapon after all. Weapons will wear out. The more intense the battle, the faster they will wear out and the shorter their service life will be. Therefore, few ninjas will use weapons made of such expensive chakra metal. Most of them buy kunai and detonating talismans.

A weapon costs three hundred taels, which is one ten-thousandth less than chakra weapons. Cheap and durable weapons are the mainstream, and expensive ones are not suitable for ninjas.

"Three million taels?"

Wuxin held the chakra iron and murmured as if to confirm. He was thinking in his mind how to draw on the banana fan blades after these iron blocks were melted.

The weight of this piece of chakra iron is enough. As for how to control the temperature so that the chakra metal will not burn the fan blades, Wuxin has also mastered the key technology through the mind-reading technique.

"Chakra metal is expensive, Wuxin, this is already the lowest price. Raw materials, if not used properly, are easy to waste. I suggest you use that dagger, which is made by experienced old craftsmen and is very sophisticated."

Taro Takeuchi suggested softly. Chakra metal and weapons are expensive. He has been holding them for a while and is anxious to sell them for cash to avoid backlogging his own financial resources and affecting purchases.

Wuxin heard the words and nodded slightly and said:

"No, I want to forge it myself, Uncle Taro, if you can provide a forging place to help me melt this piece of chakra iron, then I want to give it a try."

Wuxin said as he put the chakra iron in his hand back on the counter table.

"A forging place? There is one in my yard, but are you sure you want to forge it yourself?

You have to think clearly. If the forging fails, you will lose everything. Three million taels, for you..."

Takeuchi Taro knows Wuxin very well. He is a prodigy of the Hidden Mist Village, a talented person, and the only survivor of the Genin graduation tragedy. Although he was born in a ninja family, three million taels is probably not a small amount for Wuxin.

Wuxin's eyes lit up when he heard that his boss Taro Takeuchi had a forging room at home.

"Uncle Taro, if you have a forging room at home, then this is it. Three million taels, I'll go back and get the money!"

Wuxin turned around and ran home.

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