Early morning


On the rooftop of the Chunin Examination Building, hundreds of teenage ninjas wearing Kirigakure forehead protectors gathered in small groups of twos and threes, whispering and waiting for something.

The Chunin Examination Building has five floors in total. On the edge of the rooftop, Wuxin, Shuilian, and Mai Kizuna stood facing each other in a triangle.

Wuxin roughly observed the nearby Genin, and there was no one familiar. Wuxin was looking forward to the so-called Chunin Exam, but this exam gathering place made Wuxin a little confused. He whispered to the two teammates beside him:

"Hey, Shuilian, Mai, did you take the Chunin Exam here before? The classroom below is a bit like a ninja school. The so-called Chunin Exam, wouldn't it be a written exam for liberal arts?"

Since Shuilian came to the examination room, she has been a little solemn and seemed a little nervous. Hearing Wuxin's words, she nodded and replied:

"Last year's first Chunin Exam was indeed a written exam, but it is said that the exam subjects change every year, and no one can predict it."

"Last year's first exam was a written exam, but don't worry, Shuilian's theoretical results are very good. If it is a liberal arts exam, with Shuilian here, we can easily pass it."

Hokkizuki Mai's face was calm, and she was very calm about the upcoming exam.


Wuxin heard the two people's answers and felt a little relieved about his worries about the liberal arts exam.


As soon as Mai Kizuna finished speaking, a thick cloud of smoke suddenly appeared on the rooftop of the examination room, and as the smoke drifted away. At the front stone steps of the rooftop, more than a dozen neatly dressed Mist Ninjas appeared.

The leader wore a ninja vest, and the others wore a somewhat peculiar green uniform.


The leading vest ninja roared loudly, and with the roar, a gust of wind blew on the rooftop, causing more than a hundred Genin to stop whispering and look at the leader.

"I am the first examiner of the Chunin Exam, Katsuda Takatake!"

After the leading vest ninja reported his identity and name, he fell silent, and his ferocious eyes full of red threads scanned the field, as if looking for prey.

The Genin on the field were like lambs being stared at by tigers, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"63 teams? 189 Genin? So many people are taking the exam this time?"

After a long time, Katsuta Takatake finally spoke again, but his words made the Genin in the field feel a little uneasy.

Wuxin and the other two were at the edge of the team, looking up at the examiner on the stone steps. When they heard about the number of people taking the exam, Wuxin's heart moved and he wrote down the number, 63 teams, 189 people.

"Rookies, it's not that easy to become a Chunin captain.

The first exam I preside over will eliminate half of the people."

Examiner Katsuta Takatake spoke in a deep tone, and his words surprised many Genin below.

Katsuta Takatake showed a Kirigakure-style smile on his face, his eyes were cold, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he continued with a grin:

"I decided to make this exam simpler. The question is running. Just follow my footsteps and reach the finish line.

There are 189 people. The first 94 who reach the finish line pass the exam, and the last 95 are eliminated. I will wait for the people behind for an hour at the finish line.

The rules are simple. You are not allowed to attack others during the process. Do you understand?"

Examiner Katsuta Takatake roared at the end, which was very deterrent. None of the Genin answered.

"Running? 189 people, the first 94 pass? No rules such as no team passes together?"

Wuxin heard the rules and his heart moved.

Wuxin, who lives in Kirigakure, often thinks of the many deeds of the Hokage Konoha Village, such as team first and teammates first.

After living in Kirigakure for so many years, he has never heard of anything like emphasizing teamwork and caring about teammates. Kirigakure ninjas only have missions.

After being taught by the jonin Murayama Yuto, Wuxin originally thought that only the career of a genin was like this. Unexpectedly, even the Chunin exam was like this, and you only needed to pass it by yourself, without any team.

The field was extremely quiet, and no one raised any doubts or questions for a long time.

"Since there is no objection, then, the exam begins!"

Katsuta Takatake saw that no one answered, and rudely announced the start, then turned to the right, jumped twice, jumped off the rooftop and landed, and started running.


More than a dozen other uniformed staff behind the examiner turned into smoke and disappeared.

Wuxin and the other two saw the examiner Katsuta Takatake's actions, and immediately jumped down from the rooftop, chakra absorbed their feet, and followed Katsuta Takatake's steps after landing.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, many genin took action and followed behind Katsuta Takatake.

Hundreds of people ran in the village, the scene was spectacular.

"The streets in the village are separated by cordons on both sides. It seems that this test subject is not as impromptu as the examiner said..."

Wuxin was on the street, glancing at the cordon beside the street, and realized that this so-called running test was not as casual as the examiner said.

The examiner Katsuda Takatake in front of him was running at a moderate speed, very evenly.

More than a hundred Genin candidates followed him, and there was no pressure.

After running in the village for about half an hour, Wuxin followed the examiner Katsuda Takatake to the gate of the Hidden Mist Village. Katsuda Takatake led a large group of Genin and rushed out of the gate of the Hidden Mist Village and left the village.

Wuxin and others followed without hesitation and shuttled through the plains of the Land of Water.

Wuxin and the other two were in the middle of the team of more than a hundred Genin. Half an hour of non-stop running was not much pressure for ninjas who could use chakra.

After leaving the village, they ran for about another half an hour.

A ninja can walk about 30 kilometers in an hour, and many Genin are already panting.

"It's been an hour, 30 kilometers, where is the end?"

Wuxin had sweat stains on his forehead, and he was confused. He glanced at Shui Lian and Mai Kizuna, one of whom was red and the other was white, and they were panting a little. Mai Kizuna's face was a little pale.

The examiner Katsuda Takatake's speed did not change from beginning to end, and he was still moving at a constant speed, neither fast nor slow.

An hour of non-stop running is not an easy thing for a ninja. Wuxin realized that the exam is not that simple.

After a long time, about half an hour later, starting from the Hidden Mist Village, the running time has been about one hour and thirty minutes, and the running distance has exceeded 40 kilometers. Along the way, we have encountered various environments such as plains, forests, rivers, and tunnels. Every time it feels like the end, it turns out not to be.

In this situation where the end is not visible, the elite Hidden Mist Genin began to gradually lose their strength, and many of them have fallen behind and stopped.

“Drink, drink, I, uh…I, I, I can’t take it anymore, I, I need to take a rest! You guys run first!”

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