
"Huh! Really?"

Before Zabuza Momochi could slash the throat of the hostage Wuxin, a kunai pierced his abdomen from behind. At the same time, Wuxin's teasing question rang out from behind.

Zabuza looked dazed, and water gushed out of the wound. His whole body turned blue-green and became a pool of clear water, which scattered on the ground.

The two Wuxins were expressionless, and their figures gradually disappeared in the thick fog.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Go to hell!"

With a sonic boom, the two Wuxins dodged the attack on their throats in an emergency, causing the skin on their cheeks to be slashed by the kunai.

Puff! Puff!

As the price of being injured, the two Wuxins also injured the assassin.

In the field, three figures turned into water and dissipated, and another one shed scarlet blood beads.

"I didn't expect Zabuza to have mastered the instant body technique...

No wonder you came to me so quickly."

Wuxin stroked the scratched cheek with his left hand, feeling the hot blood, his expression was a little solemn.

"Hehehe, I didn't just come here quickly...

Wuxin, I want to congratulate you, you are already the last survivor of this year.

You should thank me, because I specially saved the best food for the last.

Now, as long as I kill you, I will be the only student who passed the exam this year, hehehe..."

In the thick fog, Zabuza's voice and his ugly laughter like a night owl came from all directions.

Wuxin frowned slightly when he heard Zabuza's words, and he didn't believe that he didn't seem to have been here for a long time. Wuxin forgot that after killing Mitsui Takumi, he was immersed in grief and recalled his parents and past events, and didn't notice the passage of time.


Wuxin's expression was stern, and he twisted his body to the right, while his right kunai suddenly slashed to the right and back.

There was only the strong wind caused by Wuxin's action in the field, and there was no sound of weapons cutting through human bodies.

Wuxin's face was pale, knowing how dangerous it was just now, and his face was no longer calm as before, and he shouted in fear:

"No! This is not an ordinary instant body technique!

Mist... Could it be that you have mastered the mist instant body!?"

After Wuxin finished speaking, his expression regained some calmness, and a thoughtful light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly:

"Yes, you knew that the mist hiding technique didn't work, but you still consumed chakra to perform the mist hiding technique! It was actually to perform the mist instant body!"

Instant body technique, conventional physical technique instant body is a D-level ninjutsu, which can be mastered and used by Genin level. Although the difficulty of learning and mastering instant body technique is not high, the application of instant body technique is very different.

Ordinary ninja instant body technique is basically to move quickly, so that people can't keep up with the speed of the caster. To put instant body technique into practice and generate combat effectiveness, it is definitely not something that a Genin can do, or even an ordinary ninja can do.

The Mist Instant Body is a ninjutsu that uses fog to move at high speed. Compared with ordinary instant body techniques, it is a ninjutsu that even a Jonin may not be able to master!

There are tens of thousands of ninjas in the Hidden Mist Village, and there are only more than a hundred Jonin. Among these more than a hundred people, only a small number of people can master the Mist Instant Body technique, which shows how difficult the Mist Instant Body technique is.

Corresponding to the difficulty of mastering it, the combat effectiveness of the Mist Instant Body technique is also! Speed, to some extent, can determine victory or defeat!

While Wuxin was afraid of Zabuza's Mist Instant Body technique, Zabuza also frowned tightly.

After Zabuza finished his exam, he used the Flickering Technique and the Mist Flickering Technique to kill all the students in this class, leaving only Wuxin in front of him.

And Wuxin was the first person to dodge his Mist Flickering Technique.

This is definitely not something that students of the Ninja School can do. To some extent, even the teachers of the Ninja School would find it difficult to survive his assassination.

"You have a good eye... You actually recognized me.

However, I'm curious, how did you predict my movements?"

Zabuza couldn't help it after all, and asked the question.


Wuxin took a deep breath, made a seal with his left hand and stood upright in front of his chest, and raised his right hand high. Knowing that Zabuza was proficient in the Mist Flickering Technique, Wuxin still increased the mist.

"Zabuza, no matter how fast you are, it's useless in front of me."

Wuxin was tense and alert, but his tone was calm and gentle, without the previous panic, as if he was not the one who lost his composure before.

The fog was surging in the field


The highly alert Wuxin snorted coldly, turned to the left, twisted his waist and swung his arms, and shot the kunai backwards. At the same time, he took out the kunai from the ninja bag with both hands and threw two in succession.

After throwing the kunai, Wuxin stretched his hands forward and held a kunai tightly., rushing forward quickly.

Wuxin didn't run a few steps before he stepped on something, staggered, and almost fell, revealing a huge flaw. It was just Wuxin's attack just now that drove Zabuza away, and Zabuza didn't catch this opportunity.

Wuxin looked down at his feet, and saw a corpse with brown hair and a pale face. It was Mitsui Takumi who was killed by him. At this moment, Mitsui Takumi's lifeless eyes seemed to be staring at Wuxin.

"Don't look at me, don't look at me!"

When Wuxin saw his friend who was killed by him, fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he shouted a little neurotically.

In the mist, about seven or eight meters in front of Wuxin, Zabuza's blurry figure slowly emerged. Zabuza, covered in blood, looked at Wuxin with complicated eyes and said:

"I thought you had no psychological burden in killing your friends, but I didn't expect that you would be so unbearable..."

Wuxin regained his sanity instantly after hearing Zabuza's words. He held his right hand upside down and shouted:

"What do you mean by unbearable! We are human beings, not beasts!

Takumi, what did Takumi do wrong? He has to die meaninglessly like this!

And, he was killed by his best friend himself!

I, I killed my...friend!"

"Really...? It seems that you also think that such an exam subject is problematic...

Perhaps, we are the same kind of people..."

Momochi Zabuza's voice was low and desolate, without the previous violent and distorted feeling. After a slight pause, Zabuza continued:

"Such an exam is wrong, There is no point in killing each other among classmates...

Wuxin, I have killed all the classmates of this class, 116 people, only you and I are left.

If I am the only graduate of this class, do you think that the adults in the village will reflect on the meaning of this kind of exam? "

"Reflect? Ha! Reflect, then what?

Will those adults change?"

Zabuza fell into silence after hearing Wuxin's question. After a while, Zabuza sneered:

"Haha, you are right. I don't know whether those adults will change, and I can't influence their decision.

But as you said, people are not animals, who can be heartless?

My deskmate, Huizi... What did Huizi do wrong? To die so meaninglessly?

Killed by... by the deskmate who I took care of and loved so much... myself!"

Zabuza said at the end, mist appeared in his eyes, and a few drops of water fell from the corners of his eyes.

"I cut her throat with my own hands, and her blood splashed on my face... wuwuwu..."

Zabuza's nose twitched, and he actually cried!

At the same time, Zabuza's eyes became increasingly violent, and he roared:

"I want to let the adults in the village understand that killing each other will leave only one of more than a hundred candidates alive!

Whether they change or not, the hundreds of ninja students trained by the ninja school will only have one left in an hour!

If this happens a few more times, the Hidden Mist Village will have no future!

The future and change must be chosen! The reason is that only one survived this exam!"

The young Zabuza turned into a roar at the end, his face gradually became ferocious, violent, and hysterical.

At the same time, Zabuza waved his hands, and several shurikens and kunai shot towards Wuxin!

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