Wuxin and Kaguya Takema had a brief exchange and quickly formulated a tactic. Then the two returned to the caravan calmly and directed the caravan to continue moving forward.

Kaguya Takema was next to the carriage in the middle of the caravan, and made a few hand gestures with the three Genin to communicate in secret. The three Genin looked stern, nodded, and replied with secret hand gestures.


Wuxin coughed, glanced at the three Genin, made a hand gesture, and walked to the front of the caravan. The three Genin followed calmly.

Wuxin and Kaguya Takema did not tell the caravan manager and others about the ambush, so as not to cause panic among the caravan members and cause chaos.

Of course, the most important thing is to confuse the enemy so that the enemy does not know that Wuxin and others have noticed the ambush.

Kaguya Takema and Wuxin's tactics are very simple. Wuxin led three Genin to fight four against four, and he dealt with the four-man surprise attack team on the right alone.

Wuxin did not refute Kaguya Takema's mysterious confidence.

The drivers and stewards of the team wiped their sweat and drove the pack horses, not realizing the danger was approaching.

In the border area of ​​the Wind Country, on the edge of the desert, there are many strange stone forests, and there are some small sand piles around the stone forests due to the yellow sand blown by the sandstorm.

The caravan moved forward slowly. Wuxin turned his head and gave a look to the three people behind him. At the same time, he put his right hand behind his waist and gestured.

The gestures were ten, two, four, and eight, representing four directions, and then gestured to indicate the distance.

The ninja who walked out of the blood mist was fearless in the face of danger. Facing the battle, he did not show any timidity, nor did he show any abnormality. He waited for Wuxin's instructions step by step.

Wuxin, who was walking at the front of the team, put his hand behind his waist to gesture into the ninja bag and slowly took out a kunai. The chakra on his body suddenly fluctuated, and Wuxin rushed quickly to the sand pile at two o'clock on the right, with a swift and fierce speed.

Following Wuxin's action, the other three rushed to the other three directions without hesitation.


Wuxin's instant body technique was extremely fast, and he suddenly stabbed at a small sand pile one meter high. The small sand pile suddenly burst, and a figure wearing yellow clothes exactly the same color as the sand jumped out of the sand pile, avoiding Wuxin's stab.

Wuxin's sudden attack cut the waist and abdomen of the yellow cloth man, and blood spurted out. Wuxin was merciless and rushed forward again, piercing the heart of the yellow cloth man directly with a kunai.

The man in yellow cloth looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, his eyes were filled with fear and the desire to survive, but his heart was pierced, and he lost his strength and fell to the ground.

Wuxin dealt with one enemy and looked at the other three people behind him.

I saw one of my subordinates being blown into the air by the strong wind spewed by a tall yellow cloth man. The tall yellow cloth man had a very experienced attack rhythm. After knocking the Kirigakure Genin away, he swung his arms rapidly, and a large number of kunai flew towards the Kirigakure Genin along the strong wind.

Seeing this, Wuxin did not hesitate, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, took out an object about the size of two knuckles from his tongue with his right hand, opened his five fingers on his right hand, and a green fan suddenly appeared in Wuxin's palm from small to large.

The fan's blades were in the shape of a gourd, and with the handle, it was longer than Wuxin's entire body. Wuxin held the handle of the fan with both hands and fanned it hard towards the Genin subordinate who was facing a life-and-death crisis.

"Wind Style: Whirlwind!"


The Kirigakure Genin, who was facing a desperate situation, had his eyes wide open in the air, and kept blocking the kunai in his hand. However, even if he tried his best to resist the endless ninja tools, he was still hit in many places all over his body, and he groaned from time to time.

When the Kirigakure Genin felt that he was about to die, a big whirlwind suddenly appeared, and all the kunai changed their trajectories and were blown away. The Kirigakure Genin was also blown around in the air like a leaf by the strong wind.

Wuxin's instantaneous wind escape ninjutsu big whirlwind saved his Kirigakure Genin. The tall yellow-clothed ninja was blown away by Wuxin's wind escape. After spinning in the air, he escaped from the whirlwind in the direction of the whirlwind. Although he landed in a bit of a mess, it can be seen that he is a good wind escape player.

After saving his companion, Wuxin looked around. Except for the tall yellow-clothed ninja who looked to be in his twenties, the other yellow-clothed people looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. They should be a team of all Chunin.

Although the other two Genin on his side were a bit embarrassed in the battle, they were not defeated quickly. It would not be a big problem to fight for a while.

Wuxin held the fan in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, if he couldn't win against the odds, Wuxin would choose to use these people as bait, abandon them, and escape alone. Wuxin didn't tell Kaguya Takema about this secret tactic.

Now, the enemyOne person was killed instantly by him, and the rest of the enemies looked ordinary. With four of them against three, Wuxin thought he had a good chance of annihilating the enemy once the injured Mist Hidden Ninja who was hiding was bandaged.

While Wuxin was looking around and analyzing the battle situation, the yellow-clothed man who was blown to the ground by Wuxin quickly formed seals with his hands. After a few seals, the ninjutsu quickly took shape, and he shouted:

"Wind Style: Big Breakthrough!"

A gust of wind mixed with a lot of yellow sand, like a shock wave, quickly bombarded Wuxin.

"Ha! Trivial tricks!"

Facing the yellow sand shock wave, Wuxin sneered, holding the fan in both hands, and fanning from right to left. After the fan reached the left side, it gently returned to the right side and fanned again.

"Wind Style: Wind Reversal!"

"Wind Style: Wind Slash!"

"Wind Style: Whirlwind!"

Wuxin flapped his fan repeatedly. Wind Reversal is a ninjutsu that bounces back the enemy's Wind Style Ninjutsu. Wuxin input his chakra into the fan, and with a gust of wind, the yellow sand that was carried by the enemy's Wind Style Ninjutsu was rolled back.

"What!? How is this possible!"

The yellow-clothed man was shocked. He never expected that his Wind Style attack would return the same way.

"Uh wow!"

The yellow-clothed man dodged and could not jump out of the range of the ninjutsu. He was hit by his own ninjutsu shock wave, just like being hit by a truck. He screamed and was blown into the air.

The strong wind gradually became stronger, and the yellow sand gradually became violent. The yellow-clothed ninja who was blown away was like a leaf in the wind, fluttering in the wind.

Before he could adjust his body shape, the wind blade created by the wind-slashing technique hidden in the gust of wind cut him into several pieces, and the limbs flew everywhere, making the wind smell fishy and turning into a fishy wind.

After the wind blade killed the yellow-clothed ninja and dismembered him, the wind expanded again, enveloping the previous gust of wind and turning into a powerful tornado.

Due to the power of the wind escape ninjutsu, several ninjas who were fighting fiercely broke away from the battle and grabbed the sandy ground stones nearby to avoid being blown away by the whirlwind.

The fierce tornado lasted for more than ten seconds before it began to slowly weaken and gradually dissipate.

After the tornado became smaller, the other two yellow-clothed men took advantage of the remaining power of the wind and used the direction of the wind to increase their speed, and fled away in a few flashes.

"Captain!" X2

After the enemy escaped, the two Genin did not chase him, but quickly gathered around Wuxin.


The severely injured Genin, who had been hiding for a while, was wrapped in bandages and came over a little late.

Two of them were in good condition, and one was in a sluggish state. Wuxin glanced at the three of them, closed his eyes, and performed a perception technique to explore the specific location of Kaguya Takema.

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