On the training ground, the serious-looking teacher Samejima Ryoma held a pocket watch in his hand, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he murmured:

"It's been fifty-seven minutes, and no student has come to report..."

This situation is something Samejima Ryoma has never encountered in his many years of teaching, and he felt a little uneasy.

"There are four areas, ABCD. Each of you will check one area to check the students' exam results!"

"Yes!" X4

Swish! Swish!

The four Chunin teachers beside Samejima Ryoma heard the words, responded, and disappeared on the spot.

"Mushin at the A17 training ground, Zabuza at the B6 training ground, with their strength, it shouldn't take so long to deal with the opponent..."

Samejima Ryoma felt even more uneasy, and he made a seal with his hands, and disappeared on the spot, leaving only the breeze blowing the leaves.


A17 Training Ground

Wuxin's left hand maintained the seal of the unknown standing upright on his chest, and his right hand went deep into the water prison technique, continuously transporting chakra to maintain a round water ball with a diameter of about two meters.

Wuxin, who had performed multiple ninjutsu, had beads of sweat on his forehead, and his usually calm and indifferent face also had a grin, which showed that his physical strength and chakra had reached the limit.

"Nine minutes and thirty seconds, Zabuza-san, congratulations, you have broken through the limit...

Hehehe, come on Zabuza, hold on for another thirty seconds and you will survive."

Wuxin's forehead was dripping with sweat, but he still had the leisure to praise Zabuza Momochi, but his laughter was gloomy and hoarse, and he looked neurotic.

In the water prison, Zabuza Momochi, who was only nine years old, had a flushed face, rolled his eyes, covered his throat with both hands, and spit bubbles in the water ball. Especially his legs, after a while of kicking, he seemed to have no strength and was as tight as a wooden stake.

Zabuza Momochi's consciousness was already blurred. He could not hear Wuxin's voice in the water ball, nor could he see Wuxin's lip movements, and he did not receive Wuxin's encouragement.



The sound of the kunai. Wuxin heard the sound and judged that the kunai was not shot at him. The kunai was stuck next to the water ball, and a yellow talisman paper was tied to it.

"Detonating Talisman?"

Wuxin recognized what the talisman paper was, and turned his cheek to look in the direction where the kunai was shot.

"Stop it, Wuxin!"

In the mist, Samejima Ryoma's tall figure emerged, and as the centipede-shaped scar on Samejima's face jumped, his cold words came.

Wuxin carefully looked at Samejima Ryoma, and then glanced at the kunai with the detonating talisman next to the water ball.


In view of Samejima Ryoma's reluctance, Wuxin did not resist, sneered, and pulled his right hand out of the water ball. With Wuxin's action, the shape of the water prison technique instantly disintegrated, and the water ball turned into clear water and fell to the ground.

Zabuza fell to the ground with the water flow, motionless.


Samejima Ryoma instantly stepped forward, squatted in front of Zabuza, stretched out his hand to feel Zabuza's breath, his face instantly became serious, and put his hands on Zabuza Momochi's chest and began emergency rescue.

Samejima Ryoma did not ask Wuxin why Zabuza appeared here, nor did he ask why the two of them fought. His first reaction was to save the student Momochi Zabuza.

Wuxin watched Samejima Ryoma perform CPR and artificial respiration on Zabuza, feeling a little hot, and turned his cheek to look elsewhere.

"Cough! Cough! Puff!"

After about two minutes, Momochi Zabuza coughed and spit out water.

Wuxin heard the noise and turned around to see Zabuza resurrected and survived. He couldn't help but sneer:

"He's not dead yet, he's really lucky, huh!"


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a teacher appeared out of thin air. The instructor looked around and saw Samejima Ryoma here, and said in a trembling voice:

"Ryoma! The students, all the students, are dead!"

When the instructor approached, he saw Wuxin and the depressed Momochi Zabuza on the side, and read out their names.

"Wusin, Zabuza..."

Samejima Ryoma did not answer the teacher's words. He turned his head with a serious expression and looked at Wuxin, then looked at Momochi Zabuza lying on the ground, and said indifferently:

"Wusin, Zabuza, what's going on?"

Wuxin raised his shoulder.

"Teacher Ryouma, you should ask Momochi Zabuza.

Why he is here is the key point, isn't it?"

Swish! Swish!

While the few people were talking, the other three teachers also found this place. The first sentence they said was exactly the same as the previous teacher, that the students were all dead.

Samejima Ryouma came directly to the A17 training ground and did not pay much attention to the students in other training grounds. At this moment, Samejima Ryouma understood the big picture of the matter and guessed something. He looked down at Momochi Zabuza and asked seriously:"Zabuza, what's going on?"

Zabuza, who was lying on the ground, sat up slowly, took a long breath, and then twisted his neck.

"Nothing, I just killed them all."

Zabuza said in a nonchalant tone.

"What!?" X4

The four instructors were shocked when they heard Zabuza's words. One of the instructors had a shocked expression mixed with suspicion and disbelief on his face, and shouted:

"Zabuza! Are you saying that you killed all the students in this class?

Are you sure it was you? Killed them all...?"

"No, there is one left."

Zabuza raised his chin towards Wuxin, looking nonchalant.

Samejima Ryoma's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water was about to drip out. He said in a deep voice:

"Zabuza, how did you do it? In one hour, how did you manage to... kill more than a hundred people?"

Samejima Ryoma's question was also what the other four teachers wanted to know. To be fair, even if they did it themselves, they might not be able to kill more than a hundred ninja students in one hour.

And Zabuza, no matter how good he was, could not go beyond common sense.

"How did you do it? Of course I used a kunai.

I cut their throats one by one.

Just like cutting Keiko's throat, hehehe..."

Keiko, Yamashita Keiko, Zabuza Momochi's deskmate, Zabuza was a bit withdrawn, and usually only interacted with Yamashita Keiko.

But although Zabuza was talented, he could be said to be no less than their teachers in the three-body technique, the mist-hiding technique, and the kunai throwing technique.

But even so, this kind of thing is too unbelievable.

"It's the Instant Body Technique, Zabuza's Instant Body Technique is very proficient.

If I'm not mistaken, Zabuza used the Instant Body Technique with the help of fog, moving at high speed and killing at high speed.

If it's the Fog Instant Body Technique, then it's possible."

Wushin, who was standing aside, explained the reason why Zabuza could accomplish such a feat.


"Fog Instant Body Technique?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It's rare for a Genin to master the Instant Body Technique, how could he master the Fog Instant Body Technique?"

The four Chunin teachers couldn't believe what Wuxin said.

Samejima Ryoma looked at Momochi Zabuza with a blank expression on his face. The centipede scar on his face was throbbing, as if he was going to attack in the next moment.

"Is that so? Zabuza?"

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