After the secret mission, Wuxin spent a week peacefully in the Land of Rivers. When Commander Yuto Murayama could no longer bear it and wanted to lead his team to search for Maruoka Tsunekazu's team heading to the Land of Fire, Maruoka Tsunekazu finally returned late, and the team was the same as before the departure, without any damage.

In the hotel, in Yuto Murayama's room, Wuxin, Maruoka Tsunekazu and others sat down, and in front of him, Yuto Murayama was sitting cross-legged with a scroll in his hand.

After Maruoka Tsunekazu finished reporting his observations, Murayama Yuto nodded slightly and said in a deep voice:

"Tsunekazu, it's not as simple as you said.

On the surface, there are only some frictions and tensions on the border between Fenghuo and Fenghuo, and it seems that they are far from fighting.

However, our Water Country often had frictions with other countries during the reign of the Second Mizukage.

The First Ninja World War broke out suddenly because of frequent conflicts, border frictions, and accumulated hatred.

My father died in the First Ninja World War because of this..."


Maruoka Tsunekazu responded respectfully. His mission report was mixed with analysis, and he believed that the two countries would not break out in a war. This idea was not recognized by the experienced Murayama Yuto.

"However, the investigation to this point is enough. The rest, Lord Mizukage will make his own judgment.

Everyone pack your bags. In two hours, we will set off to return to the village!"

"Yes!" X9

The ninjas such as Wuxin and the business travel executives below responded respectfully and stood up and dispersed.

The business attendants downstairs of the hotel packed their luggage and pulled the carriages and packhorses. After everything was ready, under the command of Yuto Murayama, the team left the capital of the River Country in an orderly manner and headed towards the port city in the south of the River Country.

During the journey, Shui Lian and Yamagami Caizhi returned to Wuxin, and the three of them were at the end of the team, serving as the team's rear guard.

Shuilian, who returned to Wuxin's team, frequently looked at the captain Wuxin beside him. Wuxin had been holding a scroll in his hand since he left the capital and stepped onto the forest road. He had never raised his head for most of the day. Shuilian couldn't help but say: "Wuxin, captain, the mission is over, it's time to relax. Teacher Yongren taught that a ninja who doesn't know how to rest is not a good ninja. The way you keep reading makes me ashamed..." "The captain is a genius in the village and learns ninjutsu quickly. Unlike us, it is very difficult to learn ninjutsu." Wuxin didn't answer. Yamagami Caizhi smiled and replied to Shuilian. Wuxin didn't ask pets and studied ninjutsu. The scroll in his hand was compiled by Wuxin himself. It was about the water transformation technique of the Ghost Lantern clan. Although Wuxin had a good memory, his memory was not as good as a bad pen. The memory of the secret technique of the Ghost Lantern Mai that he explored before was written on the scroll. "Ah, there are no geniuses in the world, they just work harder than others."

Wuxin seemed to suddenly remember, and replied to the two perfunctorily, and continued to study the secret technique of the ghost lantern.

Regarding the practice of ninjutsu, Wuxin was a little careless. In the ninja team, he studied the secret ninjutsu of the ninja clan in the village, and he was not afraid of being discovered by others.

However, no one would be ignorant and peek at the content of Wuxin's scroll. Stealing other people's ninjutsu is a taboo.

Wuxin's so-called hard work caused Shuilian's mood to fluctuate. He knew Wuxin's attainments in water escape ninjutsu. They had experienced many missions together. Wuxin had performed many types of water escape, including powerful water escape ninjutsu.

Shuilian knew that he was not a genius. He always regarded Wuxin's strength as a genius. In the past, he didn't pay much attention to Wuxin's study of scrolls. This time, he felt that he seemed to understand why Wuxin was so strong and had so many ninjutsu reserves.

"Put in more effort than others? Just enough effort, right?"

Sui Lian murmured, and took out a ninjutsu scroll from her bag and began to study it.

"Effort... I don't know about other things, but at least in terms of learning ninjutsu, effort still has some effect.

It's just that the strength of a ninja is not the more ninjutsu he masters, the stronger it is. Many special jonins often have outstanding individual abilities."

Wuxin glanced at Shui Lian, spoke slowly, and after a slight pause, he continued:

"Also, Shui Lian, please be on guard with Cai Zhi, we are the guards of the team..."

After Wu Xin finished speaking, his eyes turned back to the scroll in his hand. .

Normally, there would be no danger on this route on the return journey.

Wu Xin was the team's small leader, with two strong men under him. In this relatively safe environment, it would be best for his men to be on guard, and it was impossible for him to do everything himself.

"It's okay, the environment is relatively safe, I'll be on guard."

Yamagami Cai Zhi smiled slightly.

Shui Lian was about to put away the scroll helplessly. After hearing what Yamagami Caizhi said, she smiled and said:"Ayori, you are so kind."

The team, including Wuxin, was a little relaxed. Seeing this, Wuxin didn't say much and studied the water transformation secret technique.

It took a week from the Wind Country to return to the capital of the River Country, plus the time to wait for Maruoka Tsunekazu's team, almost half a month. During this period, Wuxin has been studying ninjutsu. Wuxin has initially mastered the ninjutsu given by the Third Mizukage.

The water transformation secret technique is deeply understood, but it cannot reach the level of the Kizuki clan. According to Wuxin's understanding, the Kizuki clan's secret technique has the ability to quickly heal itself. The Haoshui wrist technique can increase the strength of its own limbs and can also transform into a large water monster.

The premise of all this is that the body can adapt to the water transformation secret technique, so that when attacked, the body will liquefy as an instinctive reaction. Moreover, Kizuki Mai's ninjutsu practice has not reached that level.

Wuxin's research during this time has made him realize that it is not so easy for him to master the water transformation secret technique. However, after a long period of research, some results have been achieved. Although the body cannot react to hydration, it can control hydration by itself.

In a short period of time, it can turn itself into a jelly-like mucus similar to water, avoiding physical attacks and reducing water-based ninjutsu attacks.

This level of hydration has reached Wuxin's requirements. Confuse the enemy and make the enemy mistakenly believe that Wuxin's body is a water clone. After liquefying on the ground, take advantage of the enemy's inattention and re-condense into a human form to launch a counterattack.

It requires precise judgment to use it. Compared with the systematic practice of the Ghost Lantern Clan, Wuxin has only mastered some of the basics, but for Wuxin, it is barely enough.

The team set out from the country of rivers and arrived at the port city called Nangang in the south of the country of rivers in the evening after a week. After a night of rest, the team boarded a sailboat the next morning to start the sea voyage.

After sailing for more than 20 days, Wuxin and his team finally set foot on the territory of the country of water.

Arriving at the central island of the Land of Water, Wuxin, who was heading towards the village, didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the air in the Land of Water seemed to be sweeter, without the previous oppression, and without the previous faint smell of blood.

The change of the Water Shadow seemed to dispel the blood mist of the Land of Water and wiped away the haze in the hearts of the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village.

The moody and unpredictable Hidden Mist Ninja Murayama Yuto, Wuxin and others all felt relieved.

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