At Takeuchi Weapon Shop, the owner, Takeuchi Taro, sat on a chair at the counter, fanning himself with a small fan, glancing at the street outside the shop from time to time, looking for customers.

"Hey, this kid, why does he look a bit like..."

Taro Takeuchi exclaimed, stood up from his chair, leaned over the counter, and looked at Wuxin carefully.

"Uncle Taro."

Wuxin greeted softly and walked into the shop.

"Wuxin...? You, you are finally back!"

Taro Takeuchi was surprised at first when he heard the familiar voice, then he was delighted, and immediately stood up and walked towards Wuxin.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, you have really grown a lot taller, I didn't recognize you at first glance."

Taro Takeuchi walked to Wuxin with a smile, and compared his palm to Wuxin's head.

"This mission is more troublesome and takes a little longer. Have I grown taller?"

Wuxin looked at Takeuchi Taro, and always felt that his smile was a little...conspiratorial? After briefly explaining the mission, Wuxin reached out and touched the top of his head, measuring his height.

Wuxin was over ten years old, and it was the time for him to grow up. He only felt the increase of chakra. Takeuchi Taro, who had not seen him for a few months, noticed that Wuxin had grown taller.

"Well, he has grown a lot taller. If he was taller, he would have a manly temperament.

But let's get back to the point...

Wuxin, the orders for banana leaf fans and jade bottles have been backlogged. I controlled the sales volume of the goods. Only five banana leaf fans and jade bottles were sold.

You have to work hard to make these treasures."

After a few pleasantries, Takeuchi Taro immediately talked about business. There was still a sample in the fan shop, which could be played with by customers. There was only one jade bottle at present, which was in Wuxin's possession.

"Understood! I just came back from the mission. I will rest for two days and start working in two days!"

Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was a big deal, but it felt like this. At the same time, I felt that people really need some skills. Even though I took such a long leave, my boss Taro Takeuchi didn't have any temper at all.

Taro Takeuchi didn't have any temper at all. At this moment, he almost begged Wuxin to make the treasure quickly and deliver it to the customer.

Wuxin said that he would start work in two days. Takeuchi Taro agreed without hesitation and said:

"There are samples of banana leaf fans in the store, but you don't know that. If I hadn't controlled the order volume, I'm afraid hundreds of people would have ordered this fan.

Even this sample in the store, people offered ten times the price to buy it, but I resisted and didn't sell it!

We can't make too many of such treasures. The best way is to make a profit. We must not sell at a low profit but at a high volume.

Um, Wuxin, you just came back. Have a good rest and start work after you have rested.

I will prepare all the materials in two days."

Taro Takeuchi rubbed his hands while talking. He said that he wanted Wuxin to have a good rest, but he remembered clearly that Wuxin said that he would start work in two days and set the date.

"Don't worry, Uncle Taro! I won't let you break your promise."

Wuxin was infected by his smile and answered Takeuchi Taro with a smile.

Wuxin's banana leaf fan has room for improvement. The fan blades can be woven to increase toughness and reach the point where it can reach the level of a weapon.

The only one that Wuxin really spent time forging was the one he held. The other fans were basically just engraved with a wind escape whirlwind, or a reduced version of the power.

For those who buy the banana leaf fan, the fan can help him a little, but it cannot have a decisive impact. Unlike the one in Wuxin's hand, it consumes a little chakra and can instantly release powerful wind escape ninjutsu, especially against ninjas who are good at wind escape ninjutsu, which has a miraculous effect.

Wuxin's words calmed Takeuchi Taro's restless heart. Takeuchi Taro smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, then I'm relieved. Wuxin, your mission took so long, you must be very tired, right? Go back and rest, and come back to work in the store after you have rested."

During the five months when Wuxin disappeared, Takeuchi Taro suspected that Wuxin died in the mission, but he couldn't get any news. Takeuchi Taro, who accepted the customer's order, was very worried recently. Wuxin's appearance made his worries disappear.

"That, no hurry...

Uncle Taro, during the time I was away from the village, did anything big happen in the village?"

Wuxin changed the subject and asked about the time he was away from the village. During this period, the village was in turmoil with the tailed beasts, and Takeuchi Taro was alive and well, so he should definitely know.

"You left the village nearly half a year ago, right? Five months? No wonder..."

Taro Takeuchi did not answer immediately, but recalled and estimated the time when Wuxin left the village. After thinking for a while, he continued:

"That was in mid-January.Well, late at night, two monsters suddenly appeared in the village.

The two monsters were very huge, one looked like a turtle, but had three tails. The other looked like a slug, but it seemed to have six tails on its body, and it was very large! "

Takeuchi Taro said, and he opened his hands and gestured, as if to show Wuxin how big the monster was.

"I can see the appearance of the monsters at home. Fortunately, I am far away, otherwise my house would be destroyed. In short, it's terrible!"

Takeuchi Taro gestured a few times, and finally made a summary, and at the same time he looked a little scared.

Wuxin thought to himself: "It turns out that the three-tailed and six-tailed monsters are rioting...

As for the village's weapon tailed beasts, I do not have the authority to know these secrets at the moment, as Yagura said. There is no need to know these things. The more you know about this kind of thing, the more trouble you will have..."

Wuxin understood what the Fourth Generation Yagura said before. If he knew this kind of confidential matter, he might have to do some tasks to protect the Jinchūriki. It would be more troublesome than not knowing.

Wuxin thought for a while and asked:

"The Third Generation Mizukage, is that why..."

"Well, the Third Generation Mizukage led the sealing team to seal the monster in order to protect the village. Because there were two monsters, the Mizukage was distracted and finally sealed the monster at the cost of his life."

Taro Takeuchi showed a look of nostalgia and admiration. After speaking, he waved to Wuxin and motioned Wuxin to come closer.

Wuxin was a little confused and leaned closer.

"Let me tell you, many people in the village said that the monster was released on purpose. Otherwise, two people wouldn't appear at the same time. Many people suspect..."

Taro Takeuchi felt like he was whispering something. He spoke close to Wuxin's ear. He raised his head and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, he lowered his head and whispered:

"Many people suspect that Lord Yagura of Goji was the mastermind...

However, there are also rumors that the Third Mizukage designated Lord Yagura as the fourth generation before his death. I think this rumor is not credible. After all, when the Third Mizukage died, there were only a few people around him.

And because of the sealing of the monster, the guards around the Third Mizukage were killed or injured, leaving only Lord Yagura. So, this kind of thing is complicated if it is not handled well!"

"It's just a rumor! The innocent will be innocent!"

Wuxin listened and listened, and at the end, he refuted Yagura.

At the same time, doubts flashed in his mind. Takeuchi Taro's gossip was well-founded and did not seem to be made out of nothing.

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