
On a certain mountain peak, Wuxin stood in front of a cliff, flipping through the map in his hand with the help of moonlight, and looked down from time to time, looking at a somewhat blurred fortress in the mountains below, thinking:

"That should be Shangxue Village."

The Snow Clan is a ninja clan entrenched in the cold zone in the northeast of the Snow Country. The clan built Shangxue Village in the White Mountain. Shangxue Village is in a dangerous terrain, and there is only a narrow plank road to enter the village, which is very dangerous for ordinary people.

There are several villages at the foot of the White Mountain, the most famous of which is Fubuki Town. The Snow Clan has an office in Fubuki Town to accept mission commissions, and most of the ordinary people of the Snow Clan live in Fubuki Town.

And Shangxue Village is the gathering point of the Snow Clan ninjas and the place where ninjas are trained. It is similar to the existence of the Hidden Mist Village, but the scale of ninjas is not as large as that of the Hidden Mist Village.

Wuxin has been observing for a few days in the secret place of the plank road. A large number of ninjas went down the mountain in the village today and did not return at night. It is likely that they set out to ambush the leader of the Snow Clan, Xue Junjie.

Wuxin knew that now was the best time to sneak in. Wuxin, who had made up his mind, no longer hesitated. Chakra condensed his feet and walked directly down the cliff, walked on the cliff, and headed towards the village.

After climbing mountains and crossing ridges, he arrived near the gate of the village. The fence of the village wall was about two hundred meters from east to west. On the gate of the village, there were several ninja-like people patrolling back and forth.

Wuxin followed the map and came to the westernmost corner of the village. He lurked in the dark. When he saw the patrolman walked to the corner and turned away, Wuxin jumped out from the dark, stood in front of the corner of the fence, and made a seal with his hands.

After about ten seals, Wuxin pressed his right hand on the fence wall. A strange water wave appeared on the fence wall, and then it turned into a transparent barrier. The transparent barrier was about two meters long and wide, in a circular shape, and there was a circular gap of about one meter in the middle.

Wuxin's operation did not make any sound, and the barrier affected was only a few meters nearby. Several patrols turned their backs to the guards here and did not notice it at all.

"It's different with an insider, otherwise it would not be so easy to sneak in."

Wuxin sighed secretly, and jumped lightly, jumping into it from the gap. The originally blurred village became clear in an instant. Wuxin jumped a few times, left the wall fence, and sneaked into the village.

There are many houses in the village, the roads are neatly built, and there are street lights on the roadside. Looking inside the houses from the windows, most of them are dark and quiet.

"After sneaking in from the corner of the door, go straight along the road for 400 meters. The luxurious single-family villa with a courtyard is the residence of the target Xuefengmaru..."

Wuxin went through the intelligence information in his mind, and quietly moved forward along the road. After a while, he touched the courtyard of a luxurious villa.

Wuxin stood outside the courtyard, put his hands together to form the seal of the unknown, closed his eyes, and performed the perception technique.

"There is only one person in the house, and he is lying down.

He has weak chakra in his body. When he is asleep, his body should not be able to refine chakra for storage..."

Wuxin sensed the person in the house and understood that this person was the target of the mission, but he was a little confused about the chakra in this person's body.

However, the biggest sigh was that this trip went smoothly. As expected by Xue Junjie, the patriarch of the Xue clan, all the people were sent to ambush him, leaving only the target.

Although there were people in the nearby houses, most of the houses had one or two people lying down, obviously sleeping, like a couple in a family. As for why there was no family of three, perhaps they had sent people to carry out the mission.

After all, the Snow Clan's chief and the great elder had already set up their positions and were fighting each other.

"Is he asleep or not?"

Wu Xin, standing in the darkness outside the yard, was a little confused. Within the range of the perception technique, most of the other people were just outlines, and no chakra could be detected. They were obviously in a state of relaxation and sleep. Only the target of the mission, Xuefengmaru, had weak chakra in his body.

Maybe he was still awake. It would be better to assassinate him when the other party was completely unprepared. Wu Xin hesitated for a moment.

Wu Xin waited patiently for about ten minutes, and used the perception technique again to detect. As before, there was obvious chakra in the target's body, although it was very weak.

Wu Xin waited again, and after about ten minutes, he used the perception technique again. As before, Wu Xin found something wrong this time.

"The chakra is weak and stable. Yukikazemaru's chakra must not be so weak...

Falling asleep, but still keeping alert?"

Wuxin used the perception technique to check Yukikazemaru three times in half an hour. His chakra was in the same state. Wuxin made a judgment and jumped lightly into the yard.

Wuxin approached the house lightly, and his chakra absorbed the wall and went up to the second floor, quietly touching the outside of the mission target's room.

WuxinXin gently turned the doorknob, making a faint sound, but fortunately the target was not awakened. He gently pushed the door open, and after his body could enter the room, Wuxin flashed into the house.

The room was dark, and the moonlight shone into the room a little when the door was opened. Wuxin could see the bed and the man covered with a thin blanket on the bed.

Wuxin, who had successfully sneaked in, gently touched the edge of the bed, slowly took out the kunai from the ninja tool bag, and stared at the mission target Xuefengmaru on the bed.

Xuefengmaru had black hair, which was coiled on his head with a hairpin. He had a handsome face, his eyes were closed, and his skin was a little abnormal, even crystal clear.

Even if Xuefengmaru fell asleep, Wuxin could feel his majesty and get a glimpse of his face when he was giving orders on weekdays.

Wuxin raised the kunai, held the handle with both hands, adjusted his breathing, aimed at the target's throat below, and stabbed it hard.

At the same time, the target of the mission, Yukikazemaru, who had his eyes closed tightly, seemed to sense the danger and opened his eyes instantly.


Wuxin's kunai pierced Yukikazemaru's throat firmly, but it was like piercing steel. After a crisp sound of metal clashing, Wuxin's kunai was bounced off.


Wuxin glanced at Yukikazemaru's throat and saw a white spot. Wuxin was stunned and reacted quickly. He quickly stabbed Yukikazemaru's eyes with the kunai.


The target of the mission, Yukikazemaru, also reacted very quickly. He raised his arm to block the stab of the kunai. The kunai still left a white spot on Yukikazemaru's arm.

Seeing this, Wuxin jumped to the door without saying a word and threw two shurikens with grass rings at Yukikazemaru. Without even looking at the result, he slammed the door and ran away.

Wuxin ran out of the door, clasped his hands together, and shouted softly:



In the room, there was a low sound of air leakage, and at the same time a purple mist filled the whole room.

"Since you are here, why are you leaving?"

With a teasing whisper, Xuefengmaru jumped out of the room, his skin was crystal clear and became even whiter. Then the snow-white skin fell to the ground and gradually melted.

Xuefengmaru's skin returned to the white range of normal people, not as crystal clear as before.

Wuxin heard the sound and looked back. He happened to see this scene and understood the reason why the other party was invulnerable.

It turned out that the weak chakra he sensed before was the defensive ninjutsu that the other party maintained even when sleeping.

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