"You are very good, but you are not my opponent.

Next, I will take it seriously..."

Xuefengmaru shook his head, ignoring Wuxin's words of solicitation, his chakra surged, and his hands formed seals.

It was just that Wuxin was faster. After failing to persuade him to make peace, he quickly closed his hands, and the water waves that were originally slowly rotating at Wuxin's feet increased rapidly, restoring the scale of the previous water array wall.

"Water escape: water tornado!"

Wuxin shouted out the ninjutsu loudly, and along with Wuxin's voice, the speed of the water flow increased rapidly, and the amount of water also increased visibly.

The water tornado has some similarities with the water array wall. Both control the rotation of the water flow. When Wuxin was practicing these two ninjutsu, he summed up the common points of the two ninjutsu.

As for the use of the water tornado, Wuxin thought that it would be more effective if used after the water array wall.

The fact was just as Wuxin judged. The water tornado took shape very quickly, and the water flow around Wuxin rotated at a high speed, getting higher and higher, bigger and faster.

The height of the rotating water flow gradually exceeded the magic mirror ice crystal, and the range of the water flow rotation also approached the magic mirrors around.

"How can this be so fast? Impossible!?"

When Xuefengmaru saw this scene, his mouth, which had always been indifferent, opened slightly and his eyes widened. He was really stunned. Xuefengmaru reacted quickly, jumped back, jumped onto the magic mirror, and merged into the magic mirror.

Wuxin controlled the ninjutsu water tornado, and the rotating water flow swallowed all the magic mirrors.

The magic mirror ice crystal, which was originally standing still, swayed in the rotating water flow.

Wuxin's ninjutsu control has reached the critical point, and his clasped hands separated and slowly pushed forward.

Wuxin's hands pushed forward very slowly, as if he was struggling.


Accompanied by Wuxin's violent shout, the swaying magic mirrors all loosened and were swallowed by the water flow, helplessly drifting in the whirlpool water flow.

Wuxin pushed his hands forward, and the rotating water flow at the top suddenly bent down and smashed down. The water flow around Wuxin also quickly merged and rushed forward fiercely.

This is Wuxin's current water escape trick, A-level water escape ninjutsu, upper and lower attack.


Xuefengmaru hid in the magic mirror ice crystal. The magic mirror ice crystal can not only help his instant body technique, but also serve as a means of defense.

However, the magic mirror was engulfed by the fierce river water. The magic mirror that was rotated to the top was smashed down by the water flow. Many magic mirrors were smashed into pieces with a bang.

Some of the magic mirrors hidden by Xuefengmaru were involuntarily in the water waves, allowing the water flow to hit them, and followed the water flow to rush back to the ice dam he had made before.


Another fierce sound of waves hitting the shore, and all the ice crystals made by the magic mirror ice crystal turned into pieces.

"Drink, drink, drink..."

Wuxin's legs softened, and he lay on the watery ground, gasping for breath.

Two consecutive high-level ninjutsu had drained the chakra restored by the Bōryōmaru, and Wuxin's chakra was once again on the verge of exhaustion.

Bōryōmaru, with regular dosage, once a week will not be too much of a burden on the body. If you take drugs without restraint, it will affect the development and potential of the body.

Wuxin's water tornado was originally impacting the river upstream. As Wuxin's chakra faded, the water waves impacting the upstream stopped impacting and began to flow back, rushing downstream along the river.

Wuxin took a few breaths and recovered some of his physical strength. Seeing the water waves flowing back to him, Wuxin stood up and jumped a few times. Regardless of whether he had killed Yukikazemaru, he turned around and prepared to retreat. Next, he would leave it to the lurking group.

"Hmm, it's snowing?"

Wu Xin had just taken two steps when a few snowflakes floated past him. At the same time, he felt a slight coolness on his head and couldn't help looking up at the sky.

In the sky, snowflakes were everywhere. Wu Xin felt something was wrong and lowered his head to continue running. As a result, snowflakes were flying around him.

The snowflakes were very large. From the scattered snowflakes when Wu Xin first noticed them, to the heavy snow now, it only took him a while to raise his head and lower his head.

"You can't escape."

On the ice dam, Yukikazemaru's figure slowly emerged from the ice wall. After his upper body emerged, he supported himself on the ice wall with one hand. With a little effort, he jumped out of the ice wall and landed on the water.

"You made it? What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Wu Xin couldn't believe it. The range of the snowflakes was too large, as if it was a natural disaster. At a glance, the range within his sight seemed to have reached the season of snow dancing in the cold winter.

Xuefengmaru said nothing, and only made a seal with his hands together.

Wuxin was familiar with this seal, a strange seal, with both hands together, the index fingers of both hands together, but the middle fingers of both hands went around the index fingers and wrapped around the index fingers, which should be their ice escape ninjutsu.The seal of the end.

This ninjutsu seemed to have a lot of effects on Yukikazemaru. On Yukikazemaru's expressionless face, his face and eyebrows trembled.

"It's going to be bad!"

Wuxin could guess from the look that this guy was definitely launching a big move. Wuxin's chakra fluctuated, and he turned his back to Yukikazemaru and rushed forward, trying to get away from Yukikazemaru.

The snow in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature was getting lower and lower. The weather at the end of September was actually a little hot, but this place turned into a world of ice and snow.

The flood that was originally rushing back was frozen at a very fast speed. Although the water on the ground was covered with a layer of ice, Wuxin could still feel the water flow under the ice surface. At this moment, it was all frozen.

"Ice escape secret: ice and snow realm method!"

Accompanied by Yukikazemaru's roar, an ice pillar as thick as a tree suddenly condensed in front of Wuxin.

Wuxin reacted quickly and dodged with a right jump, and as a result, an ice pillar also appeared on the right.

Wuxin had no choice but to turn back to the previous direction again, and lightly jumped, preparing to jump onto the side of the icicle and use the force to retreat.

As a result, when he was about to land on the icicle, the icicle split and grew a sharp icicle, like a tree sprouting branches.

"What is this?"

Wuxin was cautious and slapped the icicle with one hand, and flew into the air to avoid the icicle's stab.

Wuxin in the air could see the situation below clearly.

Countless icicles rose from the ground, densely packed, and countless icicles also grew in the direction Wuxin wanted to retreat.

The icicle branched out and grew many thick icicles, and the icicles branched out again, growing countless slender ice blades and ice needles.


Wuxin fell from the air, dodged the icicle's stab, and understood the environment he was in.

The world has become a world of ice, with ice and snow stretching for countless miles. Icicles branch out and grow countless ice cones, and ice cones branch out and grow countless ice blades.

If they are allowed to grow like this, there will probably be no place for people to stand.

Wuxin held a kunai and chopped the ice cones and ice blades. The ice cones were extremely strong, and the kunai could only leave a white mark.

"Why don't you take action!?"

Wuxin already understood his situation. No one came to rescue him. He was afraid that he would die here today, so he shouted for help.

Before, Wuxin sensed that there were seven people with strange swords lurking nearby. Although they were in a lurking state, they were implicated by Wuxin and fell into this ice escape mystery.

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