Wuxin no longer cared about the mission at this moment. He was more concerned about Yukikazemaru than the mission itself. Hearing this, he asked with some confusion:

"Huh? What do you mean? Is Yukikazemaru dead or alive?"

"Dead, or maybe not."

Kouju Yagura touched his chin and spoke slowly. His delicate face looked a little funny, with a big contrast.


Wuxin was speechless, with confusion in his eyes.

If dead, then dead. If not dead, then not dead. Kuju Yagura's words made Wuxin a little confused.

"Yukikazemaru, unable to defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, desperately used the Ice Release Bloodline Limit Ninjutsu to freeze himself.

The last Ice Release has become natural, not completely chakra condensed, so even the great sword Samehada of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon cannot break the ice pillar.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen guarded for several hours, and no one could hold their breath for so long.

The final judgment of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is that Yukikazemaru is dead, pending."

Kuga Yagura saw that Wuxin was very interested in the mission target Yukikazemaru, and Wuxin was also one of the mission executors, so he told Wuxin the result without keeping him in suspense.

"Frozen himself? Dead... pending?"

Wuxin murmured and repeated it, recalling the scene of his fight with Yukikazemaru. This hero who wanted to lead the Snow Clan and replace the Hidden Mist Village ended up with regret.

Thinking of Yukikazemaru's several attempts to recruit people, he was really eager to recruit talents. If he looked at the scale and power of Yukikazemaru's final ninjutsu, if Yukikazemaru had used it earlier, he might not have been able to hold on for that long.

"Well, death, pending.

But death is death, pending is just undetermined.

I asked Yuki Shunsuke, the Snow Clan does not have such ninjutsu. According to Yuki Shunsuke's judgment, Yukikazemaru probably committed suicide to avoid humiliation and retain his dignity."

Karotachi Yagura had a warm smile on his face while speaking. He seemed to be very relaxed about Yukikazemaru's death. After a slight pause, he continued:

"This time, you made me shine in front of Yuki Shunsuke.

However, this is for our Kirigakure For a genius who is rarely seen in decades, it is not enough, far from enough.

You need to improve your strength as soon as possible. If there is any ninjutsu you want to learn or any technique you are interested in, please tell me at any time.

I still have many tasks, and I need you to share my worries. "

Wuxin nodded. The words of the Mizukage contained a lot of information. Wuxin put the matter of Xuefengmaru's mission behind him and said:

"Mizukage, I want to go to the Kirigakure Hospital for further study and practice systematic medical ninjutsu."

Medical ninjutsu is a ninjutsu that Wuxin has wanted to study for a long time.

Not to mention reaching the top level, at least the palm fairy technique should be proficient in use. I have mastered the pre-training ninjutsu healing technique of the palm fairy technique, and the medical ninjutsu is not up to par.

I have this talent, and I should use it.

In the world of ninjas, there are many kinds of despicable means, all kinds of poisons, all kinds of burns, internal injuries, knife wounds, and medical ninjutsu can handle almost all of them.

As a ninjutsu learner, Wuxin first learned life-saving ninjutsu. He always had a clear goal for his pursuit of ninjutsu.

In the final analysis, it is to be invincible, to be able to heal injuries quickly, and to run fast. Based on these basics, he can then practice various fighting techniques or powerful ninjutsu.

"Practicing in Kirigakure Hospital? You are good at ninjutsu and illusion, but you change to medical ninjutsu and sit in the rear?"

Kurotachi Yagura was a little surprised, and the indifferent smile on his face slowly disappeared, turning serious.

A well-known genius ninja, going to the ninja hospital to practice, does not conform to the ninja training practice of Kirigakure Village.

Although he said that he could ask for any request and learn any ninjutsu, Wuxin's request to join the medical ninja sequence was a little difficult for Yagura to accept.

Medical ninjas are valuable talents of the village. When performing tasks, this type of ninja is a protected unit, which does not meet his expectations for Wuxin's training.

"Hey, Mizukage-sama, you just told me to ask for anything, you won't change your mind so soon?"

Wuxin hurriedly reminded Yagura, but seeing Yagura's delicate and expressionless face, Wuxin instantly guessed what Yagura was thinking.

Medical ninjas are not in the ninja combat sequence. As a ninja with a reputation as a genius, it is definitely not in line with the spirit of the Hidden Mist Village to just do nothing.

Although the brutal policy of the Blood Mist has been reformed, the martial and bloodthirsty style is not so easy to change overnight.

Wuxin looked at Yagura's serious face and said in a deep voice:

"Mizukage-sama, I am not going to quit the combat ninja sequence, I just want toI just need to learn medical ninjutsu.

The longer you stay on the battlefield after mastering medical ninjutsu, the better you can serve the mission and make more contributions.

I will always fight on the front line and respond to your call for mission. This does not conflict with practicing medical ninjutsu.

After all, I am one of the only two graduating Genin among the nine-year-old graduates, and I was promoted to Chunin in the same year. I am known as a genius throughout the village.

Even if you let me stay in the rear, I am afraid I can't stand the villagers' gossip. "

Wuxin said at the end, revealing a sunny smile. He explained his position thoroughly, and he had no intention of hiding in the ninja hospital.

However, Wuxin also knew that medical ninjas who were good at advanced medical ninjutsu were valuable talents in the village.

Whether the senior officials were willing to let the valuable medical ninjas go on high-risk missions was not Wuxin's concern.

Kutagi Yagura reached out and touched his chin. His delicate face had deep eyes, as if he was thinking.

After a while, the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura slowly said:

"Okay! Since you have this intention, I shouldn't stop you.

However, you must keep in mind our ideals. The construction of the village requires my efforts, and at the same time, it also requires your dedication.

The situation of the village is not very safe. I have been the Mizukage for more than half a year, and now I understand the suffering of the village and the hardships of the Mizukage.

Recently, the ships of the Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning in the north have often crossed the border and done whatever they want in our territory, creating friction and provoking at will.

The strength of the Cloud Village is very strong, united, and united. To some extent, it is even no less than that of the Leaf Village. "

Yakura said, while rubbing his temple with his hand. After a slight pause, he continued:

"In China, the situation of the Snow Clan has temporarily calmed down.

But there is still the Kaguya Clan, which gives me a headache. "

Kurotachi Yakura's words seemed to be complaining, and his tone was very helpless.

Wuxin stood honestly, and did not dare to respond to the complaints of the Mizukage.

After Yakura talked about the domestic and international situation, he changed the subject and said in a deep voice:

"I allow your request.

I will arrange the best medical ninja in the village to be your mentor and teach you medical ninjutsu.

However, you must remember that the current situation of the village is very difficult.

While practicing medical ninjutsu, you must not slack off in combat ninjutsu.

I hope you can learn this technique while practicing medical ninjutsu. ”

Kuga Yagura spoke seriously, and after finishing speaking, he took out a scroll from the drawer.

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