
Wangcai, who was jumping on the branches of the forest, turned his head and woofed, indicating that Wuxin was close.

"Well, I found it."

Wuxin understood and responded softly.

In the range of the perception technique, on a stone pier in front of the forest, Guan Gu Zhengyu was sitting on the stone.

"Hey, you can't run anymore."

Wuxin, who detected Guan Gu Zhengyu, understood that Guan Gu Zhengyu was in a very bad state at the moment.

He was hit by four wounds from the kunai, bleeding, and was poisoned by Wuxin's three ultimate toxins. After being poisoned, he fled without sparing chakra.

It must be said that his escape strategy was very successful. He could have escaped Wuxin's pursuit, but he died of poison in an unknown place.

Unfortunately, Wuxin was not a fool. Although he was tempted by the shadow clone and chased the wrong person, he reacted very quickly, and with the help of the tracking ninja dog, he followed the smell to track the real body.


On the stone pier at the edge of the forest, Guan Gu Zhengyu's face was distorted. He endured the pain and pulled out the kunai on his body, then bandaged the wound with a bandage.

During the previous escape, Guan Gu Zhengyu bandaged his wounds while running. Now that he was safe, he bandaged the wounds again carefully, trying not to let the wounds affect his subsequent actions.

"The pursuit ninja of the Hidden Mist Village, it seems that my identity has been exposed, and I can't stay in the Land of Water anymore."

After Guan Gu Zhengyu bandaged several wounds on his upper body, he took out a jar from the ninja bag behind his waist, took out a small black pill from the jar, and swallowed it.

"Although I lost a lot of blood, I can make up for it quickly with the effect of the blood-replenishing pill.

Fortunately, I got rid of that troublesome kid."

Guan Gu Zhengyu thought about the next strategy, scratching his neck from time to time, and then scratching his arms.

"Why is it so itchy? There are mosquitoes in this season...

Hmm!? No!"

Sekiya Masahiro scratched his head and thought about the way out, and suddenly his expression was stern.

He thought it was because of the weather and mosquitoes when he was itching on the road. Now that he had traveled so far, the itching symptoms became more and more serious. Sekiya Masahiro realized that things were not that simple.

"Damn, is the kunai poisoned?"

Sekiya Masahiro took out a small paper bag from his ninja tool bag, took out a pill from the paper bag, and swallowed it.

Detoxification pills can relieve the toxicity of the poison. For simple and weak toxicity, they can even be directly removed. They are essential ninja tool medicines during ninja missions.

After repairing, Sekiya Masahiro picked up the kunai that he had pulled out and thrown on the ground, and looked carefully at the kunai blade. The black kunai had extremely fine granular stripes on the blade and tip. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all.

"At this age, and so tricky, it seems that this person is the prodigy of the Hidden Mist Village, the genius ninja Wuxin."

Sekiya Masahiro's mentality has changed from not caring at first, to realizing that Wuxin is not a rookie and taking him seriously, and now it has changed to a strong fear.

"This kid is not easy to deal with, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time..."

Sekiya Masahiro did not dare to rest for too long. He used the kunai in his hand to dig a small hole in the ground, buried the four kunai pulled off his body and the simple bandages he had made on the road before, and covered it with soil to cover his traces.

Boom! Boom! Rumble!

At the edge of the forest, a violent explosion sounded suddenly. Hearing the sound, Sekiya Masahiro looked up at the forest not far away. A series of explosions caused a huge fireball.

"Chasing? Damn it!"

The trap set by Sekiya Masahiro was triggered. He realized that the enemy had chased nearby. He did not dare to gamble whether the trap would kill the enemy. He turned around and retreated directly.

Located at the edge of the forest, the terrain is flat. Although there are some strange rocks standing there, it does not affect the vision. Guan Gu Zhengyu is very fast and rushed out more than a hundred meters.

Guan Gu Zhengyu ran fast, always feeling that something was wrong, as if something was passing by him. Guan Gu Zhengyu looked around, everything was normal on both sides, and there was nothing.

Guan Gu Zhengyu, who was eager to escape, suppressed his uneasiness and continued to rush forward.


In front of Guan Gu Zhengyu, the pursuer Wuxin suddenly appeared. Wuxin had a red ribbon tied around his waist and held a kunai in both hands. He shot at Guan Gu Zhengyu at a very fast speed.


The sharp blade of the kunai pierced Guan Gu Zhengyu's left arm and shoulder socket. Guan Gu Zhengyu dodged the attack to his throat in an emergency, but his left hand was severely injured and lost his ability to move.

At the same time, his body was also hit by Wuxin's powerful force and flew into the air.

The red ribbon on Wuxin's waist quickly shrank. Not far behind Wuxin, a light wave flashed and a huge green lizard appeared out of thin air. The attack just now was the lizard's spiritual tongue ejection, which helped Wuxin launch a rapid.

After Wuxin successfully used the summoned beast to severely injure Guan Gu Zhengyu, he swung his arm and shot dozens of kunai at Guan Gu Zhengyu in mid-air. Behind Wuxin, the lizard's tongue, which had just been retracted, quickly shot out again and swept towards Guan Gu Zhengyu.

Puff! Swish! Puff! Swish!

Guan Gu Zhengyu in mid-air had nowhere to borrow strength, and relied on instinct to pull out a kunai to block several kunai shot by Wuxin.

However, Wuxin's attacks were closely connected, and Guan Gu Zhengyu was eventually stabbed with more than ten kunai, and was severely injured again.

Just after the attack of the ninja kunai, a flexible and long tongue attacked again. Guan Gu Zhengyu could not resist and was entangled by the tongue.


Wuxin saw the opportunity without hesitation, and rushed into the air in an instant, and a kunai pierced Guan Gu Zhengyu's throat, ending Guan Gu Zhengyu.

Guan Gu Zhengyu's eyes were wide open, blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his hands bound by the lizard's tongue twitched, as if he wanted to break free and pull out the sharp blade on his throat.


After the lizard's tongue bound Guan Gu Zhengyu, it fell heavily to the ground, then retracted into its mouth, rushed forward quickly, ran behind Wuxin, and stood guard to help Wuxin.

After a series of blows, several vital points were hit, and he was thrown heavily by the lizard. Guan Gu Zhengyu's eyes were wide open, looking at Wuxin, and the light in his eyes slowly disappeared.

Wuxin made a seal with his left hand, and a water clone condensed out.

Although the enemy was most likely dead, Wuxin did not dare to be careless and used the water clone to check the body.

Wuxin's water clone came forward and stripped Guan Gu Zhengyu's clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts. After confirming that Guan Gu Zhengyu was dead and there was no danger, Wuxin strode forward.

"Lizardmaru, you've worked hard. Go back. I'll go to the Sea Country to grill fish for you in a few days."

Wuxin, standing in front of Guan Gu Masahiro's body, turned his head and said something to the summoning beast Chameleon, then retracted his gaze and looked at Guan Gu Masahiro's body.

The chameleon made a sharp hissing sound, and turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang.

Wuxin looked at Guan Gu Masahiro for a few times, squatted down and lifted Guan Gu Masahiro's body up to sit cross-legged, and then formed seals with both hands.

"Ninjutsu: Mind Reading Technique!"

A ninjutsu that can sneak into other people's brains and read their memories without any equipment. Wuxin's left index finger and middle finger stood upright in front of him, and his right hand pressed on Guan Gu Masahiro's head.

"Let me see your memory..."

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