After lunch, Yuto Murayama's wife, Kanami Murayama, cleaned up the dishes, and then left for lunch with her child, Yushin Murayama, in her arms.

Wuxin and Yuto Murayama sat opposite each other in front of the dining table and the coffee table.

"You are usually hard to find, tell me, what's the matter?"

Yuto Murayama held a toothpick in his hand, picking his teeth, and spoke frivolously.

He knew Wuxin very well, and knew that Wuxin would not come to the temple for no reason. If he came to visit today on his own initiative, it would be a pity that the sun would not rise from the west.

Wuxin smiled awkwardly and said:

"No, no, teacher, I am here to offer you treasures.

During the last mission, when I was interrogating the enemy, I got a very interesting illusion, and I came here to offer it to you."

After Wuxin finished speaking, he took out a scroll from his pocket, respectfully placed it on the coffee table, and pushed it forward.

"Offer treasures? Illusions?"

Yuto Murayama muttered, not quite believing it.

However, Murayama Yuto was somewhat interested in the so-called illusion. He reached out and picked up the scroll on the coffee table, opened it and began to read it.

Murayama Yuto read the scroll very carefully. This illusion scroll was of a high level and contained a lot of content. After reading for about ten minutes, Murayama Yuto slowly put the scroll down, his eyes deep, and fell into thought.

Wuxin did not disturb him, and sat quietly in front of the coffee table, waiting for Murayama Yuto's opinion on the illusion willow.

After a long moment of contemplation, Yuto Murayama's face became more serious. He put away his laziness at home and said:

"Chakra is released through the long sword, invading the opponent's brain, making the enemy feel that he is bound by the willow branches and unable to move.

Then the caster blends into the trajectory of the swaying willow branches, quickly approaches the opponent, and kills the enemy with a sword without anyone noticing.

Very exquisite, and very cruel...

Release the illusion while cooperating with powerful swordsmanship. Who can survive such an attack?"

As a senior ninja who is good at illusions, Yuto Murayama can judge that the power of this technique is not inferior to his unique skill, the Mist Illusion Prison.

The two techniques have their own characteristics. The Mist Illusion Prison is a group illusion, and enemies in a large area will be affected by the technique, while the Illusion Willow is a small-scale or single-body immobilization, and then combined with exquisite swordsmanship, it is a must-kill technique.

Yuto Murayama realized the difficulty of the tasks that Wuxin had been performing during this period of time, and looked at Wuxin with a complicated look.

Wuxin could read the complexity in Murayama Yuto's eyes, which was a kind of care and reluctance, and said:

"Teacher, I am a talented ninja famous in the village, and the Mizukage-sama only uses me according to my ability.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, this is normal."

Murayama Yuto slowly closed the scroll in his hand and said:

"I am very pleased that you have such insights.

I like this technique very much, and I accept your kindness."

This technique is very helpful for Murayama Yuto's research on illusion. Without being polite to Wuxin, he closed the scroll and put it in his arms.

"Teacher, I'm glad you like it."

Wuxin smiled. Wuxin had several backups of the scroll of Illusion Willow to prevent it from being lost or used at other times.

Murayama Yuto smiled slightly and did not reply.

There was silence for a while, and Yuto Murayama touched his chin and said softly:

"Wuxin, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. I am not used to your being so attentive."

Yasuto Murayama asked Wuxin about his purpose.

"Teacher Yuto, it was not easy to get this technique.

Thinking of your teaching of illusion, I think the more research and reserve of illusion, the better.

So I came here to present the scroll. Your like is the greatest encouragement to me."

Wuxin wanted to ask directly about swordsmanship, but after thinking about it, he was still polite.

Yasuto Murayama smiled when he heard this. How could it be possible that the sun rises from the west? He confirmed with Wuxin again:

"Don't give me that, kid, is everything okay?"

"No, no, really nothing."

Wuxin waved his hand to deny it quickly, and then changed the subject and said softly:

"However, if there is something wrong, it is this technique. I am not practicing it very smoothly."

"Wow, although you are very talented, it is better for the teacher to study such a complex technique.

After all, the teacher has been immersed in illusion for more than 20 years, and you can't catch up with him in a few steps."

When Yuto Murayama heard that it was Wuxin who asked for advice, he immediately put on the teacher's style. After a slight pause, he continued:

"This technique not only requires the ability of illusion, but also has some thresholds for fighting and swordsmanship.

The shaking of the sword is like the swaying of a willow branch. Do you think it is just the swing of a long sword?

If your scroll record is detailed enough and I have not missed anything.

I think,This technique requires the body to cooperate with the swing of the blade, and finally kill the enemy with one sword through the trajectory of the willow branch.

You should know that this technique does not have the step of forming a seal. The swing of the arm and the blade cannot meet the requirements of the technique. "

"Not only the long sword and the arm, but also the body? Right, right... That's it!"

Murayama Yuto's words immediately made Wuxin see the light, and his mind suddenly opened up. He was originally not familiar with it, and he didn't understand it.

My understanding and application of the illusion willow is still a little superficial. Compared with Murayama Yuto who has been immersed in illusion for more than 20 years, there is a big gap in vision.

Wuxin's previous practice was just imitation and form, and he never got to the point.

Murayama Yuto saw that Wuxin was absorbing it quickly like an epiphany, and he couldn't help but think of his own powerlessness when he taught Wuxin ninjutsu in the past. He shook his head and said softly:

"It's hard to imagine who developed this technique. The sword technique is mixed with illusion. The person who created this technique must be a famous ninja. "

Murayama Yuto's words brought Wuxin back to his senses, and he replied:

"Legend has it that most of Konoha's swordsmanship was developed by Konoha's second-generation Hokage, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"The second-generation Hokage? It seems that's what the legend says.

Wuxin, with your talent, it's only a matter of time before you master this technique, so there's no need to be too impatient."

Murayama Yuto is very dedicated, and he teaches his only disciple and successor earnestly, both in ninjutsu and mentality.

Wuxin nodded, with a posture of being taught, and said softly:

"I understand, I'm very interested in this technique, but I'm not very good at swordsmanship..."

"Swordsmanship? Well, that's a problem.

In the initial stage of learning, it's better to imitate according to the instructions.

As for swordsmanship, it's not a big problem, just study hard.

Swordsmanship and physical skills have almost the same functions in combat, and it's not difficult to master them with a physical skill foundation.

Moreover, speaking of swordsmanship, my companion Takami Yoshiyuki is a swordsmanship master obsessed with kendo.

If you ask him to teach you some swordsmanship, it may be very helpful for you to understand swordsmanship and master this trick of illusion sword. "

As a teacher, Murayama Yuto immediately had a plan to deal with his disciple's distress.

"Takami Yoshiyuki? Is he the one who asked me to deliver the ninja sword last time?"

Hearing Takami Yoshiyuki's name, Wuxin immediately had the impression of the first meeting. He was a man who would make Wuxin's hair stand on end as long as he held the sword.

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