On the sea

More than a hundred warships were sailing. At the bow of the most luxurious and tall ship in the front, Wuxin was wearing a ninja vest, a mask, and carrying a ninja sword. He and a ninja in the same outfit stood behind Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, the commander-in-chief of the Sea Wave Operation.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost looked at the sea, his sharp teeth exposed, showing a cruel smile, and said:

"There is still an hour to arrive at the southern port of the Wind Country. Wu, Shark, your chance to make achievements has come."

Wu is Wuxin's code name. Wuxin, who stood behind Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, was not even as tall as Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's chest.

Wuxin was promoted to a special jonin. His original teammates Shuilian and Yamagami Caizhi belonged to the jonin Murayama Yuto team. In this major operation, the Mizukage did not temporarily arrange subordinates for Wuxin.

Wuxin, who was originally a sharp sword of the Mizukage and did a job similar to that of the Anbu, was directly assigned to the Anbu by the commander-in-chief Xiguashan Puffer Ghost during the operation. His teammate was the Anbu master codenamed Shark, who was only slightly smaller than Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

Wuxin, who had just taken up the post not long ago, was not very familiar with Xiguashan Puffer Ghost. Although they had met several times before, it had been a long time since they last met. He did not respond to Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's words and honestly stood guard as a guard.

The burly Anbu Shark on the side said:

"Whether you will achieve great things or be buried in a foreign land, we will never know until the end of the war."

The depressed mentality is in sharp contrast to the high-spirited Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost. The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost turned his head and looked at the Anbu Shark, sneering:

"Shark, your mentality will make newcomers misunderstand you as a rookie. If I were not your captain and had seen your cruel methods, I would probably think so too."

"Captain, cruelty is always unavoidable during the mission."

The man codenamed Shark has a unique voice, and although he is a subordinate of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, the relationship between the two seems to be very harmonious, which is obviously different from other teams and departments with clear class distinctions.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost turned to look at Wuxin and chuckled:

"Wuxin, what do you think of the shark?"

"Instead of building a career, it is better to prevent the tragedy of burying bones in a foreign land."

Wuxin pondered for a while, followed the topic, and gave a conventional answer.

"Prevent the tragedy of being buried in a foreign land? As a ninja, this is only a matter of time. How to prevent it?

Your mentality may make such things happen faster.

Only by not being afraid of being buried in a foreign land and being cautious at all times can such things come a little later.

Fear is useless and will make nightmares come true.

What we need to do is to make the enemy afraid and fearful. Let the enemy's nightmare come true and let the enemy's day come sooner."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost said a lot, and there was a sense of teaching. After a slight pause, he continued:

"Wu, the last time you fought Xuefengmaru, it was not like this.

I summoned you to the Anbu for great use. I hope you won't let me down."

Wu Xin was very surprised. He didn't know what Xiguashan Puffer Ghost meant by great use. After a slight silence, he said in a deep voice:

"I will work hard, Master Puffer Ghost."


Xiguashan Puffer Ghost chuckled, turned his head and looked forward.

The coastline ahead is already visible to the naked eye. Even if the ninjas jump off the boat and use chakra to run on the water, they can reach this distance.

The boat sailed slowly, and when it was about a hundred meters away from the beach, it dropped anchor and fixed it.

On more than a hundred warships, hundreds of ninjas jumped off the boats, walked on the water, and rushed to the beach.

The vanguard troops this time were led by three ninja swords and equipped with more than a hundred ships. There were nearly two hundred middle and senior ninjas, plus the junior ninjas of these middle and senior ninjas, as well as auxiliary troops such as the signal squad and the communication squad, and the elite of the Anbu directly under the Xiguashan Puffer Demon, with a total number of thousands.

There were more than a thousand people, and Wuxin looked at the densely packed Mist Ninjas rushing to the shore, looking for the figures of his teachers, Murayama Yuto and Takami Yoshiyuki.

There were not many senior ninjas in the operation, most of them assisted the three commanders and were in charge of the ninja troops.

Several boats near Xiguashan Puffer Ghost were filled with Anbu ninjas, who were directly under the jurisdiction of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and were his main force.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, like Wuxin, looked at the ninja troops running ashore and whispered:

"The Wind Country is full of deserts and extremely poor. Such an environment is not conducive to our water escape.

Sha, Wu, tell me, why did the Mizukage order us to attack the Wind Country instead of the Fire Country, which is not far away and extremely rich?"

Anbu Shark responded softly:

"Lord Mizukage naturally has his concerns, I am just an Anbu who can only kill people, how can I understand these things. ”

Wuxin could probably guess some of the Mizukage’s thoughts and replied:

“The sudden disappearance of the Sand Village’s Third Kazekage will inevitably cause a fight for the position of Kazekage, and their village management will fall into chaos.

Before the Third Kazekage is found, such chaos may continue for a long time.

The Mizukage probably meant to take his life while he is sick. ”

“You know a lot.”

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost nodded, agreeing with Wuxin’s words, and after a slight pause, he continued:

“Wu, as my direct unit, you only need to supervise the battle and sit in the rear, and you should be safer than other teams.

However, if there are any tough opponents among the enemies, or a team needs support, then our strength will be needed.

Now the ninja troops of the Wind Country are fighting with the Fire Country in the east, and the country is empty.

If we can break into the Sand Village and plunder the ninjutsu and treasures in the Sand Village, then this trip will be worthwhile."

Wuxin remained silent and did not answer. As for Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's previous words, Wuxin could understand that he was seeking credit and showing his special care for him.

Anbu Shark on the side said softly with some disappointment:

"Master Puffer Ghost, it may be difficult for a thousand people to break into the Sand Village.

The defense fortress of the Sand Village is well-known. In the Ninja World War, countless ninjas shed blood in front of the Sand Village. "

Wuxin glanced at Shark and thought that his mentality was indeed very cautious, but he didn't know if he realized that his words had disturbed the morale of the army.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost turned around and stared at the Anbu Shark. The corners of his mouth slowly raised, revealing a cruel smile, his eyes were fierce, and he said coldly:

"Shark, don't be so pessimistic. When the time comes, I will let you attack the first line of sky.

After all, you are my right-hand man in the Anbu, and I believe that you will be able to complete this mission properly for me. Right? "

The words of the puffer ghost made Shark realize that his words were somewhat inappropriate. He was stunned for a while and whispered:

"As long as it is your order, I will not retreat."

After Wuxin realized that his situation was safe, he wandered in the sky and thought about the sword-drawing technique taught by Gao Jianyixing these days.

After sailing on the sea for more than 20 days, Wuxin spent most of his time on Gao Jianyixing's ship except for the task of guarding the puffer ghost of Xigua Mountain, and practiced all the way.

Takamichiyixing's swordsmanship teaching was from the shallow to the deep, and Wuxin mastered and learned quickly. After practicing the basic swordsmanship, he began to practice the specific attack technique of sword-drawing.

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