The two sides of the border are in chaos.

He didn't dare to hinder the Anbu's mission, but he needed to send the news to the Third Hokage as soon as possible. Only the Third Hokage could make the decision for them and get all the supplies back.

If the supplies can't be brought back, the Sarutobi clan will suffer a huge loss.

What on earth are the Anbu people crazy about?

And whose orders are they following?


It takes a long time for the caravan to travel back and forth. The Sarutobi generals don't know that the situation in the village has changed, let alone that the Anbu is no longer the Anbu they used to be.

Although the Anbu is no longer the Anbu of the past, the Anbu's executive privileges are still the same.

When this happens, the Sarutobi clan can only watch and dare not stop it.

"Hokage-sama, something bad has happened."

Sarutobi Kaishou barged into the Hokage's office without even knocking.

Everyone sitting in the Hokage's office was startled.

"What's going on?"

How reckless!

The Third Hokage looked unhappy.

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kadokome En, who were sitting next to him, also felt very strange.

What happened to make the Sarutobi clan panic like this? Did something big happen?


Sarutobi Kaishou said anxiously: "The family's caravan just returned to the village, but was intercepted by the Anbu at the entrance of the village. Then the Anbu took away all the ninja tools and supplies, and said that we are also part of the village and should make contributions and sacrifices, so this batch of supplies must be donated."


"Cough cough cough!!!"

The Third Hokage was choked by saliva.

Utatane Koharu opened his mouth slightly, and the tea in Mito Kadokome's mouth sprayed far away.

Wasn't this the slogan they had put out before to ask Jingyi for the puppet?

How did it become a boomerang and pierce him?

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense!"

After coughing for a long time, the Third Hokage, who had recovered, was so angry that his old face turned red. He stood up and slammed the desk hard.

He couldn't believe that Tsunade would use the same method against him.

They went to Jingyi to ask for things under the banner. Tsunade endured for a while and seized the opportunity to use the move of the stars to pierce the Third Hokage with a boomerang.

After all, it's all for the village. You have to understand me.

Utatane Koharu looked back blankly.

I thought Tsunade had endured it.

I don't know.

Mito Kado En communicated with Utatane Koharu with his eyes.

After a tirade, the Third Hokage was so angry that he gasped and said, "Go back and rest first, appease the clan members, I will handle this matter personally."

Tsunade collected all the supplies and waited for the Third Hokage to send someone to find him.

After the person sent by the Hokage's office arrived, Tsunade walked towards the Hokage's office building nonchalantly. She was not in a hurry, not at all.

Arriving at the Hokage's office, Tsunade pushed open the door and walked in, closed the door calmly, walked to the sofa and sat down, crossed her legs and asked, "Old man, do you have something to ask me?"

You dare to ask me what I have to ask you?

The Third Hokage almost laughed out of anger.

"Tsunade, why did you let the Anbu intercept the Sarutobi clan's caravan and confiscate the caravan's supplies? You are fooling around!!"


"Did you?"

"Why don't I know?"

Tsunade shook her head in confusion:

"Didn't you say that yourself, old man? Everything is for the village. Don't worry, I'm not a greedy person. I will send all these supplies to the front-line camp and will not let the Anbu take away any kunai or shuriken."

"This is the Sarutobi clan's stuff!!!"

The Third Hokage couldn't hold it anymore and broke the defense directly.

"The Sarutobi clan is also from the village. Since they are from the village, they are prepared for risks and sacrifices."

Tsunade stood up and pushed back the Third Hokage.

"Tsunade..." Koharu Utatane was about to speak.

Tsunade turned her head and sprayed: "Don't call me, I don't know you. I remember your family also has corresponding caravans and shops, right?"

Utatane Koharu: "........"

You are targeting the Sarutobi clan, and you don't even let me go?

The Third Hokage was so angry that his body shook a few times. He stood firm with both hands on the desk and took a deep breath:

"Tsunade, this can't be confused with Shizuka's matter. You can't do this."

"Why can't it be confused? Why can't I do this? Only

You guys are the ones who are doing the work, but I am not allowed to do anything?"

Tsunade looked at the Third Hokage and sneered, "Old man, you are so funny. You guys are causing a big fight over something that should have been a good thing for us to work together. You guys forced me to do this!!!"

The Third Hokage closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, opened his eyes and said, "Tsunade, I apologize to you. I was wrong about this. I have decided to work with Jingyi on the puppets. The village really needs these puppets."

"It's too late!! I gave you a chance, but you were useless! "

Tsunade kicked the sofa away and turned to leave the Hokage's office.

If a tiger doesn't show its might, do you think I'm a sick cat?


Now that you know how to cooperate, why didn't you do anything earlier?

It won't harm your own interests, so you shout slogans loudly, right? Then why are you in such a hurry now?


Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En were afraid that the Third Hokage would get angry or just stand up to Tsunade, which would be a lot of fun for the village.

Don't forget that the front line is still fighting, and the Sand Village is staring at them covetously.

The rear can't make a fuss at this time.

"I'm fine. "

After Tsunade left, the Third Hokage quickly calmed down. He knew very well that Tsunade did this just to vent her anger, and at the same time to warn him, I dare to do what you dare to do, don't force me.

He smoked for a while with his pipe in his mouth.

The Third Hokage, who had completely calmed down, put down his pipe.

"Tsunade was just talking in anger. She did this because she was targeting me. You don't have to worry. As long as she doesn't target Hyuga Shizuka anymore, Tsunade won't continue to cause trouble for you."

"Then the supplies..."

"Tsunade will send them to the front-line camp. It happens that the camp needs to replenish a batch of ninja tools and supplies. The money for purchasing the supplies will be transferred directly from the Ministry of Finance. ”


Good move!!

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado En looked at each other.

The Third Hokage’s operation was very effective.

With the Ministry of Finance in hand, no matter whether Tsunade withheld all the supplies or sent them to the front, the Third Hokage could directly transfer the money to the Sarutobi clan in the name of the village’s purchase.

“The statistics of supplies are left to you. You go back first. I need to rest for a while.”

The Third Hokage wanted to be quiet.

Mitokado En and Utatane Koharu had to leave.

After letting out this anger, Tsunade should be able to calm down. The situation on the front battlefield is relatively stable.

Hinata Shizuka........

The Third Hokage kept thinking. He was thinking about how to break the ice and maintain the cooperation.

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