The old man said that he was very angry.

"I knew it!!"

"Hinata Shizuka! Look at what you did!"

The angry Tsunade rushed to the lounge and kicked the door open:

"Kushina was laughed at by her classmates, and then she beat them up, even knocking out her front teeth. The old man asked me to deal with it, how do you want me to deal with it?"

"There are still a lot of things waiting for me in the medical department. You don't help, but you make trouble for me!"

Shizuka, who was changing clothes in the lounge, put on his white coat calmly, and then asked back:

"Kushina was laughed at by her classmates on the first day of school. Is it wrong to fight back directly?"

You are only allowed to laugh at me, but I am not allowed to beat you, right?

There is no such good thing in the world.

Jingyi is not bragging. In the whole Konoha school, only Rope Tree can compete with Kushina in terms of backing. Everyone else has to stand aside, even the children of big families.

With such a strong backing, what is there to fear?

Jingyi is most speechless that Kushina has such a backing, but she is frequently bullied at school.

She was ridiculed and bullied by her classmates. She fought back when she couldn't bear it anymore, and was retaliated by the other party's brother. I really don't know who gave her the courage.

Making trouble.


Tsunade's blood pressure began to soar: "He also threatened the teacher, saying that her sister is Tsunade! The teacher dared not touch her at all."

"That's right, aren't you her sister?" Jingyi spread his hands: "When everything is fine, she is Tsunade's sister, but when something happens, she is not her sister?"

"Fuck me..."

Tsunade almost vomited blood.

"Go to the Ninja School right now and take care of this matter."

"You caused this yourself, so go and take care of it yourself."

Tsunade felt like her brain was about to explode.

The hospital was fine, but the medical department had a lot of problems because of the reform of the F4 group.

Tsunade didn't have much time to take care of other things.

"No, Kushina is not my sister."

Jingyi decisively refused the job.

It's not that he didn't want to help Kushina, but if he showed up for this kind of thing, the other party would never let it go easily, even if he represented Tsunade.

You can't threaten other people's parents.

The son was beaten by Kushina, and the parents came to ask for an explanation, and then beat the parents too?

"If you don't go, you're still teaching her to use fists?"

Tsunade wanted to hit someone.

"If you don't use fists, are you waiting to be bullied?"

Jingyi looked at Tsunade in confusion.

What's your train of thought? You don't really think that doing this will make Kushina easily integrate into the village.

You think that children's fights are trivial, but others don't think so.

After bullying Kushina at school and being beaten up by the angry Kushina, he directly called his family to help, and he didn't care about his face.

"Tsunade-sama, Shizuichi-kun, there is a patient outside..."

A little nurse ran to the door of the lounge.

Shizuichi immediately walked outside: "I'm coming, I'll take over this patient, no one can compete with me!!"

Go to the Ninja School to argue?

Impossible, this kind of thing still needs you, Tsunade-sama, to do it yourself. Only if you do it yourself can you be deterrent.

If you don't wait for me, I will deal with you sooner or later.

Staring at Shizuichi's back fiercely, Tsunade silently threw a pile of documents in her hand on the table, turned around and left the hospital, heading towards the Ninja School.

"Who are the parents of this child? I want to have a good talk with him. What did my son do wrong? He was so heavy-handed."

His son was beaten, and Honda's father, Old Honda, was very angry. He ran directly to the Ninja School, hoping that the teacher would give him an explanation.

"Don't be angry, this matter is not entirely Kushina's fault." Sarutobi Muyong, who returned to school from the hospital, was overwhelmed.

If such a thing happened in his class, the other party's parents would definitely find him first.

"Kushina, apologize to Honda's father quickly."

Sarutobi Muyong comforted the other party and asked Kushina to apologize.

"I won't." Kushina raised her head and turned her head to one side. Jingyi was right. Such childish little brats should be beaten hard with fists.

Kushina didn't think she did anything wrong.

My aunt, can't you apologize first?

Kushina refused to apologize, and Sarutobi Muyong wanted to die. How could such a thing fall on his head?

It's over!

This excellent teacher

I will definitely not get the award, and the year-end bonus will also be gone.

"Teacher Mu Yong, look, this kid has no manners at all." Old Honda was so angry that he was incoherent.

"Dad Honda, don't be angry first, you........"


Sarutobi Mu Yong was trying to appease the other party, but the door of the office was pushed open and slammed heavily on the wall, scaring everyone in the office.

Who is this, so rude.

His body shook subconsciously, and Sarutobi Mu Yong looked at the door with dissatisfaction.

When he saw the person at the door clearly, all his dissatisfaction disappeared, and he changed his face and smiled, and walked up quickly to greet: "Tsunade-sama, why did you come here in person."

It's over, Sister Tsunade came in person.

Kushina lowered her head with guilt, not daring to look at Tsunade.

"My sister was bullied on the first day of school. Can't I come here to ask for an explanation?" Tsunade walked into the office expressionlessly.


Sarutobi Kiyoshi opened his mouth and wanted to say: The problem is that it was Kushina who hit people.

"Just now you said that my sister is impolite, right?"

Tsunade walked in front of Old Honda and stared at him with a bad look.

Who the hell are you? Do you need to tell me whether my sister is polite or not?

"No, no, this is a misunderstanding........"

Old Honda was dumbfounded from the moment Tsunade walked into the office.

In Konoha, the Third Hokage and Tsunade are the most well-known. Most people know them. After all, one is the current Hokage, and the other is the eldest daughter of the Senju clan, a disciple of the Hokage, and a princess of Konoha who was named by the daimyo.

It's hard not to know them.

My son actually bullied Tsunade's sister?

This damn kid, I must teach him a lesson when I go back.

Tsunade frowned and looked at the sweaty old Honda: "Your son got beaten, don't you want to confess?"

"No, no." Old Honda smiled nervously: "This brat is too outrageous. He actually bullied his classmates at school. I will definitely educate him well. Please rest assured, Tsunade-sama, such a thing will never happen again."

"It's good that it won't happen. I thought I would ask my brother to go to the lower grade classroom to talk to him. It seems that you are very aware."

Not bad, very sensible.

Standing aside, Sarutobi Kiyoshi looked at the old Honda who kept nodding and bowing, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

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