The old man was very angry.

Orochimaru, who had long been accustomed to all this, was unmoved and just looked at him with a half-smile.

But Jingyi couldn't stand it.

Jiraiya, who was shameless, was really annoying. Not only was he annoying, but he also kept getting close to you.

This bastard probably used the money to help the little sister for several days, and he didn't even take a shower or change clothes.

Jingyi, who couldn't stand it, could only choose to surrender.

"Don't bother me. I just know how to make some special puppets. Orochimaru wanted to study these puppets, so I reached a cooperation with him."

"On the battlefield, the corpses of the enemies can also be made into puppets. This is a free material. Do you understand?"

"Special puppets?"

Jiraiya scratched his head and thought, what kind of puppets can be considered special puppets?

Very curious, right?

But if I don't tell you, it's useless to bother me. Also, stay away from me! !

"Get lost!"

Jiraiya wanted to use the same trick he used on Shizuka on Orochimaru, but unfortunately, as soon as he approached, he was greeted by Orochimaru's cold face and a cold word "get lost".


Jiraiya also walked away tactfully.

He knew that if he didn't get lost, Orochimaru would definitely take action.

The second batch of support teams was not too large, with only about five or six hundred people at most. The situation in the Rain Country had not yet reached the point where the village needed to send thousands of ninjas to participate in the war.

With more people, the speed of traveling will be reduced, and with the need to transport various materials, it is impossible to travel faster.

Medical supplies can be carried directly with sealing scrolls, but some ordinary supplies cannot be carried. The cost of using sealing scrolls is too high, and the Konoha family cannot afford such consumption. Such supplies can only be pulled by carriages and carried by ninjas.

As for the medical supplies needed for the front-line camp, they are all concentrated in several sealing scrolls and carried by Jingyi.

In addition to him, the village also selected a group of medical ninjas to follow him, with a total of 15 people.

These people are under his charge.

If the war is tense, more people will be sent.

On the way, after being scolded by Orochimaru several times, Jiraiya finally took advantage of the team's rest time to run to the river to wash himself and change into clean clothes.

No longer smelling strange, he was no longer driven away, so he came to Jingyi.

Compared to Orochimaru who curses at people all the time and has a cold face, Jiraiya prefers to hang out with Shizuka because he can brag and chat.

"Shizuka, don't you say hello to your clansmen?"

There are people from the Hyuga clan in the team that is going to the Rain Country to reinforce. Jiraiya is puzzled that the other party has no intention of saying hello to Shizuka, let alone taking the initiative to talk.

Shizuka glanced at his clansmen and smiled faintly:

"Do you know the status sequence of the Hyuga clan?"

"Main family and branch family?" Jiraiya scratched his head.

"That's right, but not completely."

Jingyi shook his finger and corrected: "It should be the main family, followed by the elders of the branch family, and then the branch family, and the family members with degenerated bloodlines, four levels."

"I see."

Jiraiya suddenly realized, but he quickly raised a new question: "No, even if it is divided like this, there are only three levels. Aren't the elders of the branch family also people of the branch family?"

Since they are people of the branch family, why not be classified in the branch family level.

"Because of the family system, if you want to become a branch family elder, unless you have made enough contributions, the general branch family people can't serve as elders. These branch family elders are all members of the main family who have no inheritance rights and are forced to be cursed with the caged bird. They look down on the people of the branch family."

"On the surface, they are branch family elders, but in fact their hearts are with the main family, so they have to become a separate level."

"Now do you understand?"


Jiraiya was stunned. Is it so realistic?

This is why when it comes to the interests or problems of the branch family, most of the elders of the branch family do not stand on the side of the branch family, because as the elders of the branch family, their hearts are not on the side of the branch family at all.

"Don't they say that once they become a branch family, they will always be a branch family? In this case, why should they get closer to the main family?"

Jiraiya's doubts are getting more and more.

Jing smiled and looked at the sky, causing Jiraiya to look up at the sky, thinking that there was something in the sky.

In the end, there was nothing.

"Because they have become members of the branch family, but they only became members of the branch family because of the inheritance system. Their Byakugan purity is still very high. If there is a chance,

Their descendants can get along with the main family. "


Jiraiya was confused.

Orochimaru also listened with great interest.

No matter how noble the main family is, there are only so many of them, and not every generation has a suitable pairing choice, so these branch families with high purity of Byakugan become the choice.

In addition to the small number, blood relatives must also be paid attention to. As time goes by, it becomes difficult for the main family to complete a reasonable pairing.

My mind is so confused.

Are all big families so troublesome?

Jiraiya suddenly felt fortunate that he was a civilian ninja, not born in a big family.

"Don't make that expression."

Jiraiya knew that Jiraiya had obviously misunderstood something, so he explained: "Not all ninja families are like this. In the entire Konoha, no, even in the entire ninja world, only the Hyuga clan's inheritance is like this. Other families are not like this, such as the Uchiha clan, which does not have so many strange rules. ”

“In fact, many ninja families are not opposed to intermarriage and marriage with foreigners, such as the Senju clan.”

Thinking back to the Senju clan’s coquettish operation, Jingyi couldn’t help laughing.

“The Senju clan used to like to marry their distant relatives, the Uzumaki clan, which led to many people in the Uzumaki clan being full of resentment, because the Senju clan always married the beautiful and talented girls in their clan.”

This operation is really a bit coquettish.

It’s not an exaggeration to call it a coquettish operation.

“Then the Senju clan will also marry the girls in the clan, isn’t it.”

Marriage, isn’t this a normal operation?

“Idiot, why do you think the people of the Uzumaki clan are full of resentment? "

Orochimaru couldn't stand it anymore. Jiraiya was still the same, always missing something.

It was a clear question, but he kept asking. Shizuka had already made it very clear.

If both sides were like this, what would the Uzumaki clan still have to complain about?

It was obvious that the Senju clan was cunning and always took advantage, while the Uzumaki clan always suffered losses, which was why others were full of resentment.

After being scolded, Jiraiya finally reacted.

Even a shameless person like him couldn't help but complain: "This is too cunning."

"Why else would others have resentment?"

Jiraiya always brings joy to people, and always makes some stupid mistakes. Occasionally, when he is scolded by Orochimaru, he will choose to ignore it. If he is scolded too harshly, he will immediately turn against Orochimaru and scold him.

Interestingly, once Jiraiya turns against him and scolds him, Orochimaru will always walk away with a cold face, with an expression that he doesn't want to deal with a fool, which makes Jiraiya scream in anger.

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