The old man was in trouble.

Ever since Akimichi Norifu was pushed up and Ino-Shika-cho was marked with Tsunade's mark, Akimichi Norifu has been fighting wits and courage with them, opposing this today and that tomorrow.

The weakening of her power has already made Utatane Koharu very dissatisfied.

Now there is another opponent who is pointing fingers, it would be strange if she could bear it.

Still the same, with a bad temper.

Akimichi Tofu sighed:

"I mean, the village needs to respond, but we can wait and see what happens in the Sand Village and the Rock Village."

"The Sand Village took the initiative to provoke a war, but chose not to declare war, which means they don't want to bear the blame. Now the opportunity has come, they will definitely not be able to help it. There is no need for the Rock Village to take the lead, but Ohnoki has a bad temper."

Akimichi Tofu made it very clear that the Sand Village just didn't want to bear the blame and be the first to stand out.

This doesn't mean they don't need opportunities.

Now the opportunity has come, because the Rain Village has been the first to stand out. No matter how the war started, as long as there is no declaration of war on the surface, it will not be criticized too much.

Instead, the Rain Village jumped out and declared war on the three major ninja villages, which caused an uproar in the ninja world.

Someone was the first to stand out, and the opportunity they had been thinking about was delivered to them. The Sand Village will definitely not be able to help it.

Compared with the urgency of the Sand Village, Konoha does not need to rush to the front so anxiously, just wait and see.

After saying that, Akimichi Tofu secretly glanced at Utatane Koharu and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Since he was pushed up and sat in the position of assistant to the Hokage, Utatane Koharu's temper has become more and more irritable.

But think about it and you can understand it. The village's medical system was originally in the hands of others, but he came up and took the medical system away. How can he not be angry?

It was not affected too much, and Mitomon En, who still manages the logistics department, is still the same.

Although he wanted to drive Akimichi Tofu away, he was not as hostile to Akimichi Tofu as Utatane Koharu.

It's not that Mitomon En has a good temper, but because his power has not been divided.

If Akimichi Tofu seized the logistics department instead of the medical system department, it would not be Utatane Koharu who would be furious, but Mitomon En.

"Hmph, Fatty, you are getting weaker and weaker."

Utatane Koharu admitted that what Akimichi Tofu said made sense, but she just refused to accept it.

Mito Kado En smiled and said nothing.


The Third Hokage could only remind Utatane Koharu that it was okay to lose your temper, but you couldn't bring your personal emotions into work:

"I think Fatty's suggestion is very good. Since the Sand Village can't wait, let's wait and see. Besides, Ohnoki is really not a good-tempered person."

As long as the Sand Village declares war head-on, it will definitely stimulate Ohnoki.

After the meeting, Akimichi Tofu left first.

Utatane Koharu said dissatisfiedly: "Hiruzen, can Danzo really not be released? Fatty is now Tsunade's man. With him, there are many obstacles in the upper echelons."


The Third Hokage shook his head and sighed: "Tsunade has confessed that she will not allow Danzo to come out, even if he changes his identity. The fact that Danzo used intelligence to win over Hanzo of the Salamander to assassinate Shizuichi gave her a great stimulus."


Utatane Koharu is still unwilling.

She doesn't care whether Shimura Danzo can be released, but she cares whether the various departments in the medical system can be taken back.

"Let's leave it at that for now. After a while, I will talk to Tsunade in person."

There are many system departments in Konoha, but few departments can compare with the importance of the medical department. Even if the Third Hokage wants to compensate Utatane Koharu, he can't come up with anything too good.

It is impossible for Tsunade to give up the medical department, unless other departments that can be compared with the medical department are transferred to Tsunade's control.

The only departments that can be compared to the medical department are the logistics department, the finance department, and the Anbu.

Mitomon En is in charge of the logistics department. Does it make sense to exchange it for the medical department?


As for the finance department and the Anbu, they cannot be touched.

The Anbu is okay, Tsunade can control it, but the finance department is really not okay.

Once Tsunade controls the finance department, many shady things in the finance department will be exposed.

By then, his reputation as Sarutobi Hiruzen will be really ruined.

Maybe ask Tsunade to exchange it?

There are many departments under the medical system, and Tsunade can exchange some of them and give them to Utane-chan.

Haru, as her compensation, and then Koharu will merge and manage the logistics department, so that the high-level situation can be stabilized.

The Ministry of Finance cannot be moved, and he can transfer half of the power of the Anbu to Tsunade.

The Anbu is a direct department controlled by the Hokage, even if it is controlled by Tsunade, it will not have much impact on him.

On the fifth day after the Rain Village declared war on the three major ninja villages, the Sand Village also took the opportunity to rise up and declared war on the Rain Village, Konoha, and Rock Village at the same time.

The stimulated Rock Village also jumped out and declared war on the Sand Village, Konoha, and the Rain Village at the same time.

Konoha, which was stable to the end, also chose to declare war on several forces, and none of the Sand Village, Rock Village, and Rain Village escaped.

As the three major ninja villages and the Rain Village declared war on several forces, the prelude to the Second Ninja World War was opened.

Konoha, Sand Village, and Rock Village continued to send reinforcements to the Rain Country, and the melee war became more and more intense.

The village entered a state of war, and the shadow of war enveloped the entire ninja world. Countries and villages everywhere were directly or indirectly affected.

A large number of reinforcements rushed to the front line, and the three major ninja villages deployed more than 2,000 troops in the battlefield of the Rain Country!

Don't underestimate the number of 2,000 ninjas. 2,000 ninjas gathered together are enough to fight a ninja war of considerable scale.

After a busy day, Tsunade came to the tavern where she usually had dinner with Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

The Third Hokage has been waiting here for a long time.

The table was full of food and Tsunade's favorite wine.

Tsunade sat opposite the Third Hokage, picked up a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. After drinking it all, she relaxed her tense nerves a little, and then said: "Is that old woman bothering you again?"

Koharu Utatane has always wanted to take back the various departments of the medical system. Tsunade knew all this, but she ignored her.

The Third Hokage smiled faintly, took a sip of wine, and said: "Tsunade, the village's medical system covers many departments, I think we can let some of them out."


Tsunade asked curiously: "Then how are you going to compensate me, old man, the logistics department or the finance department?"


The Third Hokage was choked directly. Although there are many departments in the medical system, their importance is at the same level as the logistics department and the finance department. He can take out these two departments, so what compensation can he talk about.

Isn't this a waste of effort.

"You can control half of the Anbu."

After calming down, the three Hokage stated their exchange conditions.


Old man, you don't have a fever, right?

Dare to hand over the Anbu?

Although it is half, this half means that Tsunade can intervene in many things, and it is possible to turn the Anbu into her own exclusive department.

[Happy Dragon Boat Festival, sweet rice dumplings, and good luck to the children! ]

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