Chapter 30 Itsuki Ishikawa is a hero? Funny, right?

Three days later.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool, deep in the dense forest.

In a hidden cave, a small fire was burning.

Uchiha Jhin and the other three people just gathered around the fire.

While taking Bing Liang Pills to replenish my physical strength, I started to discuss the next action plan.

"I really didn’t expect Ishikawa Shu’s death to be so tragic."Kudo Nobu sighed with emotion.

Nara Kazama's face was calm.

"When he chose to stay at the outpost and not act with us, many things were already doomed."

"The situation at that time was like this. Kirigakure had already launched a large-scale attack. Four thousand Kirigakure ninjas were hiding in the darkness of the Country of Whirlpool, but we Konoha didn't know it at all."

"How could such important information be delayed just because of Ishikawa Shu?"

"I believe that even if Ishikawa Shu is alive, he will agree with our actions"

"After all, it’s all for the village"

"Ishikawaki's sacrifice is worth it!"

"He will be engraved on the memorial tablet and receive eternal support from Konoha"

"Ishikawa Tree is a hero and will always live in our hearts."

Kudo Shin:"……"

He looked confused.

His mouth opened slightly and he looked at Nara Kazama in disbelief.

Hold the grass!

Is this the truth of the matter?

His mind went blank for a while, and he even felt that there was something wrong with his memory.

But, that’s not right!

Obviously everyone hates Ishikawa Shu, so they choose to ignore him, and it can even be said that they may kill him.

Why did the meaning of Nara Kazama's upper lip touch his lower lip directly change to this?

Become a hero?

Will everyone still remember him?

I can go to hell!

If Ishikawa Shu was still alive, he would definitely paralyze them.

And I'm sure I'll yell even if I'm a ghost, and I won't let you bastards go, right?

He was speechless!

And he instantly understood the fundamental reason why the Nara clan, despite their low strength, could still become a major Konoha clan and be deeply trusted by the Hokage.

This broken mouth is really powerful.

Even those who die can live, but he can only shout Lao Tie 666.

Actually, don’t say it’s him.

Even though Uchiha Jin knew Nara Kazama, he still had a stomachache but didn't know how to vomit it up.

This guy is definitely a talent.


During these three days, they were a group of three.

He escaped countless pursuits by Kirigakure, traveled around the Country of Whirlpool countless times, and killed a total of thirty-one Kirigakure ninjas.

On the way, they naturally passed by the outpost where they were stationed before, and also found the body of Ishikawa Shu. only.

Considering bringing his body back, maybe the mountain clan would place his memory in it.

Even if Ishikawa's brain is destroyed, there will still be a trace of being noticed.

So, once and for all.

They directly cremated Ishikawa Shu!

"Okay, it's useless to say more."

"Ishikawa Shu is glorious, he sacrificed himself for the village"

"He is our hero of Konoha and will always live in everyone's hearts"

"We will not discuss this person in the future, but let’s discuss the next actions."

After hearing these words, the two of them nodded quickly.


Regarding the matter of Ishikawa Tree, it is indeed better not to discuss it.

After all, the real situation is indeed a bit too dirty and inconsistent with the 'Will of Fire'.

However, when they really started to think about the next situation, the three of them couldn't help but start to have a headache.

Kirigakure's searches became more and more frequent!

This is normal.

After all, for Kirigakure, the next Uzumaki Country will... But they captured Konoha's bridgehead.

Such an important position, of course Konoha ninjas are not allowed to cause trouble.

"It would be great if we had a Hyuga ninja in our team."

Kudo Xin couldn't help but speak.

However, after he finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Uchiha Jin:"I'm sorry, Jin-kun, I don't look down on Uchiha."

"No need to say more, I understand! Uchiha Jin said calmly:"In terms of large-scale exploration, the Sharingan is indeed inferior to the Byakugan.""

He really doesn't care.

First of all, he really looks down on Uchiha.

More importantly,

Kudo Shin is right. The Sharingan is indeed strong!

When it comes to fighting alone, Uchiha overwhelms Hinata..

But, the same thing.

In this kind of large-scale war, Hinata's Byakugan is a strategic resource.

I didn't see Kumogakure's group of fools, they made two attempts to fight for the blood of Konoha, but they all went towards Hinata's Byakugan. Didn't he mean to talk to Uchiha at all?

Even a few years ago, the Kumogakure ninja that Uchiha Jin encountered was essentially the guy who wanted to escape and accidentally escaped to his residence.

Why not grab the Sharingan?

No It's because the Sharingan is strong in fighting alone, but it doesn't help much in large-scale battles like this?

One or two strong men alone, unless they are as strong as Hatake Shoshige or Fengami Minato, really can't change the battle situation much.


Just when Uchiha Jin opened his mouth and was about to continue talking, he suddenly felt a summons.


Punched seals with both hands and slapped the ground.


A black ninja crow appeared with a note tied to his foot.

Uchiha Jin opened the note, took one look at it and burned it with Fire Release, then smiled. Open your mouth

"Also, two days!"

"The ANBU has already informed the village about the situation here."

"Now that the Konoha army has gathered, this time it is led by our Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku."

"Guys, hang in there."


As early as the moment they confirmed that the frontline camp collapsed, he contacted Shisui through the ninja crow and wanted to ask when the Konoha army would arrive.

Of course, he was not stupid.

Because he knew Shisui's character, He was afraid that this guy would directly tell Sarutobi Hiruzen that he had contact with him.

So, he was just asking!

He did not inform Shisui about the specific situation on the front line.

"This is great! Kudo Shin shouted:"Uchiha, we are saved!""

He cheered loudly.

After all, in this desperate situation, even if Uchiha Jin is commanding very well, the pressure of life and death at any time still makes him a little breathless.

In fact, let alone him.

Even Nara Kazama breathed a sigh of relief now.


He knew very well that this time Uchiha took action, it was the clan leader Fugaku who took action.

Then the ninja brought must be elite.

At the very least, they are definitely not like them. This batch, all of them are like cannon fodder.

Uchiha Jin is the same.

Although it has only been a few days, he feels like it has been a long time.

This kind of time, every minute, every moment The days when their nerves are tense and their brains are constantly calculating are simply not something normal people can bear.

But, it’s okay.

Once the Uchiha army arrives, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said

"Okay, everyone"

"Now that we have received the news, everyone is relieved"

"Next, have a good rest"

"After two hours, we should continue setting off."

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