Chapter 350: After some analysis, Shikaku decided to defect to Uchiha!

Nara Shikaku looked emotional.

His eyes were full of fear and fear, his whole back was wet with cold sweat, his face was frighteningly pale, and his whole body even began to tremble slightly.

His speaking voice was even slightly trembling~.


Haruka thought that before Nara Koji didn't speak just now, he even felt a little scornful in his heart.


Only fear!


Fortunately, Nara Koji brought this news back, otherwise the consequences for their half of the pig deer butterfly would be unpredictable.

Think of this.

When he looked at Nara Koji, his eyes began to become filled with gratitude.

Nara Koji:"……"

He was stunned.

After hearing Nara Shikaku's words, he couldn't help but gasp.


He finally understood the source of the vague uneasiness in his heart.

I see!

Although his side defected to the Uchiha, Nara Shikaku's side still stayed with the Hokage.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's petty mind, he would not even let go of his own teacher.

How could a young kid like Zhulu Die easily be exposed afterwards?

For such a cruel and ruthless boss, is it necessary for Ino Shikacho to split in two and use half of his power to support Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Different from Uchiha!

Guys like Sarutobi Hiruzen can only share years of trouble, but not happiness!

Thinking of this, he immediately said

"There is something wrong with the plans our family agreed upon in the past. We can no longer abide by our ancestors' precepts!"

"We, Inarakacho, cannot continue to support a guy like Sarutobi Hiruzen, otherwise if he truly wins, it will be a disaster for us, Inarakacho!"

"Shikaku, you can’t hesitate any longer!"

"We Inarakacho have no choice, just go to Uchiha!"

"After this period of time, I got to know Uchiha. Although there are a lot of psychopaths in Uchiha, their character can be completely trusted."

"Their characters are quite simple!"

"Only if the Uchiha succeeds, we Inaraka Butterfly can survive."

Akimichi Tofeng tried to open his mouth.

However, in the end he chose silence.

Because Nara Shikaku's words really shocked him completely.


Maybe he didn't feel anything was wrong before, but considering Nara Koji The past that he mentioned.

He hesitated.

This time Inokacho made two or five cubs. Considering the ruthless and ruthless character of Sarutobi Hiruzen...

Now that Inogacho is used, he still has Can barely maintain restraint.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen really succeeds, then after Sarutobi Hiruzen stabilizes the overall situation, the first one to kill will be Ino Shikacho!

Senju Tobirama is a lesson from the past!

In fact,.

Not only Akimichi Tofaze, but even the current Nara Shikaku fell into a state of silence in an instant. On the one hand, it was the ancestral teaching, and on the other hand, it was reality.

After a long time, he couldn't help but say:"Give up Sarutobi Hiruzen" , how about choosing Namikaze Minato?"

"That's not bad. Akimichi Feng said with a smile:"Minato's character is worthy of trust.""

"I agree!"

But, in this regard.

After Nara Koji was silent for a moment, he still shook his head.

After pondering for a while, he slowly spoke

"Now the Pig, Deer and Butterfly are divided into two!"

"According to common sense, I shouldn’t say anything more about your plan."

"But, I still have to remind you"

"Namikaze Minato is indeed a good person, but precisely because he is a good person, I do not recommend joining him."

"The reason is very simple!"

"Minato's sense of justice is too strong, so he will ensure absolute fairness"

"Therefore, his flexibility is very poor. He adheres to rules in everything, and there is no possibility of accommodation."

"When faced with conspiracies, overt and covert attacks, neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Uchiha will ask you for any evidence, and will directly retaliate in equal or even double the amount."

"Only in this way will you not suffer a loss!"

"But on Namikaze Minato's side, that would never be the case."

"He will pay attention to methods and concrete evidence, and then punish you in accordance with the law."

"Not to mention how much time this will waste, the key point is that if you do this often, I suspect that before you can find the evidence, the entire basic system will be directly destroyed."

"Minato is a good person, but not a good leader"

"Even if he becomes Hokage and has the great righteousness of Hokage, nothing will change."

"I don't like him!"


Now that Ino Lu Die has separated, he can't actually say much about Lu Jiu.

But, the same thing.

Even from the perspective of a friend, he doesn't want to live a miserable life here.

So. After hearing Unara Shikaku's choice, he immediately analyzed him.

He didn't lie. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He did not deny Namikaze Minato's justice, But good people and good leaders are two different concepts.

Namikaze Minato is too idealistic.

He is not down-to-earth at all, so he is not optimistic about it.

Akimichi Tatefeng:"……"

Nara Shikaku:"……"

After the two looked at each other, they all fell silent.


They also felt that what Nara Koji said made sense, but after looking at the current Konoha Village, Namikaze Minato was already the best choice.

If they don't choose Namikaze Minato, then which force can they choose?

Sarutobi Hiruzen, absolutely not!

Danzo? No choice for dogs!

Orochimaru? forget it.

Namikaze Minato is not good, so he can only choose Uchiha?

Have to admit[]

Uchiha is indeed a good choice, but the problem is that half of Uchiha have now defected to the past.

The ancestral teachings, do you really want to give up?

In response to the silence between the two, Nara Koji did not continue to speak.


Zhuludie has separated.

As for Nara Shikaku's choice, the most he can do is give a reminder, but the more he talks about it, the more he becomes a little rude.

"Shikaku, make your choice. Akimichi Tofeng was the first to speak:"Nara is the smartest.""

"The Akimichi and the Yamazaka clans will not interfere in this matter of decision-making."

"As long as it is a decision you make, both our races will choose to abide by it."


After some thinking, Akimichi Tifeng chose to give up.

There is no way!

He is really not good at using his brain.

Nara Shikaku nodded.

After a long silence, he spoke helplessly.


"You still convinced me, I agreed to defect to Uchiha"

"So it's up to you to talk to Uchiha about this matter."

The corners of his mouth are now full of bitterness.


Because of his actions, he has indeed abandoned his ancestral teachings.

But, there is really no way.

Today's Konoha environment is indeed a bit too troublesome.

Count one Behind the circle.

It seems that only Uchiha can see, what are the other forces!

Dogs will shake their heads when they see it.

In this case, violating the ancestral teachings is a last resort.

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