Chapter 46: Shisui's request, Uchiha Jin spoke

"Shisui," with an excited look on his face.

He, who is kind-hearted by nature, cannot accept this darkness. only.

Although his face was full of anger and his eyes were full of murderous intent, he was not too impulsive.

Because this was Hinata's family matter, and he was just an Uchiha.

Konoha's rules.

The Hokage only cares about the village and the ninjas he is preparing.

Only during wars can one have the right to mobilize and command family ninjas.

Each ninja clan adopts autonomy within itself!

Although that Hyuga clan member is annoying, he is not a ninja being fabricated by Konoha.

Even during the war, the Hyuga clan did not participate in the war.

Even if Shisui was angry in his heart, he couldn't interfere with the Hinata family's affairs.

Otherwise, we will not hesitate to declare war!

In this case, he could only turn to Nara Kazama for help.

As he said before, the Nara clan has the best brains, and they might be able to come up with some good ideas.

But, about this.

Nara Kazama looked helpless and shrugged before saying

"Captain, you think too highly of me. Nara Kazama said helplessly:"This is a matter of the Hinata family, we can't interfere.""

"And because of the caged bird, Aya essentially has no way of saying no."

"The only thing I can think of is to find a long-term garrison mission outside of the Fire Country before the war ends."

"And this task must be done by us"

"Only in this case, Hinata must bow to Naruto"

"It is difficult to accomplish this!"

"And even if we can actually do it, it will actually only be a temporary delay."

"The mission will eventually end, and no one can change that."

"This problem has no solution!"

Everyone was silent.

Even if Nara Kazama didn't think of a way, everyone didn't blame him.

After all, everyone knew how complicated this matter was.

Hinata Aya smiled.

"There is no need for everyone to be like this, this is the fate of the Hyuga family separation"

"I've long accepted this, and I'm happy to meet you all"

"This is enough."

Her face was full of tenderness, and although the corners of her mouth were full of bitterness, she still spoke to persuade everyone.


Just as he said, she had long accepted her fate.

Uchiha Jin could only remain silent.

His His eyes flickered, but he did not speak.

This matter is very complicated.

The key is that even if he succeeds, it will not be of much benefit to himself.

And to be blunt, Hinata Aya's fate may be unbearable, but at least he can keep his own Life.

But, what about himself?

The dark clouds of Uchiha's genocide are still hovering over his head.

In fact, let alone himself.

Even Shisui, Kazama... everyone is actually the same, so don't laugh at the second brother.

And, At this moment,

Shisui suddenly looked at Uchiha Jin and spoke in a very serious tone.

"Jin, I want to help Ling"

"I know you must have a way. We are all comrades who have experienced life and death."

"Help Ling!"

Now Shisui has a serious look on his face.


He may not have been in contact with his clan brother for a long time, but he knows something about him. Even though he looks lazy and ordinary, In fact , they were all disguises.

He was really angry and depressed about Hinata Aya's matter.

He was kind-hearted and really wanted to help.

Following Shisui's words, Kazama and Aya both looked at Uchi Uchiha Jin.

Shisui will not go into details.

He knows a little about Uchiha Jin, so he has a thoughtful look on his face. He wants to see if his collaborator can think of a better way than himself.

As for, Hinata Aya.

She was slightly surprised and looked at Uchiha Jin in astonishment.


She didn't understand a little.

She had been in contact with Uchiha Jin for three days, but to be honest, she didn't feel anything.

Ordinary, nothing. Characteristics.

So she didn't understand. How could a genius of Shisui's level ask for help from this ordinary Jhin?

Uchiha Jhin:"……"

He looked confused.

Especially when he saw that the big guy's eyes were all focused on him, the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

Good guy!

What does this have to do with me?

But he really didn't expect that Shisui could be so kind.

Thinking of this, he fell into deep thought.

He really didn't want to care about this matter, but the atmosphere has reached this level. Even if Hinata Aya doesn't have enough face, he has to give Shisui face!

Thinking of this, Youyou said:

"This matter is difficult to say, but it is actually very simple."

"The reason why you can't think of a solution is because of your way of thinking or the way you play within the rules of the game."

"In fact, as long as you step outside the rules, there are not many solutions."

"Let me just name a few."

"First, frame the blame"

"Even if the Hyuga clan won't participate in the war, it's impossible to stay in the Hyuga clan forever, right?"

"After he leaves the Hyuga clan, we will find a way to get him into conflict with others, and then accidentally kill a few Konoha civilians. Then we will make this matter bigger and ask all the civilians to go to the Hokage to protest."

"Even if he is from the Hyuga clan, unless he is a truly important clan member, the Hyuga clan will not dare to protect him."

"As for how to make him conflict, there aren't many ways. The simplest way is to control the Sharingan, or knock him out and hide him first, and then use the transformation technique to do it."

"If you feel unsafe, then be more direct."

"Just dress yourself up as a Kumogakure ninja, find a way to rush directly to the Hyuga clan and kill him, then take away his Byakugan and retreat directly."

"With Hyuga Aya, a member of the Hyuga branch, even if the Hyuga clan is heavily defended, it is not difficult to find a loophole."

"If you feel that this is not safe, then don't alarm anyone. Use Sharingan to set up a psychological hint for the Hyuga clan, making him think that he will be too bored to stay in the clan for a lifetime, and feel that the Hyuga clan is like a cage."

"Let him have the idea of ​​​​walking out of Konoha Village"

"After he leaves, he kidnaps the ticket and sells his body to the black market."

"It doesn’t matter whether you dress up as Kumogakure, a rebel ninja, or a bounty hunter."

"In short, there are many ways"

"As long as we are not limited to the identity of Konoha ninja and are mentally prepared to break the rules, we are all Konoha ninjas, and among them there is a Hinata ninja."

"Is it difficult to find loopholes?"

"Hinata's defense is indeed tight. Even if other ninja villages want to roll their eyes, it is indeed difficult to succeed."

"But don't forget"

"We are internal thieves. As long as we plan properly, we may have difficulties, but the probability of success is high."

"And as long as that Hyuga clan dies, Aya's problem will naturally disappear."


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