Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 100: rescue! act together

The whole night passed, and Neji accidentally took a short nap.

Fortunately, after waking up, the surrounding is as usual, and the situation is still good.

Standing up and looking back, Ino was exhausted and fell asleep.

He walked over, and Hyuga's body had basically recovered, and the broken chest had grown into a body, although the color was burning, it looked very strange.

"Did you make it?"

The corner of Neji's mouth twitched, and he looked at Ino, who was sleeping beside him.

"Thank you so much." He said softly.

Immediately, he leaned over and looked at Ino's sleeping face, soft and gentle.

I haven't seen the state of this beautiful woman with a burst of temperament falling asleep, and I can't help being a little fascinated.


Neji yawned a little and fell to the side, gradually falling asleep...


Not knowing when he was awakened, Neji was startled and stepped back.

I saw Ino roll aside, protect his body tightly, and look at Neji carefully.

Ning Ci immediately opened his eyes and looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Then he looked at Ino and asked, "What's wrong?"

And Ino was startled, remembering Asma's evaluation of Baiyan at that time...

I saw Ningci's white eyes waiting for the blue veins to burst, looking at his body.

Her face has turned red!

"Neji!" she yelled.

On the other hand, Neji was startled, stood up, and stepped back.

On his body, there is still a fragrance, which is the fragrance of Ino's hair.

He quickly lifted his eyes, scratched his head and smiled: "Hey! Don't think about it, Ino, don't think too much, I'm not that kind of person...


Although he said it, why did he feel that something was wrong.

Ino blushed, squatted up, and knelt to the side with a proud look on his face.

What's the matter with your hair? It was only then that Neji remembered that when he was in a daze, he seemed to be holding Ino in his arms...

I can usually control this, but I fell asleep. Although the body is a teenager, Neji is a full-fledged old man. It's normal to be a little rude, but looking at Ino's appearance, he didn't pursue it. He smiled. And passed.

Anyway, Ino is tacitly aware of his liking, so it shouldn't be too much and it won't damage his image?

Walking over, seeing that Ino had already started to check on Hyuga, who was recovering, Neji also knelt down and sat down.

"How is it?"

Neji asked.

"The body has basically recovered, but..." Ino's expression was still solemn.

Neji had a bad premonition, because Neji also noticed that the chakra in Hyuga Rizhong's body was disordered.

"Is it illusion?"

Ino nodded and said, "That's right, it's an illusion. The destructive power of that palm is not only powerful, but also the illusion that is applied in the palm. The opponent should know this person's physical recovery ability very well, so the illusion is to make He was reincarnated in the illusion and couldn't wake up."

Ino punched his chakra into Hyuga's body, but it didn't work.

"No way, even if I can find out the reason and get a solution, I don't have the ability. This person's chakra is too tenacious, and it's impossible for me to do it."

"Ah, I can only come."

Neji took a deep breath.

"Well, Neji, it's up to you."

Ino took a few steps back, and the illusionist Chakra also seemed to have a deep soft boxing technique.

Yesterday's palm looked completely different from the empty palm, but in fact it was similar, but considering the technique of this illusion, it was very likely that the palm was an evolutionary or advanced version of the empty palm.

These things, as an outsider Ino, can see.

Neji took a deep breath and began to seal.


Chakra poured into Hyuga's body.

Ino Road: "It works!"

To crack the illusion, the most important thing is to have different chakra flows.

Illusion is by interfering with the flow of chakra in the opponent's body to make the opponent fall into an illusion or sleep. When another chakra is disturbed, the original effect of the illusion cannot be activated. It will automatically restore the flow of chakra in the body.

The illusion is also lifted.

And the chakra flow of this illusion, including Hyuga Sunaka itself, is the chakra of the Hyuga clan.

Ino was unable to influence and shake, and tried all night to no avail.

Now Neji's Chakra finally shakes the phenomenon of turbulent flow.

But...still not.

Neji felt that the chakra in the body was like a turbulent current, flowing in all directions, constantly instructing.

"Still not, Neji, this person's chakra is too strong. You must have a stronger chakra, forcibly interrupt!"

In Ino's eyes, this is simply impossible to do.

However, Neji took a step back.

He took a deep breath and frowned.

Then start printing.


Neji gathered the chakra of his body, the most essential part.

It was this night of meditation that only a small part of the magic chakra obtained was needed.


All into the body of Hyuga Hichu!

"This, this level of chakra..." Ino was secretly surprised.

Those fairy chakras are all embodied and transparent in the air. Ino has never seen such a concentration of chakra.


Nizhong opened his eyes, startling Ino.

"Ah! Scared me to death..."

Ino was stunned for a moment, and took a step back unconsciously.


He started breathing heavily, like a child awakened from a nightmare.

"Quick! Take us to save people!" Ino said quickly.

But Ningci raised her hand and muttered, "Don't worry, let him take it easy first."

"Thank you so much for your rescue. I didn't expect that in the end, it was you who rescued me."

Nizhong coughed twice. Although his body had generally recovered, it had some impact on himself.

Ino said: "Your greatest thanks is to cooperate with us. Now, tell us why those people came to kill you?"

The day fell into silence.

After a moment, he sighed.

"If the Tianshou knew that I was in danger, it would be reasonable to kill me to keep my mouth shut. But the man who came to kill me yesterday used a move... it was Yagami air strike."

"Iori Air Strike?"

Ningci frowned slightly, thinking of the "Eighty Gods Air Strike" of the Otsutsugi clan, it was a top-level body technique, could it be that there is any connection between the two?

Nizhong explained: "The Eight Gods Air Strike is said to be the physical art recorded in the dossier. Tianshou guards him, there is absolutely no dossier, and he tried his best to target you just because he suspects that you have a dossier on you. Your reaction seems to explain everything. , you don't know the dossier."

"Then, in your opinion, who might it be?"

Neji faintly had a bad premonition.

Japan was silent again.

This time, it was longer than last time.

"There is a person, maybe it is his means. This person, I met a few years ago. He is a ninja who is proficient in a lot of ninjutsu, knows a lot of truth, and has studied a lot about ninjutsu and curse marks. At that time, I was eager to untie the shackles of the branch and the clan on me. On the one hand, I wanted to explore the mysteries of my body. His research helped me untie the shackles of the vortex family Chakra in my body. It made me more stronger..."

Having said this, Neji's uneasy premonition turned into reality.

"He promised to remove the curse of the caged bird for me. I believe he has this ability. As a price, I handed over my body to him for research... At this time, it should be him who wants to get rid of me, right?"

Said in the middle of the day, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Ino looked at Nizhong lying down, and said with pain on his face.

"Why don't you sit up? Can you do it?"


After Neji helped Rizhong up, Rizhong supported his forehead.

"That person, as you should all know, is one of the three ninjas who fought against Konoha not long ago - Orochimaru."

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