Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 154: stronger! Battle of your life

"Are you... a teenager at that time?"

Junma Lu frowned, the impression of Neji twice was not too big.

Neji is also a candidate for Orochimaru recently, but it is equally unattainable. In addition, the extraordinary power that Neji shows at a young age is far beyond that of his peers.

It stands to reason that it should be a scene where a genius sees a genius and sympathizes with each other, but what follows is destined to be a life-and-death battle.

Junma Lu was the first to calm down, and he clenched the bone whip.

"No matter who you are, whoever dares to hinder the plan of Lord Orochimaru, I will make him disappear from this world."

Neji chuckled and shrugged.


He moved the Anbu mask to the top of his head and squatted down, a very standard Anbu squat.

Unexpectedly, in order to pretend to be Anbu more smoothly, he skillfully imitated the combat methods of Anbu's internal personnel, and today he can actually use it on the field.

"Come on, let me see your abilities!" Neji chuckled.


Before Junma Lu could react, Neji's white eyes bulged, and her figure looked like a ghost!

"Dance of Tang Song!"

In order to prevent this unimaginable speed from giving him an unexpected attack, Junmarou stretched out his arms and pierced twenty curved bones from his body, six in his chest, six in his back, and two in each of his limbs.


A palm hits the back.

"Sure enough, I can't react..." Jun Malu frowned and turned to attack.


The bones stretched along with Neji, and Junmarou quickly responded.

However, the speed of Neji's retreat was also extremely fast, and the distance was quickly opened up.

"Even if you have the advantage of speed, it is meaningless, because your attack has no effect on me."

Jun Ma Lu said indifferently, his eyes contemptuous.

On the other hand, Neji was standing not far away, the corner of his mouth twitching.


He has already started to make seals quickly, and he has made seals with both hands!

"One-handed seal? As expected of you." Jun Malu stretched out his arms and tried to resist.

"Soft Fist, Empty Palm!"

"Wind Escape Palm Storm Wave!"

The two techniques, Neji has already cultivated to a considerable level, and once again combined, the power has long been different from before.

And now there are no sealed eyes, allowing Neji to maximize the power of his immortal physique!


The range has increased a lot than before, and more importantly, the power. Wherever he passed, the grass burst into flames, and weeds flew everywhere.


Kunmaro, who has no defensive ninjutsu, can only take this move with his flesh!


The lethal Wind Escape Palm knocked Junma Lu back several meters, but he firmly supported the ground and refused to fall.

The pressure tore apart the flesh on the body, bleeding, and a layer of hard bones condensed under the flesh, which resisted even greater pressure.

"...This is also possible?" Ningci sighed and frowned slightly.

And Junma Lu's body was already covered with blood.

"It seems that this time, I can get rid of a big problem for Master Orochimaru. You are indeed a dangerous person. Hyuga Neji." Junma Lu looked at Neji and understood what level of ninja he was facing.

He closed his eyes, and a force within his body began to permeate and burn all over his body.

The curse mark climbed up the whole body, and the chakra skyrocketed in an instant, more than ten times stronger!

What's more important is the energy of the body. The current Junma Lu is not inferior to Neji in physical skills!

"Next time, let me attack!"

As Junma Lu said, the person was approaching quickly, stepping on the grass like stepping on the waves, riding the wind and waves away.


Three white bones stabbed gloomily, and the bone whip also swung at the same time. Neji cleverly avoided them, but Junmalu's movement was chasing after him, and he couldn't keep a distance.

"Soft Fist!"

Neji found an opportunity and fought back, but this blow was blocked by the bones that rushed out quickly.

"So fast?" Ningci frowned, he had already found the best opportunity, but the bone's reaction seemed to rush out automatically.

However, Junma Lu jumped away and needed to make a seal. He just crossed his hands, and the finger bones slowly emerged from the ten fingers.

"Secret Art Ten Finger Piercing!"

"Too Dio Dio"!

Ten phalanges flew towards Ningci, very fast!

"Soft Boxing Technique · Back to Heaven!"

Ningji jumped away and cast the sky back in the air.

There was no time to dodge at all, so he could only use Huitian to bounce it off, but the finger bullet hit Huitian, and it even lasted for a few seconds before it was completely shattered.

"Won't be bounced off?"

Neji finished returning to heaven and retreated a long way.

"Bone veins? It's a really good ability. It can have such a powerful penetration that even Chakra can't affect it..."

Neji analyzed.

That Huitian was an aggregate of Chakra, and the more the attack against Chakra, the more meaningless it was to Huitian.

The physical attack will also be thrown away by Huitian, but this bone is an unexplainable phenomenon in the boundary of blood, and Huitian still needs a lot of difficulty to resist.

"In that case... it's not enough to use physical techniques."

After Neji finished speaking, he immediately started to seal the seal.

Junma Lu over there frowned, Sasuke resisted the gesture, but couldn't do anything.

He is a pure taijutsu person, and even in taijutsu, he has already surpassed the current Neji.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Neji spit out a fireball, concentrated at one point, and the high-concentration and high-temperature flames shot towards Junmaro like a jet.

The huge amount of flames made the surrounding temperature extremely high, and the grass on the ground burned.

"It's a good technique, but it's still easy to dodge..."

As Junma Lu said, he quickly jumped back and stepped back frantically.

However, the second wave of Ningci's printing has ended.

"Wind Escape Palm Storm Wave!"

This time, it is also the seal of the two hands, but both are the seal of the palm storm.


The two tornadoes whirled and crossed in the air, heading towards the flames. At the moment of contact with the flames, the flames were swift and violent, increasing several times!


The flames grew louder in the air, and dispersed to the surroundings like a monster.

The heat wave of the flames rushed towards Junmalu, and the speed completely overwhelmed Junmalu's retreat. Soon, the fireworks overwhelmed Junmalu.


Junma Lu roared, no matter how hard the bones are, they will eventually be cremated into ashes when exposed to extremely high temperatures.

However, in the flames, the figure still surged into the sky.



With the sound of bones shattering, bones grew out of Junmalu's arm, and the spiral bones formed a cone shape and became larger and larger.

Until the arm is completely crushed, the whole hand becomes a cone-shaped weapon.

And his face and body were already covered with curse marks.


Junma Lu came to Ningci precisely, and Ningci frowned slightly and began to seal.

"Gossip · One hit!"


Using the chakra released by one blow, Neji injected the wind attribute chakra form changing ability, mobilized the wind attribute in the chakra, and caused strong resistance to Junmalu.

Neji was able to step back, and Junmalu landed slowly.

"Indeed, your abilities are even more difficult for me than the previous four Kazekage. You are stronger than I saw you before."

After landing on the ground, Junma Lu's eyes had long since become calm, and he looked at Neji who could not be approached in front of him.

"So, are you going to give up?" Neji stretched out a hand and fought heartily, which made him feel good!

Jun Malu sneered, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Give up? No, this battle has just begun!"

Neji's eyes widened, and he opened his white eyes again, his veins jumping violently!

"This is my life-threatening battle!"

As Junmalu said, the whole body began to be cursed, the complexion darkened, and the whole person evolved in a monster-like direction.

Ningci frowned slightly, and he could see clearly with his white eyes, the chakra in his body became so cold and cold!

The curse mark of the second state, the enemy in front of him is stronger again!

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