Shizune shuddered behind her, pulling up Liuyun's flesh with her fingernails to tell him to stop talking.

Shizaburo next to him was also dumbfounded, offending the son of the Hokage among the ninja clans.

Is it true that what he said yesterday is true?

Liuyun stood up, ignoring Shie's obstruction behind him, and walked in front of Asma, quietly confronting him.

Asma raised Liuyun's head high, and the worry in Shizun's heart was even stronger.

The noise in the big tent slowly quieted down, and all the patients and medical ninjas turned their eyes to it.

A civilian shinobi is provoking the son of the Hokage

??Asma spit out word by word: "What were you talking about just

now?" Liuyun sneered, and then looked directly at Asma: "Have you ever been on the battlefield?"

"Have you ever cut someone?Have you ever seen a dead person

?" "Can you tell me how many ninja fights you've experienced?".

Asma seemed to be stunned, he had been here for almost two months, he had never killed anyone, he had never experienced a ninja battle...

It's as if a leader has come here to inspect the construction site.

Liuyun rubbed his waist and sneered: "No! Not a single one! This is the son of the Hokage.

He suddenly pointed to his bandage again: "Do you have it? Do you have a wound on your body?"

Asma was still stunned, her body trembling slightly, as if she was suppressing something.

"You don't, what you have is only the title of the son of the Sarutobi family, and what you have is only the arrogance of the son of the Hokage.

Liuyun grabbed Asma by the collar directly, "What did you just disdain? Do you feel ashamed that I was captured? Do you know how many people are still captured in the Sand Hidden Camp, and what kind of pain do you endure every day?"

"If you are really the son of the Hokage, you should go and save those people, instead of playing a patrol game in the rear.

Shizune and Sunset Red seemed to be stunned when they heard Liuyun's words, they were captured in the enemy camp, and the pain they endured could not be written in the textbook.

Liuyun's words stabbed Asma's heart word by word, and Asma's face sank: "What do you know as a civilian? What role can your strength play on the battlefield?"

"Oh!" Liuyun chuckled, turned around and walked towards the outside of the tent: "Come out! The environment inside is too cramped, it's inconvenient for me to step on your head!"


Shizun shouted worriedly in the back, the other party couldn't even use the transformation technique in his impression, how could he be the opponent of Asma, the top student in the class? Asma

sneered, he was indeed forced by the other party's words just now.

But so what? A weak person is not qualified to judge him!

Sunset Red grabbed Asma's sleeve: "Asma, forget it, Liuyun's injury is not healed yet, and he can't be your opponent."


Asma snorted, not listening, he thought that Liuyun was just trying to be majestic in front of Sunset Red.

Asma strode forward, the sneer on her face still the same.

Mute and Sunset Red followed.

Shizaburo directly picked up his hanging bottle, tiptoed close to the curtain at the entrance of the tent, and poked his head out to peek.

It's not just him, a lot of people are eager to see the results.

Sunset Red's squad is guarding outside, and one of them is a member of the Nara clan, and as for the guidance of the Shinobi, it is the Sunset True Red who is the elite Shinobi.

Sunset True Red leaned against a tree trunk, looked at Liuyun and Asma who were facing each other, and shook her head.

Liuyun is right, the son of the Hokage does have privileges, he is a shinobi who accompanies the prince to study.

But you can't say it so bluntly, or even say it.

When it comes to the upper echelons of the village, don't comment on it, many civilian ninjas have died on it.

The children of the Nara clan looked at Sunset Hong, who wanted to stop him but couldn't do it, and smiled: "Before you become a red face, you've already started to cause trouble

!" "Yuji!" "I'm sorry, I almost forgot that Red is the teacher's daughter!"

"Sunset True Red let go of the hands he was holding: "I'll

go watch them!

Nara Yuji smiled, a glint flashing in his wise eyes, "Not necessarily!"

"Didn't the teacher say that he escaped from the hands of the Sand Hidden Shadows?"

Asma took out a kunai and looked at Liuyun with a sneer, but Liuyun stood there quietly, with bandages on his upper body and a smile on his face.

He was defenseless, but he still stood in the sky.

"What do you rely on?" Asma was furious, and he didn't have the courage to look at him directly.

Now, Asma couldn't find herself in the other party's eyes.

Asma's heart was ruthless, and he jumped forward, seeing that the kunai was about to stab the flowing clouds.


Mute and Sunset Red closed their eyes together, and couldn't bear to see the scene of Liuyun being stabbed and bleeding.

It was quiet, there was no screaming, no fighting.

The two girls opened their eyes in unison, and then their pupils opened to the maximum.

Liuyun stepped on Asma's head with a hard kick.


Yuji commented carefully: "The moment Asma stabbed him, he jumped away, and then stepped on Asma's head! This kind of speed, and this kind of reflex, is worthy of the person who escaped from the sand hidden shadows." "

Everyone underestimated him, his current physical skills are already at the level of mid-ninja! What did he go through in the month he was captured?"

The first civilian in the history of Konoha Village to have his shoe printed on the face of the Hokage's son is no longer something that can be described.

Asma gnawed on the mud, breathing uncomfortably, trying to break free, but was crushed to the ground by that foot.

"You see, this is the son of the Hokage, even if he was born in the goshawk's family, he can't escape the life of eating mud. "

Damn!" Asma's arms were bruised, and her fingers dug into the dirt violently.

Proud as he is, he is trampled under the feet of his peers, and he has no strength to struggle.

How is this possible? Mu Liuyun had obviously never been his opponent before, how could he be a person now?!

Good guy!!

Fan Saburo was so enthusiastic that he couldn't wait to pull out his own drip and follow Liuyun to try the taste of stepping on the children of the ninja clan.

Sunset Red was about to act to stop Asma's embarrassment, but a green figure was faster than him.

Liuyun retreated sharply, and was greeted by a young man, wearing a green vest and no family crest, not from the ninja clan.

"Don't be so rude to Young Master Asma

!" Liuyun smiled: "Is the house slave of the Ape Fei family, what a good dog!"

Greenskin's eyes widened suddenly: "What did you say?"

"I said... Is it easy to lick the bones of the ninja clan?"

"Damn!" The green-skinned shinobi immediately sealed, and a body rushed forward in an instant, with a cold and shining kunai in his hand, he really wanted to kill Liuyun.

"Eight Gate Dunjia Open the Door!"

Liuyun's four fingers closed in front of him, and the endless chakra in his body was quickly released.

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