As soon as I entered, a beautiful woman with long black hair was dressed in a chef's outfit, with fair skin and a moving posture.

Liuyun had long known that Uchiha Mikoto was very beautiful, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still unconsciously had a stunned look or two, and he couldn't wait to build a room next to him and hang a plaque with the word king.

Uchiha Mikoto was holding a small wooden plate with two teacups on it, and the strong fragrance of tea lingered in the cups, he walked up to Liuyun, bowed to Liuyun and said, "Liuyun-kun, please drink tea."

Liuyun shook his mind from the loss of consciousness, gently picked up the teacup, and moistened it in his throat, the fragrance of tea lingered, and the tea was gentle like water.

The Uchiha clan is an aristocracy, and their elegance in this regard is not comparable to ordinary people.

Liuyun put the teacup back and praised Uchiha Mikoto: "I have heard that the Uchiha family is all handsome men and beautiful women, but I didn't expect to see Mrs. today and feel that this is true, Madame must have had many Uchiha people pursue her when she was young, right?!" Uchiha

Mikoto bent her eyes like a crescent moon and smiled.

Uchiha Fugaku heard Ruyun praise his wife, and also smiled: "Of course, you must know that Mikoto was a flower in the clan back then, and it took me a lot of effort to win the beauty to rest assured." "

Oh," Liuyun nodded.

So what? You're a road builder, and I still have to come to the road.

Immediately after that, Rukumo took off his shoes, stepped on the wooden plank, and sat on the tatami mat with Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Mikoto put both of them on the teacups and went to the house to work on the evening's dinner.

The two exchanged politeness, and Uchiha Fugaku took a sip of tea, and then looked at Liuyun who was staring at the kitchen.

He smiled: "Liuyun-kun, haven't you eaten yet?" Liuyun

retracted his gaze and nodded: "I'm going to try Madame's technique!"

Uchiha Fugaku said with some pride: "The cooking skills of the inner people are the highest in the entire Uchiha family, and several elders in the family are full of praise for this.

Liuyun smiled: "Cao... No, the clouds are blessed now.

Uchiha Fugaku then started the topic: "Why did Ruyun-kun visit this time?"

Rukumo's eyes glanced at the kitchen secretly, and when he heard Uchiha Fugaku's words, he replied straightly, "I hope that tomorrow the Uchiha family can support my Tsunade-sister to become the Hokage's assistant." "

Uchiha Fugaku didn't have any surprises, and basically guessed the purpose of Liuyun's trip.

He took a sip of tea, and then said, "I'm sorry, Liuyunjun, we don't dare to go against the high-level!"

Liuyun pursed his lips in his heart.

Liuyun didn't really care about the Uchiha clan's agreement, and today he came to find out the enemy's situation, or the width of the Uchiha's wall.

He took a sip of tea, and then said with a smile: "Fuyue-kun, let's not laugh anymore, I know the situation of your Uchiha clan in the village, basically excluding the circle of power, without any allies."

Uchiha Fugaku fell silent, of course he knew better than anyone else about his family's situation in the village, and the higher-ups were crowding out their Uchiha clan.

Ruyun continued: "When we Senju and Uchiha were fighting in the Warring States Period, the Sarufei and Shimura families were still gnawing on the turf!" "

Now that they are riding on our heads, they are almost, can this still be endured?"

Uchiha Fugaku continued to be silent, he had brains, and he didn't need Liuyun to provoke.

Liuyun saw the silence of Uchiha Fugaku, and knew in his heart that the Uchiha family wanted to shrink, and it seemed that it would not work without giving a little benefit.

But what good is there about him that the Uchiha clan needs?

He is handsome in addition to being handsome.

Liuyun thought of his own creation and regeneration again.

As a great ninja, there must be a lot of disabled people in the family, after all, every upper ninja is desperate to survive, and he is embarrassed to say that he has cut people without a little injury.

Liuyun then smiled, and a knife suddenly appeared beside him, and he swung it to the side, cutting off one of Uchiha Fugaku's left arms in an instant.

Uchiha Fugaku bows his head: (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑) !!


Uchiha Mikoto's eyes widened, and then she opened the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, releasing an infinite murderous aura that gathered on Liuyun's body.

"Ruyun-kun, are you making enemies of my Uchiha clan?

!" "Hah!"

Uchiha Itachi also took out the kunai and rushed towards Liuyun.

Liuyun smiled softly, and with a touch of the head to block the Uchiha Itachi, he carried his clothes and threw it in the direction of Uchiha Mikoto.

"Don't panic, isn't it just an arm? can't you endure it as a ninja?!"

Ruyun said, slowly walking over to Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku opened his writing wheel eyes and looked at Ruyun with hatred: "Mu Ruyun, did you come specifically to my Uchiha clan to assassinate me?!" Liuyun

smiled and didn't answer.

If he was ruthless, directly slaughtered Uchiha Fugaku and robbed his wife and children, there would be no one in this village who could stop him.

Liuyun then put his hand on Uchiha Fugaku's severed arm: "Ninja, reverse creation and regeneration!" The

light full of vitality entered the broken arm of Uchiha Fugaku, and in an instant, the flesh at the broken arm of Uchiha Fugaku squirmed, and a newborn arm was directly condensed.


Uchiha Fugaku looked at his newborn's left arm, and as he looked down at the severed arm that had fallen on the mat, his arm growing back on.

This method has never been seen before, and even Tsunade, the Holy Hand of Medicine, does not have such a treatment.

"The arm has grown back!!" Uchiha

Mikoto hugged Uchiha Itachi, she also looked incredulous, her husband had just been cut off an arm, and in the blink of an eye, he was grown out by Liuyun.

"I'll just say it's a small problem!" Ruyun

smiled at the frightened family, and then sat down, slowly sipping the fragrant tea, he glanced at the frightened Uchiha Fugaku in his heart.

"I'm sorry, with this method, Fuyue-kun can also know my chips better!"

Uchiha Fugaku set off a storm in his heart, he didn't expect Liuyun to have such a method.

He then thought of the other party's miraculous Mu Dun, coupled with the legend that the original Hokage would not die on the battlefield, and immediately dispelled the horror in his heart.

In front of the unheard of Mu Dun, such a method is not so unbelievable.

Liuyun then said: "I believe that there are many disabled people in the Uchiha family, I can help them recover, as long as you take your husband... Your Uchiha family can support my Tsunade-san!"

Ruyun almost slipped his mouth, but quickly came back to his senses.

The Uchiha family and the Konoha high-level do not deal with each other, and increasing their strength can be regarded as disgusting Konoha high-level.

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