Sarutobi Shinnosuke quickly found Sunset True Red, explained his intentions, and asked Sunset True Red to control his daughter very domineeringly.

Let her stop getting close to Liuyun, and at the same time promise to let Sunset Zhenhong's daughter marry into the Sarufei family in the future, and improve Sunset Zhenhong's status in the village.

Sunset Mako refuses in every possible way, not wanting to hurt his daughter's feelings, but Sarutobi Shinnosuke oppresses him with the power of Sarutobi's family.

Sunset Zhenhong has no choice but to stand on the side of the Ape Fei family, and he must protect his daughter from any harm.

The bonfires at night were thick and dispelled the cold that rose from the earth.

Yuji Nara sensed the silence of the atmosphere, and was very clever to find an excuse and go to sleep.

At the campfire, only Sunset Red and Sunset True Red remained.

Sunset Zhenhong gritted his teeth violently, although he was an elite shinobi, he had a certain influence in the village.

But in front of the big tree of the Ape Fei family, he is like an ant.


Sunset Red raised her head and looked at her father, the expression on her face seemed to suppress something.

"What are you doing, Dad

!" "Don't go to Liuyun in the future, don't play with him anymore, forget about him!"

Sunset Red stared at Sunset Zhenhong with wide eyes, Sunset Zhenhong had followed her in everything in the past, and had never interfered in her private affairs.

Today is the first time!

"What are you talking about?Daddy!" Sunset Red stood up.

Sunset Zhenhong said word by word: "Don't go to Liuyun, forget about him completely!" Also, forgive Asma, don't have a little conflict with him anymore.


Why?" Sunset Red asked loudly, "Why? Why can't I go to Liuyun again?" Sunset

Zhenhong's voice was a little louder: "No why? This is an order, I am your guide Shangnin, and you must carry out my words." "

But you're my father!" Tears welled up in Sunset's red eyes.


Sunset was really red as if she was stunned, looking at her daughter's tears sadly.

For the first time in 30 years of life, he felt so powerless, and the hands of the ninja clan were tearing at the fate of civilians all the time.

Kato Broken, White Fang, and too many people, no one can stop the ninja clan's huge chess hand?

The sooner you forget, the sooner you forget, the less painful you will be. "

Tick-tock... Tick-tock..."

The girl's tears fell, and she couldn't believe that her father, who usually doted on her so much, would say such heartless words.

Sunset Red turned around and ran away.

"You are all the same, watching Liuyun die one by one, he is so pitiful, so lonely, but he will never escape the calculations of adults. Sunset

really red watched Sunset Red run away, and did not act, but silently looked at the burning bonfire.

The temperature of the flame is so warm, but the heart of the sunset is so cold.

"We are all sails on the sea, how can we escape the endless whirlpool?"

On the seventh front of the Konoha front, a huge white-headed goshawk landed its claws on the chest of a broken-arm ninja.

Sand Shinobu Koshikawa pinned the ninja knife to Shigejiro's neck: "Who are you ninjas guarding the Eighth Front?"

Shigejiro was covered in blood, and the organs in his chest were messed up.

Suddenly, the force on his chest became greater and greater, and Shigejiro immediately shouted, "It's Mu Liuyun, he has been guarding the eighth front. "

Mu Liuyun, who is he?" Yue

Chuan recalled the list of upper ninjas in Konoha Village in his heart, and he had never heard of Mu Liuyun at all.

Shigejiro immediately replied: "He is a civilian shinobi, because he offended the son of the Sarufei family, he was driven to

the eighth front and sent to death!" "A shinobi!" Koshikawa's heart was full of doubts, and Konoha let a shinobi

stay on the eighth front, but let them lose 8 special shinobi and 12 middle ninja.

"When I'm stupid, dare you lie to me?!" Koshikawa slashed down.

The light in Shigejiro's eyes slowly dimmed, except for the intermittent voice: "I... I... I didn't lie to you..."

Yue Chuan jumped on the black eagle and stood on the neck of the giant eagle, the wind rustling by.

"Ming Feng, go to the Eighth Front, I don't believe Konoha will send a shinobi to guard there!"

"Chirp-" The eagle cried for nine days, its huge wings blocking the light of the moon.


"Woo woo woo woo " came the girl's low sobs in the dark night.

Sunset swept away the thorns that stood in her way, ignoring the blood on her hands, and scurrying around the forest headlessly.

She didn't know where she was, and she didn't know where she was going,

and it was the first time that Sunset was really red with such a tough request to her.

Forgive Asma and forget about Liuyun!

The world of adults is so complicated, Sunset Red only wants to save his companions, and he just wants to stay away from the black vortex of the village, but no one can stop the coercion from the ninja clan.


From the sky came the high-spirited chirping of eagles, and the beasts of the forest were chaotic, and their cries rose and fell, as if they had surrendered to the dark king in the sky.

Sunset Red looked up and saw a huge black goshawk hovering in the night sky, and on the neck of the white feathers stood a ninja wearing a sand ninja forehead.

"Sand Ninja!" Sunset

Red panicked and immediately plunged into the dense forest.

The Black Hawk's vision is sharp, and even in such a dark night, it can spot the sunset red at a glance.

Koshikawa noticed the girl below: "Konoha's shinobi

, is it her?" Judging from the girl below's embarrassment and running away, it is impossible to be a powerful ninja who can hold the eighth front.

"Mingfeng, catch her!"

Sunset's sense of true red was very keen, and he vaguely heard the cry of the flying psychic beast, and immediately became alert.

"Psychic beast, Sand Hide's ninja eagle, it's bad, red!"

Sunset Zhenhong didn't say a word, and ran in the direction where Sunset Red left.

Yuji Nara also got out of the tent, and he also analyzed the urgency of the situation.

On the eighth front of Area A, Liuyun's eyelids jumped, and generally this kind of sign represents an ominous premonition in the routine of Rotten Street.

He had no one to ask, so he asked the system's father, "System, what's the matter? How can my right eyelid jump?"

The system replied truthfully: "The host hasn't slept for a long time, and the eyelids skip for a long time

, of course!" "You still follow me!" "The

host concentrates all the chakras into the white eye, expanding the detection distance.

Liuyun immediately did so, and he sealed his hands.

"White eyes, open!" a

steady stream of chakras in the body gathered at the eyes.

The angle of view of the white eyes began to increase slowly.

1 km!

2 km!

Liuyun still didn't notice any movement, and he immediately opened the Eight Gates Dunjia of the Three Gates.

The skin of his body turned red, and his body exuded green energy, and he burned his body energy to extract chakra and pour it into the white of his eyes.

3 km

, 4

km, 8

km, 10 km! Liuyun's white eye detection range directly expanded to 10 kilometers away, and he tried to investigate, and suddenly found two huge chakras in the sky.

The biggest one is the chakra, which belongs to the psychic beast. The other chakra is higher than the special upper ninja, and it is the chakra that belongs to the upper ninja.

There was also a faint chakra, a familiar chakra cloud.


Liuyun immediately wiped his head, and after resurrection, he opened the three doors and ran towards the direction where Sunset Red was captured.

The three doors were opened together, and a steady stream of chakras was used by Liuyun to perform the technique of instantaneousness.

In the night sky, he was like a green light, streaking through the quiet forest.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" Liuyun

kept accelerating, kept sealing, and kept releasing the instantaneous technique.

The three chakra gate valves in the body continuously output chakras.


He was like a gust of wind blowing through the forest, and the distance between him and Koshikawa was getting closer and closer.

7 km!6 km!

5 km!Liuyun's

body began to experience pain, and the negative effects of the Eight Gate Dunjia were affecting his speed, and Liuyun immediately detonated the detonation charm in his chest.

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