Yue Chuan couldn't dodge at all, so he could only watch as he was kicked in the chest by Liuyun.


The sound of bones cracking sounded, and all the internal organs in Koshikawa's body were kicked out of place.

He was also kicked 100 meters away and crashed into a big tree, breaking it before stopping.


Yue Chuan struggled to get up, endless blood flowed from his mouth, and he looked weakly at Liuyun who was walking towards him step by step with a ninja knife.

At the end of his life, Yue Chuan did not beg for mercy, but sneered on his lips: "Mu Liuyun, you are the person the village top management is looking for, and my Ming Feng will report your information to the village!"

"So what?" Liuyun approached him.

"The four generations of Wind Shadow, the thousand generations of mother-in-law, the scorching envoy Ye Cang, and the Sand Hidden Village, there are many masters, they will definitely find a way to catch you, study your immortal smoke and blood, and keep torturing you!" "

Liuyun raised his knife horizontally, and the blade shimmered silver in the moonlight.

With a slash of the ninja knife, blood splattered, and Liuyun's white clothes were also stained a lot.

"I'm an undead ninja, there's nothing in the world that can kill me!" A

figure came out in an instant, and the flowing clouds turned their heads, and it was the sunset that was really red.

Sunset Zhenhong's gaze at Liuyun was quite complicated: "Everyone underestimates you, your strength has reached the level of forbearance."

Liuyun wiped the blood off the ninja knife, with a faint two-pillar breath on his body: "The eyes of the mediocre will only stay around, how can they see the beautiful scenery beyond their horizons?"

"Sunset Zhenhong cut off Koshikawa's head: "He is an intelligence ninja in the sand, the information in his head is very important, this credit is yours, I will apply to you for combat merits."

Liuyun danced a knife flower, and then a knife put the ninja knife into the hilt of his waist.

The faint breath of the two pillars filled: "Then the merit will be left to you! I am an eagle soaring in the sky, disdainful of competing with those rats in the mud for food."

After Liuyun finished speaking, he turned around and slowly walked towards his small hill.

Sunset Zhenhong looked at the young man with his upper body exposed, revealing his back: "This kid... How can you have an urge to fight?"


On the front line of the sand, a giant black eagle with some charred feathers stopped at the command office.

Umekida immediately walked out of the office and took out a scroll from Black Hawk's beak, which was information that Koshikawa had taken the opportunity to write down during the battle.

Umekita's face was full of gloom, and the best at infiltrating and raiding the upper ninja died like this, I don't know if the information detected can be worth this value?

Umekida opened the scroll and read it carefully: "Immortal ninja, smoke turns blood."

Umekida's eyes lit up.

As the commander of the front line, since the last time he failed to hunt down Liuyun, Umekida has learned that there is information about Liuyun among the higher-ups.

The body that will never die, resurrected in an instant, can recover all the injuries, and now this information has been updated, and it is named Immortal Yan Dun, and its value is higher than that of Mu Dun.

Yue Chuan's sacrifice was not worthless, at least he got the whereabouts of the immortal smoke and blood heir.

Without saying a word, Umekida got on the Black Eagle and flew in the direction of the Sand Hidden Camp, and he was going to report this matter to the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasha.


On the 8th Front of Area A of the Konoha Front, Liuyun Pan sat on the stone, and its spirit had already entered the system space.

With 1400 XP points earned, it's time to upgrade Liuyun's mid-ninja template.

It took 400 XP to increase all three of the eight ninja categories, [Yin], [Phantom], and [Xian], to 10 points.

Liuyun then used all the remaining experience points to improve chakra control, and the nature of chakra changed, and then it was the foundation of the ninja class.

In the end, Liuyun added all the ninjutsu he mastered to the level of one-handed sealing.

The voice of the system sounded as usual: "The host middle ninja quality is successful at the full level, and

the template is replaced!" Liuyun watched as he was replaced with a special ninja template, which was promoted according to the level of the ninja.

The interface is full of some new ninjutsu, after all, some people don't want to release the water escape here!

【Special Ninja Wood Liuyun】

[Ninja Eight Items]: Ninja 1, Body 1, Phantom 1, Xian 1, Force 1, Speed 1, Jing 1, Yin 1.

[Chakra Four Items]: Chakra Amount: Special Ninja Level.

Chakra attributes: fire attributes, yin attributes.

Chakra Control: 80% proficiency.

Chakra Nature Change: 80% proficiency.

[Blood Inheritance Limit]: White Eyes (Elementary).

[Ninja Career Basics]: Theory 2, Stealth 2, Tracking 2, Assassination 2, Trap 2, Poison 2.

[Forbidden Technique] The technique of multiple shadow clones (100% proficiency), the opening of the door of the Eight Dunjia, the door of retention, and the door of birth (proficiency 50%)...

[Ninjutsu]: Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Technique (One-handed Seal Proficiency 50%), Fire Escape, Ash Burning (One-handed Seal Proficiency 50%), Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Technique (One-handed Seal Proficiency 50%), Fire Escape Impatiens Fire Technique (One-handed Seal Proficiency 50%), Fire Escape Impatiens Flower Claw Red (One-handed Seal Proficiency 50%), Spiral Pill (No Seal)...

[Physical Technique]: Head Pick Shuriken (Proficiency 100%), Konoha Gale (Proficiency 40%), Konoha Whirlwind (Proficiency 50%), Konoha Great Whirlwind (Proficiency 50%), Omote Lianhua (Proficiency 40%), Lilianhua (Proficiency 50%)...

[Illusion]: Smoke Illusion (100% proficiency), Iris Illusion (80%), Killing Intent Illusion (60%)...

[Evaluation] :(σ≧︎▽︎≦︎) σ.

Liuyun opened his eyes and felt his whole body, and the amount of chakra that was normally circulating had tripled compared to before.

The chakra acupoints have become thicker, proving that the output is also faster.

On top of that, Liuyun felt that his height had grown a little, but it was still less than 1.6 meters tall.

He clenched his hands, his body was filled with a powerful energy, and then he could dance at any time, and he could stand in the sky at any time.

"Liuyun—" A clear shout came from afar.

Liuyun looked away, and a girl in red and white clothes shuttled between the solid stones, like a cheerful deer in the forest.

Liuyun stood up and smiled: "Red!"

Sunset Red was followed by Sunset Zhenhong, the other party was really scared yesterday and didn't dare to let Sunset Red leave his side for half a step.

Sunset Red stubbornly wanted to come to see Liuyun, and this time Sunset Zhenhong followed her daughter and took her to the area where Liuyun was stationed.

Sunset Red quickly approached Liuyun and tightly grasped Liuyun's hand: "Was last night a dream? I obviously dreamed that you were dead? Then why are you still alive?" Liuyun

said nonsense: "At that time, you fell for that sand ninja's illusion, so you thought I was dead." "

Well, I was scared to death at the time!" Sunset Red rubbed his chest, as if he was still worried about yesterday's events.

Liuyun criticized the girl, "How did you run out of your line last night? If I hadn't found out sooner, you would have been arrested by the sand shinobi."

Sunset Red lowered her head, she didn't want to answer the question.

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