The clouds emitted white smoke, and after being resurrected, they were stamped with one hand.

"Fire Escape, Multiple Fire Cannon!" fire

bombs erupted from Liuyun's mouth and roared towards the two ninja eagles in the sky.

"Bang bang bang-"

In the distance, everyone was dizzying, and Liuyun was completely alone blocking the special team of Shayin Village.

The Nara family's Kamino concluded: "There are endless fire escapes, only one-handed seals, bottomless chakra and ultra-fast recovery speed..."

Autumn Michi Takamasa touched his fat belly and said directly: "I don't think he is from the Senju family, he should be from

the Uchiha family!" His words happened to be heard by the people of the Uchiha family.

The Uchiha family's upper ninja nodded: "He has almost all the Uchiha family's fire escapes, and he also has an extremely fast fire escape that can explode." If it weren't for the huge amount of chakra and the recovery speed, I would have thought that the other party was someone from my

Uchiha family!" Shimura Aso continued to make up his mind: "The Thousand Hands family and the Uchiha family have fought for so many years in the Warring States Period, and it is appropriate to understand each other, and the Thousand Hands family must have included a lot of the Uchiha family's fire escape ninjutsu, and it has even been transformed." "

“... Perhaps?!"


Above, as the captain of the special operations team, Shinobu Mai finally made a move, and he immediately ordered his teammates in the team: "Let's go together, subdue him, and give me a chance to seal

!" "Okay!"

The two ninja eagles in the sky roared past, instantly releasing a large number of white wind blades.

The wind blade was like a punishment from above, and it easily cut off half of the small mountain of flowing clouds.


!" "You were killed by two high-level psychic beasts using Wind Escape, experience points +140!" After

Liuyun was resurrected, he jumped out of the white smoke, followed by an earth and stone dragon.


The stone dragon roared angrily, biting off the flowing cloud in one bite, carrying the flowing cloud to the ground, and the stones washed over the flowing cloud's whole body.

"Tsukudu, Huangquanum!"

Daisuke made a Huangquanuma on the ground, and immediately locked Liuyun in the swamp.

Yunoki clasped his hands together, and a large amount of water squirted out of his mouth: "Water Escape, Water Ripple!" A large amount of water

mixed with the clay, and the swamp became more absorbent.

Liuyun was submerged in the swamp, and he immediately sealed his hands, and the chakra of his whole body was made into gunpowder.

"Full power fire escape, ash accumulation!" "


Mars exploded violently, this time the explosion was very powerful, and the mountain where Liuyun was once stationed was completely flattened.

"Caught you!" When

Liuyun recovered, the two special shinobi wrapped a steel wire around Liuyun, one left and one right.

Mai quickly stepped forward and took out the large scroll he was carrying behind his back, and the scroll was immediately opened, rolling towards the flowing clouds.

It was as if a white python was rolling towards him.

Liuyun realized that it was not good, this Shangnin had a sealing technique, and he wanted to seal Liuyun.

Liuyun's detonating talisman on his chest blew up part of the seal scroll.

But the scroll seemed to be alive, and it came towards the Flowing Cloud Seal again.


Liuyun exploded again, blowing up part of the scroll again, and when he was let go, Liuyun's right hand rose up, likening it to a pistol pose.

"Fire Escape, Fire Lin Cannon!" Fire Escape

instantly launched, penetrating Mai's shoulder at once, and then reacted violently.

"This kind of spell casting speed!!"

Mai's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't dodge this kind of instantaneous ninjutsu at all.

In the midst of the crisis, Mai hid to the side.


the explosion sounded, and Mai was blown off half of her shoulder, and she fell to the ground panting.

Seeing that the captain was seriously injured, the two special shinobi who subdued Liuyun with steel wires immediately angrily slashed at Liuyun with knives.

Liuyun still defied them, allowing them to cut off their heads.


!" "You were hacked to death with a knife by two special shinobi, experience +80!" A

very fast special shinobi, as if riding the wind under his feet, quickly approached Mai and carried him away from the battle line.

This special shinobi took out the bandage and treated Mai's injuries in an instant.

Mai's heart was full of gloom: "This damn Konoha imp is too strong." Endless fire escapes, dazzling seals, and even the ability to release explosive fire escapes with the help of your fingers. And his ability to summon detonation charms..."

"We still underestimate him after all!"

"Special Shinobi asked, "Then what should we do?"

Mai looked at his other hand, and he took out 10 seals from his ninja bag: "Give them to the birds, and stick them on that little ghost's body." "

So he can't use Chakra, I don't think he can continue to use the Blood Inheritance Secret Technique?!"


"The special shinobi who harnessed the wind quickly distributed Mai's seal talisman to everyone.

Liuyun leaped into the sky, pinning two fingers to his mouth: "Fire Escape, Impatiens Claw Red!"

I saw that more than 20 impatiens fruits of Fire Escape spit out from his mouth, and attacked towards Yunoki and Daisuke below.

"Wind Escape, Great Breakthrough!"

Asuka made a big breakthrough on the side, blowing away the fire of the impatiens, but the shuriken was hidden in the fire.



The ninja eagle in the sky swooped down, its sharp claws grabbing the flowing clouds.

With the flowing clouds, he rushed straight into the sky, flew about 500 meters and immediately put it down.

The clouds fell from the sky, faster and faster, and they hit the ground with their heads, and they were smashed into flesh foam in an instant, but in the eyes of outsiders, they were a cloud of white smoke.


!" "You fell from the sky and died, experience points +50!" "

Liuyun retracted the white smoke, naked, still the same light and breezy appearance, as if he had not been damaged at all.

The faint two pillars on his body continued to permeate: "Sand Shinobi, are you only at this level? You can't leave a scar on my body?"

It's really sad!" "I suggest you go back to the desert nest and dig a hole in it, and don't come out

for the rest of your life!" His words not only blended into the second pillar's faint pretending style, but also incorporated Naruto's hateful attributes.

(ꐦ ಠ dish ಠ)

The sand ninja was all so angry that his teeth itched, and he was immediately lowered, and all those who could use ninjutsu were immediately displayed.

"Wind Escape: Wind Cutting Technique

!" "Earth Escape, Turon Spear

!" "Water Escape: Water Blade!" "

Xiu Xiu..."

Shuriken, Kun Wu Breaking Empty Attack.


The ninja eagles in the sky released the wind escape, and the special upper ninja standing above them also released the wind escape!

With so many attacks, a huge hole 100 meters wide was instantly punched out of the place where Liuyun was standing.


!" "You were killed by 12 sand ninjas, experience points +500!" As

the number of times you were killed by multiple people increased, Liuyun summed up a truth, that is, being killed by multiple people will add a part of your experience points.

After Liuyun was resurrected, he still showed his upper body, still looking light.

"Hahaha... Sand ninja, I'll just say that you are a group of desert reptiles, even if you master ninjutsu, you are only reptiles with chakra!" A ninja

who harnessed the wind appeared in front of Liuyun.

Liuyun didn't bother to put up defense, and the ninja directly pasted a piece of rune paper on Liuyun's back.

"It's a little bit more forbearing, do you want to dance too

?" "Huh?!, my chakra?" Liuyun

suddenly found that all the chakras in his body dissipated uncontrollably into his body.

His chakra was sealed!Liuyun

looked back, and a purple-yellow rune paper was pasted on his back, with dense patterns on it.

"Seal Charm, Seal Chakra's Seal Charm?!".

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