"Look, look!"

He's flying!"

The curious eyes of the onlookers kept staring at Liuyun.

The clouds slammed into the sky, their wings flapping the air, and the streamlined body gained a rising force in the air.

He quickly flew into the sky.

10 meters

, 20 meters

, 30 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters



Dominating the sky, the earth crawling under my feet!

This kind of refreshment not only wants to make the flowing clouds and waves sound a few times, but also screams.


" "Chirp

-" "Chirp-"

The high chirping of the goshawk spread throughout the city, and in a shadowy place, Hakura wore a large hood and was followed by several shinobi.

They looked at the sky puzzled, and Ye Cang asked, "Such a big goshawk is only available in the Valley of the Eagle in the Land of Wind, right?

!" The partner next to him shook his head: "I don't know!" "

Let's go! Let's continue the mission, let's deal with Princess Tsunade first!"

The goshawk chirped, and Liuyun turned around sharply, playing tricks in the sky, flying sideways, flying up, turning, climbing up, and diving down.

Flowing clouds flap their wings happily in the air, like dancing birds.

From that time on he stood in heaven.

When he returned to the village this time, he was still afraid of the intrigues in the village, and when the time came, anyone wanted to disadvantage him or seal him, and he would immediately turn into a goshawk and escape.

The sunset red and silent eyes below were full of surprise, and the two looked at each other: "

Liuyun can fly?!Liuyun can fly!!" "Liuyun!Liuyun!" The two waved their hands below, and Liuyun's

eagle eye easily saw it, and he swooped down, bringing a storm of wind to blow the crowd away.

Liuyun's claws gently grasped Sunset Red and Shizu's back.

Then he picked them up and put them both on his back.

The two girls grabbed the fluff of the flowing clouds, and began to be so frightened that they didn't dare to open their eyes, and the flowing clouds slowly flew in parallel, and the flow of air was not so violent.

The two girls opened their eyes, and the freedom of the sky instantly opened to the two of them.

Sunset's red eyes were full of little stars, and he laughed happily: "Liuyun, Liuyun! We are in Feiye!"

Mute's eyes also bent.

Flying is a dream inherited in the blood of human beings, and the hearts of everyone who is free in the sky will become very clear.

Sunset Red grabbed the white feather on Liuyun's neck and pointed to a place: "Go there! Go there!" "

Let's talk about it first, I'll let you ride it today, and you'll have to let me ride it later?"

"Quack, quack..."

, Liuyun Eagle's face was full of strange smiles, and he screamed like an evil crow.

As soon as he glided, he flew towards the place where Sunset Red said.

Below is an open-air circus, with Liuyun quietly flapping its wings and levitating in the sky, and two girls watching the clown perform below.

"Huh?!" one

of Liuyun's eagle eyes suddenly noticed a thick smoke in the city.


In a casino in Kikyo City, Tsunade is killed and disgraced, and he owes a lot of debt.

The owner of the casino looked at the sexy and beautiful Tsunade, and his eyes were full of desire: "Little beauty, if you lose so much money, use your ass to pay off the debt

!" "Look for death!"

Tsunade was angry in his eyes, and a heavy punch hit downward, and in an instant, the entire casino was knocked down by her.

This is what happens to ordinary people driving to Tsunade!

Tsunade slowly walked out of the ruins and patted the dust on his hands: "Dare to say such things to me, I really don't know whether to live or die!" Suddenly

, several figures surrounded Tsunade, and they turned over the hood on their heads, revealing the forehead guard of Sand Hidden Village.

Ye Cang led the way, smiling indifferently at Tsunade: "Princess Tsunade, please come back to Shayin Village with us!"

The corners of Tsunade's mouth twitched, and he said disdainfully: "It's up to you?"

Ye Cang smiled indifferently, and then took a bite on his finger, and blood dripped out.

Tsunade saw the red blood, his eyes darkened suddenly, and he slowly knelt down.

"Princess Tsunade, your information has been leaked!" Ye Cang sneered, and then ordered to the person beside him.

"Tie her up, Princess Tsunade of Konoha, this is a big fish.

A short-haired sand shinobi sneered: "Konoha has also fallen, and he even revealed the whereabouts of one of the three ninjas, Tsunade, to us Sand Hide!" A

sand ninja with a little gloomy eyes smiled softly: "The political struggle in that village is the fiercest among the five powers!" The gloomy sand

shinobi stepped forward, touched his chin with one hand, and looked at Tsunade seriously.

The face is beautiful, dressed in an off-white cloth robe, outlining the hot figure, and the luster on the chest makes people can't help but be lustful from their hearts.

Sand Shinobi rolled his throat suddenly, except for Hakura and Kajura, where had such a beauty been seen in the dry Wind Desert?

"The most beautiful female ninja in Konoha is really beautiful! This kind of woman, if you can taste it..."

The gloomy Sand Shinobi's hand stretched forward with desire, and he was about to touch Tsunade's heroism.


Ye Cang stepped forward indifferently and slapped Sand Ninja's face, directly fanning Sand Ninja's face with a five-finger red mark.

The lightness in Sand Ninja's pupils was a little lighter, but it was replaced by a wave of anger

: "Hakura, what are you doing-" Hazukura's arrogant brown-yellow eyes were full of coldness: "A waste who only thinks with the lower half of his body!Don't show such a disgusting expression in front of me!"

"Hakura you-" The gloomy Sand Shinobi looked at Hakura angrily.

Ye Cang's arrogance in the village is not something to talk about, this woman is arrogant and doesn't give face.

Ye Cang ignored the gloomy sand ninja, and instead said loudly: "Don't act quickly, this is in the territory of the Fire Country." "

Chirp—" A huge goshawk swept through the sky and swooped down in an instant.

A special shinobi with sharp eyes pointed in the sand and immediately shouted: "Be careful!" "

Fire Escape, Multiple Fire Cannons!" Flowing

clouds descended from the sky against the wind, and the eagle's beak kept sending out fire cannons, and the fire cannons he fired were very particular, each one was released around Tsunade, and it didn't hurt Tsunade at all.

"Bang bang-"

The fire cannon exploded incessantly, and the dirt and gravel on the ground were blasted into the sky, rolling up black smoke.

"White Eyes, Open!" Liuyun

opened his eyes and found the chakra belonging to Tsunade in the thick smoke, very weak, as if with a sense of alarm.

The wings of the clouds rolled up, skimming through a passage of smoke.

The claws reached out and grabbed Tsunade's shoulders, and the figure flipped and put her on his eagle's back.



Shizune and Sunset Red held Tsunade tightly, so that Tsunade, who was trapped in hemophobia, would fall off Liuyun's back.

"Hold on, I'm going to speed up!" Liuyun's

wings released the wind attribute chakra, and borrowed his force backwards, cutting through the dark fog, and then there was a white cloud.

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