Mute followed, and Sunset Red followed Wolong with him.

When Sunset Red entered the sedan chair, he glanced at Liuyun suspiciously.

Liuyun used his shadow clone to transform into a white horse, changed into a red wedding dress, and put a big red flower on his chest.

"Liuyun, aren't you coming in?

!" Liuyun shook his head, straddled the horse, and patted the horse's buttocks: "I'll help you find your way outside

!" "Okay!" Sunset Red lowered the door curtain.


that there was no one, Liuyun instantly laughed into a crow.

How can the people in the ninja world know any Chinese customs, and he will trick them into being brides today.

Liuyun shouted loudly: "Get up

the sedan chair!" The sedan chair clones screamed: "Lift the sedan chair!" Liuyun slapped

the white horse shadow clone's fart: "Go!" The white horse shadow clone turned his head, revealing big teeth and a funny horse expression: "Boss, aren't you riding yourself?"

Liuyun slapped it hard: "When the time comes, I will block your feelings, and I will ride a horse!"

"You actually treat me like a horse?!"

"Less verbose, hurry!"

The white horse did not dare to be verbose, and stamped forward.

After riding for a while, Liuyun was a little bored, so he slowly fell asleep on the white horse.

"Knock knock..."

As soon as the song sounded, the cloth was covered, and the whole village waited for the food.

Liuyun was woken up by a demonic sound, and when he woke up, he was locked in a large black box.

"White Eyes, Open!" Through

the white eyes, Liuyun saw seven shadow clones in black suits carrying him outside to dance.

The black man smiled, life and death were unpredictable. As soon as the coffin is lifted, the world comes in vain.

Liuyun immediately realized his situation: "The black man carried the coffin?! I am the one who carried it!" The

white horse dared to do something while he was asleep.

Turning his red

affair into a white affair!"It's reversed! It's reversed!" Liuyun

immediately jumped out of the coffin, and the white horse and the sedan chair doppelgänger split into a ball and burrowed into Liuyun's mind.

Liuyun shielded the feeling of being ridden before, and he couldn't disgust himself.

He summoned his chief manager: "Cannon, remember the fluctuation of chakra just now, and let him be a white horse for life." "

Got it, chief

!" "Don't!" the white horse came out of it again.

The cannon laughed and said, "You will be a mount for the rest of your life!" "This is your supreme glory

!" "Don't! I don't want to be ridden, I want to ride people!" The

white horse shouted with a terrible voice.

The cannon pointed to the shadow clones around him and said: "See, this is the end of offending the leader, you guys will be honest in the future, mix with me well, and the promotion and knighthood are just around the corner!"

A shadow clone who was poisoned by the ancient costume conspiracy was like an old minister, full of ambition: "The traitorous ministers in the world are in charge, and the country will not be a country if it goes on like this

!" "So we want to make a revolution and overthrow the reactionary rule of the cannon!"

Tsunade and Shizune sat on a large rock, quietly combing their makeup.

It's just started today, and they haven't dressed up yet.

Liuyun quietly looked at Tsunade's dress, and Tsunade saw Liuyun and beckoned Liuyun to come over.

Ruyun walked over, and Tsunade said, "Change

a mirror and show me!" "Da!"

Ruyun snapped his fingers, and a white mirror fell into his hand, and he handed it to Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at himself in the mirror, straightened his hair, wiped off some unnatural marks, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Here's a handkerchief, I'm going to wash my face!"

Ruyun did so, conjuring up a handkerchief, dipping it in his water, and handing it to Tsunade.

Tsunade wiped her face, the moist color lubricating her skin, reflecting her tender skin, plus this heavenly fragrance.

Liuyun couldn't help but feel his heart pounding, his heart beating faster, and he looked at Tsunade in a daze.

Tsunade couldn't help but smile when he saw Liuyun's daze, and then pulled Liuyun's face: "You are really a treasure chest, you have everything."

Tsunade looked at his clothes, a little uncomfortable: "I haven't taken a shower for a few days, and my clothes are dirty." When

Liuyun saw it, he turned himself into an off-white underwear very intimately.

"Sister Tsunade, come and put it on

!" "Die, little ghost!" Tsunade slapped Liuyun and immediately slapped Liuyun back to his original state.

After tidying up their makeup, Liuyun and they were about to hit the road.

This time, Tsunade refused to sit in the sedan chair, first, because the speed was too slow, and second, she felt that Liuyun's expression was a little evil.

Liuyun was helpless, and at this time, he could only turn into a goshawk and carry them back to Konoha.

Liuyun took a look at the somewhat smooth road, the land of fire is thousands of miles of fertile fields, this kind of road is the most suitable for driving, why not turn into a car.

Liuyun immediately did so, snapping his fingers, and he followed the memory in his mind and turned into a bumblebee.

When they saw it, they were full of doubts: "What is this, full of technology?!"

Liuyun looked at himself with the help of white eyes, turning into a bumblebee, on the surface of a sleek sports car, but the structure inside the locomotive was a mess.

Liuyun is not a lathe worker, so it is remarkable to be able to conjure up an appearance.

The scorpion clone popped up in his mind: "At this time, it depends on me, I am a professional mechanical automation." "

Oh, can you make a bumblebee?"


!" "Then why are you jumping out?!"

replied to the scorpion clone, "I'll guide you to make a car that can run, and don't forget that the Red Sand Scorpion doesn't move on a wheelbarrow in the Scarlet Amber!

To put it simply, you can't make a bumblebee perfectly, you can only use chakra to imitate the general structure, which is easier.

"Okay, come on! Guide me to deform, let's get the bumblebee out!" The

scorpion clone was released by Liuyun, and he instructed around the deformed shell of Liuyun: "The base here should be a little higher

!" "Okay!" "And here, the engine is not like this, the structure of the stator and rotor must be well matched! You do as I do..."


Liuyun was still a mechanical automation major in his previous life, although Keke cheated, but some basic knowledge is still understood.

"We don't burn oil, the engine should be more sealed

!" "Okay!" Of

course, the Liuyun car can't burn oil, and if it does, it can only burn ethanol, and it's chakraized ethanol, which is a higher level of energy.

It just so happens that the two-pot head technique he developed can come in handy.

"Next, to complete the robot change, first calculate the dynamical equations... You wait first, I'll talk about it..."

It didn't take long for Liuyun and the scorpion clone to complete the transformation of the bumblebee.

The voice of the system sounded: "The Autobot Bumblebee has been successfully modeled, and the file has been successfully recorded!" At

this time, Liuyun was already a robot, with a yellow body, a mechanical structure at the joints, and blue light flashing at the eyes.

He has become the Tinder robot of the planet Cybertron - Bumblebee.

The Scorpion Clone's face was full of joy: "My first Little Gundam work has been born, it's amazing

!" "Congratulations! Congratulations!" The

voices of the shadow clones were also heard in the consciousness group, and they were all happy that the Scorpion Clone had achieved their first goal.

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