Tsunade responded instead of Liuyun: "Then his merits?!"

Sarutobi rubbed his head with some distress, and then smiled: "Liuyun needs any ninjutsu to mention to me, and I will exchange it for you."

Liuyun finally spoke for the first time in front of Sarutobi Sun, his dark eyes looking at the other party's intricate eyes, embarrassing the other party as soon as he spoke.

"My exploits can be redeemed... Flying Thunder God's Technique?"

Ape Flying Sun Slash fell silent.

Of course, Liuyun's exploits can be exchanged, but it is not easy for him to master the high-level of Flying Thunder God.

The two advisor elders beside him began to move.

Zhuan Xiaochun looked at Liuyun and said very bluntly: "The Flying Thunder God's technique is a time-space ninjutsu, which is extremely important to the village, so only ninjas who are particularly loyal to the village can get the opportunity to learn, we don't believe in you so much, after all, you were once captured by Sha Yin, I don't know..."

Tsunade snorted coldly: "What do you mean by this? Could it be that Liuyun is a spy cultivated by Sha Yin? Then so many Sha Yin he killed is also the bureau of Sha Yin Village?"

Mito Menyan said softly: "His record is all acting alone, and the investigation behind the intelligence ninja has been handled by Sha Yin, so we can't confirm whether Mu Liuyun's combat exploits are real?"


Tsunade wanted to continue to say something, but Liuyun held his hand.

Liuyun looked at Ape Fei Ri Slash, as well as the two advisor elders beside him, and finally Tuan Zang who was behind him with a gloomy smile.

These four people, no matter what the contradictions, grew up wearing a pair of pants.

Even if Liuyun's exploits were real, they would not give them to a person who could not be mastered by a high-level person, especially a strategic ninjutsu like the Flying Thunder God.

Seeing that the atmosphere was silent, Ape Fei Ri smiled, and finally said: "The technique of the Flying Thunder God is not good, I will ask the dark department to copy the ninjutsu on the book of seals later, you see, if there is any ninjutsu needed, just tell me."

Tsunade snorted, grabbed Liuyun's clothes and walked away without looking back, not forgetting to leave a sentence: "The Book of Seals is my Thousand Hands family's thing!"

"Hey... Tsunade, Tsunade, wait for me!"

"Watergate, Watergate, let's follow too!" Kushina grabbed Watergate's hand and followed him down the Hokage Rock.

The major families and the shadows are also slowly dispersed.

Ape Fei Ri Slash calmly looked at Liuyun and his party as they walked down the rock ladder, their eyes flowing with infinite calculations.

Tuan Zang walked up, his tone full of irrepressible anger: "Ape Fei, what the hell do you want to do? Why don't you hand over that little ghost to the root and thoroughly study his bloodline, so that you can improve Konoha's combat power."

Sarutobi glanced at Tuanzang, and then looked at Orochimaru to follow Tsunade's actions: "No, his blood inheritance is very helpful in winning this ninja war, and Konoha needs him." "

The most important thing is that if you don't know for sure, you can't see how strong Liuyun really is, not to mention that Tsunade wants to protect Liuyun.

Danzou snorted, turned around and left, not even caring about his three men, and scolded in a low voice, "Hypocritical old fellow!"

Walking on the rock stairs next to Hokage Rock.

Jiraiya followed Tsunade, and he smiled earnestly: "Tsunade, how about

a drink at night?" Tsunade shook his head, pointed at Liuyun and said, "I still have to clean up his room, so I won't drink tonight." "

Alright then!" Jiraiya was a little disappointed, and was rejected again.

Liuyun patted Jiraiya's back and comforted him: "You better give up, Sister Tsunade doesn't like greasy men."

Jilai also glanced back at Liuyun and pouted: "What kind of greasy man?

!" He pointed to the oil words on his forehead: "The symbol of Miaomu Mountain this time is also the representative of my toad immortal!"

Zilai also stopped gossiping and looked at Liuyun seriously: "Little ghost, are you really as strong as Teacher Ape Fei

said?" Liuyun held the back of his head with both hands, and said a little leisurely: "Who knows?" Maybe I can flatten the entire ninja world on a whim!

" "Brag!" A crisp voice sounded, not the rough voice of Jiraiya.

Liuyun turned his head to look, and his red soft hair was like the gentleness of April.

There is a knot in the right sideburn, a pair of black eyes are large and bright, and the skin is white, and she is a beauty comparable to Tsunade.

The most important thing is that the temperament, both girls and young women, with a fragrance in its taste.

If you can get it...

"The host has a feeling, and self-generates Cao Cao's shadow clone!" "

System, don't slander me, I don't think about anything... Liuyun explained frantically in his heart.

In the midst of his consciousness, a shadow clone with the words [Cao Thief] written on his forehead appeared out of thin air.

Cannon laughed, "Naruto, I see that you still dare to go against me, now it's okay, the boss has already taken a fancy to your mother!" "Idiot, I said I wasn't Naruto!" Naruto's

shadow doppelganger replied.

The police clone stepped forward, and a handcuff was handcuffed to Cao Thief's hand: "Go and squat in the bureau!" Cao Thief

shouted loudly: "What are you doing, I am Emperor Wei Wu, you use the sword of the Later Dynasty to kill the officials of the Three Kingdoms, you are obviously rebelling

!" Master Bao stepped forward: "You have a thief on your head, isn't this Lang in broad daylight?"

"This is my name!" "

Don't be verbose, Zhan Guard, catch him quickly, and cuff him!"

Jiu Xinnai's black pupils looked at Liuyun, and asked curiously, "Where did your Nine-Tailed Chakra come from?Is there still a Nine-Tails in your belly, is it male or female?"

Liuyun repented deeply in his heart.

Liuyun officially looked at the blonde-haired Water Gate, and recalled the achievements of the Water Gate in his heart.

Bo Feng Shuimen, the word Yong with a sister, the number egg tomato, the second heir of the Flying Thunder God's art, a shadow-level ninja known as the yellow flash, and the fourth generation of Hokage in the future.

Well...... The biggest characteristic of this person is the color yellow.

Shuimen stretched out his hand: "Hello, I'm Bo Feng Shuimen, and I'm the Shangnin of Konoha Village."

Liuyun shook his hand and responded, "I'm Mu Liuyun, the shinobi of Konoha Village."

Jiu Sinai covered her mouth and snickered: "Do you want to laugh at me to death? You are a hero of the Sand Hidden Battlefield, why are you still a lower

ninja?" Liuyun replied bluntly: "Because I haven't passed the middle ninja exam, I have to pass the middle ninja exam when I come back this time." "

You are fifteen or sixteen years old, and you have taken the middle ninja exam three or five times, right?" Jiu Sinai used his little brain, which usually does not move much.

Tsunade next to him chuckled: "He's only 10 years old, and he won't be 11 years old in three months."

Kushina glanced at Liuyun carefully, she was about the same height as her, how could she be a child who was only 10 years old?

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