Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 33 - Heroes Menagerie Part 4


"Thank god these are robots, or that would be downright terrifying." Kyoka commented when she saw Naruto bite the head off of the robot, and then proceed to spit it out. She herself unplugged her earphone jacks into the backs of the robots' heads when she fought them, and blasted a super amplified heartbeat through them. It destroyed them pretty quickly as easily, but she was a little surprised at the ways her comrades were fighting... or not actually. Ochaco just made the robots float in the air, and pushed them out of the window. Tenya fought using almost only kicks, Tokoyama was maining Dark Shadow, and Momo wasn't fighting, since Naruto told her to save her Quirk up. "Also... how did these robots capture any heroes?" Kyoka asked with some surprise as they took down the horde of robots that had been in the room, without so much as a real problem.

These robots seemed to not even know how to fight them, most of the robots looked at them, and were unable to identify who they were. Some of them would pull out a weird weapon from their briefcase, but the weapons were usually useless against them. One of them pulled out a weapon that dropped the air pressure, and another used a weapon that made the air around them cold. It was like these robots didn't know how to fight people with their Quirks, and were just trying to use weird methods that wouldn't work against them.

"Don't throw up when you're on my shoulders." Naruto threatened Ochaco as the girl pushed more robots out of the window. Heavily overusing her Quirk caused her to puke, but thankfully... or regretfully... her stomach was now fully empty. She had literally nothing in it anymore to throw up, but the horrible feeling of having to throw up was making it too hard for her to walk and fight. Meaning, somebody was carrying her, so she was sitting on Naruto's shoulders until she had the strength to stand and run on her own again. "Tsuyu was in this room recently... I can smell several heroes coming through here, but they are in those pods. Ochaco... do it." Naruto walked over to several Hero Pods, and the girl placed her hands on each one they passed by.

They started to float.

"I'm on it." Momo said as she rushed over to the floating pods, and she formed several parachutes out of her body, and attached them to the pods themselves. Forming large rocks out of her body, she tried them to the pods as well. Pushing the Hero Pods out of the window, she leaned over the edge of the window and watched the pods falling out of the sky at a much slower rate than they would have if they had all of their weight. "... There." Momo pressed a buŧŧon she had attached to her belt, and the parachutes opened up, falling safely now down towards the beach, the wind blowing them right back onto land.

The combination of Momo and Ochaco was the reason why Naruto wanted the two girls to come into the air with them, because they would be able to much more smoothly rescue people in this sky fortress than any other combination in the class.

Kyoka plugged her jacks into the wall.

"Anything?" Tenya questioned her, and she glanced at him.

"This room is silent... other than the sounds of machinery in the walls." Kyoka described it the best she could. The reason why she was brought along, not only her moderately good fighting potential, but her ability to act as a radar and a scout. Her small body and radar-like powers made her great for the boat they used to fly, and her Quirk would allow her to go off on her own and still be somewhat comfortable fighting.

Tenya nodded and activated his Quirk, with Kyoka jumping onto his back, rushing out of sight down the nearest hallway, the two of them quickly turning a corner and vanishing from sight.

With Tenya's speed and Kyoka's Quirk, they would be able to locate as many heroes as possible, and Ochaco and Momo would be able to provide the rescue support for them.

"I think I can stand again." Ochaco slid down Naruto's back and onto her feet again. Everyone stayed as alert as they could, with Tokoyama keeping Dark Shadow out at all times to make sure they never had an enemy get the drop on them.

Naruto had thought about all of their Quirks, and had decided to pick them for this mission based on that. Tenya's Engine was good with Kyoka's earphone Jack, Momo's Creation was great with Ochaco's Zero Gravity... and having only pure 1 fighter was bad, so Naruto picked a powerful fighter in the form of Tokoyama, who had a very versatile fighting Quirk that could provide a range of support in other areas. If they ever got seperated, then Tokoyama would be able to provide support to the others rather easily. It was the perfect team for rescuing people in an unknown place, speedy area mapping and locating, combined with fast and safe rescue, while having two fighters to cover the rescuers as they did their job.

In this kind of situation, this was the team that was needed.

Naruto blinked when he heard movement, and he wasn't the only one who heard the sound of something squishy against the walls.


"Tsuyu?" Ochaco asked as she looked up towards the sound of the voice. Surprised, Ochaco let out a gasp and pointed at Tsuyu when she realized it was the frog girl that was crawling on the ceiling towards them. In an instant, Tokoyama averted his eyes from the half dressed frog girl, and covered his eyes with his hands to avoid the temptation to look. Naruto raised an eyebrow when he saw her sports bra and pȧntɨės, but didn't make a comment about it as he looked away from her, with much less of a reaction of urgency than Tokoyama did.

Seriously, they were just undėrwėȧr, it wasn't like the girl was buŧŧ nȧkėd, so he didn't see why Tokoyama was making such a big deal out of it.

"Your clothes!" Momo shouted as she ran over towards the girl.

"I had to take them off to escape." Tsuyu spoke like it was normal, though with red cheeks. Naruto reached into his pocket, and he took out the skirt that he had been using to track Tsuyu. Tossing it on the girl's head, she looked down at it when she grabbed it. "This is mine?"

"I went to your house to get something with your smell on it, to try and track you. I kept it, because I didn't know what condition I would find you in... here, take this to cover up." Naruto draped his cape around her shoulders. She used it as cover to slid her skirt up her legs and zip it, before she gave him back his cape. "Momo, don't even think about using your Quirk for this. Save your Quirk as much as possible... you're okay in just a skirt?" Naruto asked the smallest girl in the class, and she nodded her head.

"I mean, she's wearing a sports bra, people go jogging in those all the time." Even Ochaco nodded her head at that. It was a widely accepted practice for a girl to not wear a shirt, if she was at least wearing a sports bra. Tsuyu had red cheeks, and was no doubt NOT one of the girls that did that, but she was decent at the moment. "So, we have Tsuyu, we just going to save the heroes and leave?" Ochaco asked as she pointed to said girl.

They got their classmate, they should get the heroes, and wake them up to let them take care of everything now.

"Right, now we can let the pros-"

"They're being controlled by that man's Quirk... somehow, he can put people under a mind control spell. I don't know how he does it, but since he used it on me, he hasn't used it on me since... but it seems to pros haven't been able to break out of it like me." Tsuyu informed them of the state that the pro heroes were in. She didn't know how the man was keeping them all in a state of mind control, and she didn't even know how she was able to break free of his control. She had guesses, but none of them had any real supporting evidence behind them.

Ochaco fell silent.

"Anything else?" Tokoyama spoke up, asking the girl.

She nodded.

"There are these 15 weird machines... 5 of them are guarded by pro heroes, and in the middle of the machines are small, broken crystal fragments. I don't know what they do, but they seem important. If we break the machines, it could destroy the base... What are you doing?" Tsuyu asked when she saw Naruto go behind her, and look at the back of her head in his fox form. He used his hands and stared to feel around at the back of her head for something, looking around for anything that might prove her as a robot, or a fake.

Nothing to prove she was fake.

"I'm pretty sure robots don't stick to ceilings." Ochaco pointed out, before Naruto pulled a small tic out of her head. It was a black tick, with a small red antenna on it, and the antenna was flashing red. It was clearly not a real tick, but Naruto took his phone out and snapped a picture of it. Opening the doors to the next room, Naruto looked and saw a Hero Pod. Glancing inside of it, Naruto saw that there was a tick just like it on the back of the pro hero's head as well. "Holy crap, that's gross!" Ochaco shouted out, and Naruto gave it to Momo.

She was smart and stuff.

"... Transmitter of some kind. If the guy uses a Hypnosis-like Quirk, this must be something to help him use his Quirk." Momo started to think about it, and everyone entered the next room. Momo started to look at the heroes who were all in their pods, and while she continued to make parachutes for all of them, she looked into the pods. She could see the ticks are all in the same spot on the heroes. "... It looks like the ticks are all positioned right against the cortex and cerebellum... Did he put this on you when he first took control of you?" Momo asked Tsuyu, who shook her head.

She didn't even know the man had placed one of those on her, and if it was still on her, then why was she not under the man's control to this moment? It made no sense for her to not be under control.

"How did you break out?" Tokoyama questioned her.

"I don't know."

"You didn't break out... my guys is these ticks are transmitters. The man must use his Quirk to send waves into the back of the head, that lets him control people's bodies, not their minds. Since Tsuyu's brain is still developing, after awhile, she became immune to his control... for the pro heroes, they are ȧduŀts. Their brains have finished developing, and they can't become immune... since he has to target the back of the head, he needs these ticks to transmit his wavelength." Momo theorized the best that she could under the stressful situation they were in. In her studies, she had read a bunch about the human brain. She knew which parts of the brain controlled what. "That is, provided that you could still think for yourself." Momo admitted the biggest flaw in her theory.

If Tsuyu lost control of her mind, then her theory was done.

"I could still think for myself, but my body moved on it's own." Tsuyu admitted, and Naruto looked around.

"Momo, make us all headbands. Line the inside of them with something that blocks out waves." Naruto told her, even if they could become immune, it would be best if they could avoid being controlled to begin with. Very quickly, Momo made them 6 headbands (Tsuyu was immune, and didn't need one) and gave them out. When Tenya and Kyoka got back from their mapping, they would be given some as well. "Tokoyama, you and Tsuyu should go and destroy the machines she saw. When Tenya and Kyoka get back, Momo and Ochaco, you two go with them and free all of the heroes." Naruto gave them the plan, what they were going to do.

'He's taken the spot of leader very well... He's not scary like I thought.' Tsuyu looked at Naruto with a twinkle of admiration. She had always thought he was kind of scary, an intense sort of guy, but she could see the hero in him. He was putting everyone with somebody that would be able to help them the most. He was clearly trusting all of them to be able to do their part. "What are you going to do?" Tsuyu asked him out of concern.

Naruto lifted his arm up, still in a sling, and he slammed it into the wall. He broke the cast right off of his arm, and grinned to himself when he didn't feel any pain.

"I had Izuku get me some super heavy painkillers, so I'm going to play distraction... I can sense my Tama here somewhere. He's using my Tama to power his cannon, if I can get to that, then he can't 'clease' the world." Naruto stated, taking on the most dangerous task for himself. What he was doing was going to attract the most danger, and put him at the most risk. He would no doubt have to fight actual pro heroes, or even maybe fight against the supervillain himself. "Kyoka's Earphone Jack should be helpful. She might be able to break the control on pro heroes for a moment... if you come across any pros out of these pods, hit them really hard in the back of the head." Naruto pointed to the back of his own head for imagery.

If they could destroy the transmitters, then they would be able to steal control of the heroes away from the villain, and it would make all of their lives that much easier.

Tenya and Kyoka came back at that moment.

"Are you okay?" Ochaco shouted out in concern when she saw Kyoka's arm. She had blood dripping down her hand, which was hanging limply at her side. She also had a stained hole in the arm of her jacket.

"I apologize, it was my fault! As we were scouting, I didn't see a robot with a gun, and Jiro-san protect-"

"Shut up already, you told me sorry way to many times. Yeah, it hurts, but I'll be fine. It really hurts actually, but I'll be fine. Thankfully, we were able to locate where all of the pros are... we also saw about 13 or 15 weird machines around the place." Kyoka explained as she covered up her bleeding arm with her hand. She had been shot by an actual got, right in the forearm. Her life wasn't in any danger at the moment, and it wouldn't be if she kept the bleeding slow. "Tsuyu!" Kyoka looked at the girl, and she smiled in relief.

Good, she was safe.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I won't look at you if it makes you uncomfortable!"

"Small change of plans. Tenya, carry Momo and Ochaco and free all of the Hero Pods. Kyoka, go with Tsuyu and Tokoyama to those machines you saw, and break them. If you see any pro heroes, hit them in the back of the head AS HARD as you can without killing them." Naruto mentioned as he showed them just the spot to hit at. They didn't need all of the details, but as long as they knew what they would have to do, that would be fine.


"-GET GOING!" Naruto shouted as he shoved all of his classmates to the ground. Naruto powered up and pulled his fist back on his good arm. Naruto saw All Might rushing towards them with a pulled back fist.


Naruto punched his uncle's wrist and redirected the attack towards the side of the room, with the shockwave easily blasting a hole right through it to the outside. Knowing that they couldn't hope to fight All Might, the other students retreated and left this task to Naruto. Naruto looked at his uncle, and he grinned to himself when he had to deflect another punch. Naruto used his tails and smashed them into his uncle's left side, and blood spewed out from his mouth. Looking at All Might in the eyes, Naruto grinned.

"... You sent the worst possible opponent to try and stop me villain... I know every weakness this man has, and I know exactly how to counter his fighting style. Looks like you're getting pretty scared if you're going to send the big guns after us..." Naruto stated with a dark grin, knowing he had the bad guy scared was a great feeling. It meant that they truly did have a hope of succeeding now.

9 more figured started to walk into the room, with one of them transforming into a large dragon the second she got into the room. All of their Quirks activating in preparation for a fight that was to come.

"Nobody can beat the Top 10-"

"Oh shut up with your monologue, I'm not here to hear you go on and on about how you're unstoppable, and blah blah blah. I don't care, the world is in danger, and I'm going to save it. Anyway, I'm not fighting the Top 10... I'm fighting you... and there is no way that you can control the Top 10 and have them fight at their full strength at the same time. Lets see what you got." Naruto raised his fists up as he got ready for a fight. If this guy was controlling their movements, not their minds, then it stood to reason that the man wouldn't be able to make them fight at their full skill level. That took a conscious thought to do, and these people were smart and knew how to use their unique Quirks to their ultimate potential.

This man wouldn't be able to bring out that potential.

-With the Man-

"Damn him... damn him, damn him, damn him! That is the boy, if I kill him, then the flames in his Hoshi no Tama will die out! Damnit! He's here, ruining my plans... He's freeing my collection, and he didn't even let me finish my monologue!" The Man shouted as he slammed his fists into his throne. He was controlling each and every one of the Top 10, and even now he was making them all fight Naruto. Yet, somehow Naruto was able to hold his own against them, and had even powered down so that he was fighting without his Quirk.

He was being mocked!

This child was mocking him, telling him that he couldn't make the Top 10 fight at their full strength! How dare this boy make fun of him like this, and insult the Top 10 while he was at it!

-With Naruto-

"That's 6 down-" Naruto said as he dodged a punch and kicked one of the Top 10 in the back of the head, shattering the tick. Out of the control of the villain, the top hero collapsed to the ground, knocked out. If he was facing the actual Top 10, and they were in control of their own bodies, then the fight would be going very differently. As it stood though, right now he was fighting mere imitations of what they should be. Hollow shells of them, controlled by a crazed villain. That said, with his uncle's speed and strength, and Ryuko in her dragon form, and Endeavor's flames, it would still be hard to take them down, simply because shattering the ticks on their heads would be a feat to do.

Then there was Mirko, one of the fastest of the Top 10, and perhaps the 3rd physically strongest after Ryukyu and All Might, and she was just hard to hit enough as it was.

Robots with guns also started to come into the room and surround Naruto. They were careful to not shoot the pro heroes as they fired, and Naruto had to transform again to gain strong enough muscles to ignore the bullets for the most part.

Naruto was kicked right in the stomach by both of Mirko's powerful legs when he was busy dodging All Might's punch, and Endeavor's flames. Naruto hit the wall, and landed on his back on the ground, coughing up blood. He felt the heat of strong flames lick his skin as Endeavor put his foot on Naruto's ċhėst, and Naruto looked up at him. He summoned forth flames, and prepared to burn Naruto to a near-death state.

"-This is what you get for mock-"

"I've always wanted to do this-" Naruto stated as he pulled his fist back, and he slammed it as hard as he could right between Endeavor's legs. Nailing him with a powerful punch, right to that nads. Naruto's punch was strong enough to lift the man off of his feet, into the air, and Naruto used his tails to wrap around Endeavor's legs, before slamming him into the ground. Shattering the tick on the head of his head. "-and it makes me-"

-With Todoroki-

"How are you smiling right now!?"

Everyone in Class 1-A was extremely busy, catching all of the hero pods that were falling out of the sky, and placing them down safely on the beach.

Todoroki didn't know why he was smiling, but something very enjoyable just happened.

-With Naruto-

"Seriously, I enjoyed that way to much... Fuck you Endeavor... come on, it's still 3 on 1... lets see how your Top 10 wannabes can hold up against me." Naruto stated, and he noticed that the longer he fought, the better the villain was getting at controlling the heroes. Not to mention since he was controlling less heroes, it was easier for him to maintain a firm control over these heroes. 'Their movements are getting sharper... this is getting a little bad... also... Mirko broke my ribs for sure... thankfully, I feel very little pain right now.' Naruto really was going to thank Izuku for bringing him that pain medicine. It was helping him keep his mind free of pain, which was very good for him right now.


All Might tried to rush out of the room when an explosion was heard, and Naruto ran in front of him and kicked him across the face, sending him flying into the wall as well.

"You're not stopping my friends. Just like I can't leave this room, I'm not letting any of you leave the room." Naruto transformed to his 3-Tail form and rushed at Ryuko, tackling her against the wall. Mirko rushed him and slammed her legs into him, and he grabbed her with his hand. Naruto snapped his teeth around Ryuko's neck, and the two of them began to grapple. "Come on, hero basics, grappling the villain!" Naruto repeated with her flesh between his teeth, her scales protecting her from major damage. Naruto slammed the back of her head into the wall, and he did it over and over until she stopped trying to grapple him.

He jumped and slammed her head into the ceiling when All Might rushed him, and he bȧrėly avoided getting a powerful punch, just as Ryuko transformed back into her human form, knocked out cold with the tick broken.

Naruto slammed Mirko into the ground head first, she was super tough, and he shattered the tick on her head. Naruto transformed to a smaller size, and placed the women down gently, before he turned to look at his uncle.

"I'll just swarm you with every hero I have then!"

More heroes started to get released from their Hero Pods, and Naruto saw dozens of heroes with their Quirks active coming at him. Naruto raised his fists up, and prepared for the fight of his life against dozens of Quirks.

-With Tsuyu-


"Got the crystal." Tsuyu said as she picked up the crystal, after Kyoka and Tokoyama destroyed the machine that it was inside of. She didn't know why she was picking it up, but if the villain was using them for something, then it clearly wasn't anything good. The Hero Pod in the room opened up, and they were soon face to face with Mt. Lady as the woman started to run towards them. Tsuyu jumped up high into the air, and as Mt. Lady used her Quirk, Tsuyu landed on her head. Her tongue stretched out, and she grabbed Kyoka and brought the girl up to their level.

Kyoka's earphone jacks stretched out and entered Mt. Lady's ears, before blood came out of them when she took the heartbeat amp at point black range. Tokoyama used this as his chance to break the tick on the back of her head, by stretching Dark Shadow up and shattering it.

"Thank god the guy controlling them seems to be distracted by something... Ochaco, Momo... Iida?" Kyoka asked when she and Tsuyu landed on the ground, seeing Tenya with the other girls running into the room.

They had a few crystals in their hands.

"The Hero Pods opened, and the heroes are going to where Naruto is. We're going to join you in this!"

-In the Basement-

*Cough Cough*

An extremely elderly man, laying in a machine with tubes running in and out of his body, coughed up blood. Most of his body was covered up by machines, including the top half of his head. His body was sickly and pale, and he had almost no muscle. He was practically, or literally, skin and bones. The machines connected to him had their tubes running up into the walls around him, 15 tubes connected to the walls, and several of them were no longer functioning.

-With the Man-

"Those brats... uuuh... they're ruining it all..." The Man spoke as he felt an amazing amount of pain run through his mind. "This isn't how this is suppose to go, they're just children! I can't be defeated by mere children!" The man shouted as he took off his cloak and revealed his face.

He had long, slicked back black hair, and sharp yellow eyes with slit pupils. He wore a black suit like his minion robots, but his had golden lining to it. Several parts of his body were clearly mechanical, including his hands and his neck. He stormed off of his throne, and prepared to go deal with it himself if he had to. He was going to have to put an end to all of these children with this body. He stopped and growled in anger when he sat back down on his throne, hating what he had to do, but if he left his throne then it would become far too hard to control so many heroes at the same time. The back of his neck reconnected with his throne, and he frowned when he realized that the majority of the heroes had been defeated.

-With Naruto-

"Hah... hah... hah... fuċk this is hard..." Naruto stood on the body of the latest defeated hero, with the only hero still fighting him being All Might himself. Naruto's body was bloody and bruised, with his broken arm snapped in the wrong direction once more. Even on pain medication, Naruto was in a metric ton of pain. Naruto took a coin out of his pocket, and he palmed it in his hand. Naruto ran at All Might, and jumped over a punch, before he threw the coin into the doorway. Opening up a portal, right into the U.A. Workshop, all of the heroes in the room were blasted into the portal one after another, thanks to the shockwave from All Might's punch. Naruto slammed his hands into the back of All Might's head as his eyes widened upon seeing all of the heroes pushing through the portal.

All Might passed out when the tick on his head was crushed, and Naruto grabbed him, before he threw him into the portal by the cape as well.

No doubt, Mei was super pissed off right now, considering Naruto just dumped dozens and dozens of pro heroes right into the workshop. Oh well, the heroes were off of the fortress, which was good enough. Naruto was going to have to trust his friends were saving the other heroes on the fortress, meaning this was his chance to go and retrieve his Hoshi no Tama.

Naruto took a shaky step, and looked down at his legs.

Both of them were broken... Recovery Girl was going to love healing him again, when she learned that he had destroyed his body.


"Child, you're become a tho-"

"Save the monologue, I don't want to hear it. Seriously, talk, talk, talk... is that all you villains do when you're pushed into a corner. Oh great, another robot... at least this one looks different... so what should I call this robot... Minion 1... Minion 2?" Naruto asked as he raised his fists up. A throne started to descend from the ceiling, and a man sitting on it looked down at Naruto with disdain. Clearly, he hated Naruto at this point, for taking most of his collection from him. That much was obvious, and the man's throne landed in the room with a loud thud.

The man stood out of his throne.

"I'm not going to kill you, but you're going to-"

"Monologue!" Naruto grinned when the man looked furious at being interrupted again. He wasn't going to let this villain enjoy this, not even a little.

"You're in no position to smile brat! I captured all of the best pro heroes! What are you!? A child! I can crush you!"

"... Yeah, and how many years of planning did it take to capture these pros? Yeah, I'm a kid, but I'm a kid you never planned on. You don't know how I work, you don't know how I fight... you don't have a plan on capturing or fighting me. Just because I'm a student, I bet you didn't bother researching any of my classmates either. Well, your arrogance is going to cost you... my friends are destroying your machines as we speak." Naruto spoke as transformed. Naruto tapped the side of his head as well, the man seemed angrier for some reason. "Also... can't control me, can you... should I turn around." Naruto turned around and showed the back of his head to the man.


"How?" The Man asked, and Naruto grinned.

"My classmates are pretty damn smart, we figured out your Quirk. Now, whats the name of the villain I'm going to beat up?" Naruto asked again as he returned to a fighting position. '... This robot is more than likely a lot stronger than the rest of them... I better be careful... I'm too injured to take this lightly.' Naruto thought as he observed the man in front of him.

Just because he was making himself sound ċȯċky, didn't mean he was going to underestimate this man for even a second.


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