Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 41 - A Different Style

'Cheerleaders? Americans too.'

Naruto noticed out of the side of his eye, while he was eating his lunch (they were being given a break) that cheerleaders from the American U.A. branch were going to go and get their own lunches. It would be about a hour or two until the next big event would start, so all of the students were being given a break to chow down on something, and maintain their energy for their fights. Since the last big event was going to be a massive tournament, a tournament that would include all of those who had won the Second Event. For once, Naruto was actually enjoying his lunch alone, seeing as his closest friends were all in the tournament with him, and they thinking on their own strategies to use against each other.

"Uzumaki Naruto, may I eat with you?"

"Hmmm? Sure, take a seat, doesn't bother me." Naruto glanced up and saw a shorter, red haired, boy sit down across from him with a far more modest lunch than Naruto himself was eating. He had a somewhat similar haircut to him, but his body was far less toned, showing he wasn't part of the Hero Course. With how he was smartly dressed, even in his gym uniform, Naruto would guess he was part of the business course. "Whatcha want?" Naruto asked as he, for the most part, actually ignored the boy and continued to enjoy his own meal.

He could eat with him, but Naruto wasn't interested in talking business.

"I'm Sabaku Gaara, a pŀėȧsurė to meet you. Your performance in the first two events was a marvel to behold, I'll start with."

"... Get to the point." Naruto wasn't going to be having any of that. Gaara nodded his head, before he passed Naruto a card with his name and contact information on it. Naruto looked at it, and saw that it was pretty nice. Gaara dropped any pretense he had before, and put on a far less emotional face.

"When it is time to graduate, I believe that we could do business together. You seem like the type to start up your own agency, instead of being a sidekick, so I believe it would be best to give this to you now. Have a good meal."

With that, the boy was gone, leaving Naruto to think about what he had said. Naruto waited until he was out of sight, before he put the card in his pocket, and stopped thinking about the boy.

"Hey Naruto-"

"-I can, and will, stab you if this isn't good Denki." Naruto lifted his fork up, and showed it to Denki with a threatening glance. This was twice now that he was going to be interrupted while eating, and he didn't like to be interrupted from his meals. Denki raised his hands up, before he sat down next to Naruto a wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Those cheerleaders passed by here just now, right? You know, the American looking girls... don't you think that Class A would really experience a raise in moral if our girls were to don those attractive outfits themselves?" Denki tried to sound smart.

"Toru might agree to it, but I doubt the others would. Mina and Ochaco would have fun, after you got them to agree, but there is no way that Kyoka would enjoy it... not sure about Momo or Tsuyu... but good luck getting them all to agree." Naruto stated to the boy as he went back to eating, deciding to ignore this stupid conversation. His mind drifted for a moment, and he imagined all of the girls in cheerleading oufits. "... though they would look nice..." Naruto admitted after a moment, and Denki grinned a little and nodded his head.

His plan could work!

"Naruto, just the man I wanted to see."

"Mina, I'm not going to not beat you up if we fight each other." Naruto reminded her when she came to sit down. She gulped at the reminder that there was a chance that they would have to fight, before she sighed, and nodded her head. Denki suddenly pale a little, since there was a girl there, and that wouldn't bode well for his plan. It would seriously ruin his cool guy reputation to be heard saying perverted stuff. "After lunch, it looks like there are going to be cheerleaders doing a show to keep spirits up. Think you can convince the other girls to join in on that?" Naruto asked her nonchalantly, since once more, he wasn't really in a position to be asking any of the other girls to do that.

Mina thought on it.

"Those uniforms are cute... and if I'm a cheerleader, I get to dance on national TV... Why the other girls though?" Mina actually kind of liked Naruto bringing up the idea in such a calm way. Now that she looked at the cheerleaders that were eating, she was seeing how cute the uniform was, and thinking on how great it would be in Naruto saw her dancing in the uniform. Not to mention, she always kind of wanted to try cheerleading to, since it looked like it was really fun. "You're not allowed to perv on other girls, only me... you're already on thin ice for having Toru nȧkėd on you." Mina poked Naruto's cheek.

Denki registered those words, and remembered how seeing that.

Toru was on Naruto's shoulders... buŧŧ nȧkėd... their bodies touching skin to skin.

"I wish I was you." Denki spoke with a self-loathing frown, since his body wasn't strong enough to support a nȧkėd girl, hide his boner, and fight all at the same time. Otherwise he would have wished to be in Naruto's position.

"Denki brought it up, and I thought the girls might have fun if they gave it a chance. Some of them lost pretty badly in the Second Event, and this could be fun for them. Ochaco threw up on national television... she kind of needs this to get her image back as a cute girl." Naruto spoke his thoughts a little, and both Mina and Denki winced when they realized that she did do that. The girl had been really depressed since lunch started, one for losing in such a way, and two for throwing up on TV. She needed something to help her relax, since she was out of the third event.

"Ahahahaha! I am here, to ask you to eat lunch with me!"

"Sure thing All Might, see you guys later." Naruto stood up and walked after his uncle.

-30 Minutes Later-

Toshinori couldn't help but look at Naruto in pride as they ate a rather silent lunch together in private. All he wanted to do was talk with Naruto, and eat lunch with him, nothing more really. Since they had sort of gotten a little out of touch, since Naruto moved into the dorms and gotten himself a girlfriends and other friends.

"So, you're not using your Quirk for this?"

"Nope, I'm going to see how far I can go without it. Anyway... the other schools are watching right now, aren't they?" Naruto asked with a knowing look on his face. He knew this wasn't just for show, and that others were going to see how this tournament went. At first, he really did just want to do this for training. "... All my classmates might know what my Quirk is, but for the rest of the world, they don't know my Quirk is Monster Fox... when the time comes, I can use that to my advantage." Naruto said with a grin on his face.

When it was time to test to see if he could get a Provisional License, and competed against other schools, it would be best if those other schools didn't know what his Quirk was, so he wasn't going to use his Quirk for this Sports Festival.

"Your parents would be happy to see you doing this well." Toshinori spoke with a bright smile. They would have loved to see Naruto doing so well, and having fun, during these events. Naruto smiled and looked out the window, seeing some of the other classes doing more tradional events in the stadium. None of the events were really that important, or noteworthy, but they were being active and healthy. "You're growing stronger and stronger, and you'll keep getting stronger. Right now, your stronger than the average pro hero... but don't let your strength go to your head. I just want to make sure you remember that. I thought I was invisible, and it cost me." Toshinori started to lecture Naruto.

Naruto glanced at him, before he sighed, and nodded his head.

He had something he wanted to say, but he didn't want to hurt his uncle's feelings with it.

"... After this, the Internships are coming up. I think you should send Deku to Super Gramps for training. Right now Deku can handle 9% of One for All, a little more if he goes above his limits without breaking... but he is trying to copy you still. He needs to find his own fighting style, or he won't be able to ever truly gain a mastery over One for All." Naruto gave his uncle a little advice as well. He had noticed a lot of things about Deku, but the biggest thing that was holding the boy back from ever realizing his potential, was the fact that he idolized "All Might" so much.

Said person shivered in fear.

"Is it because I'm not a good-"

"Of course it's because you're a shitty teacher! You damn genius-types suck at teaching, because everything came naturally to you, so you bastards don't know what it means to struggle to get stronger!" Naruto pointed at his uncle and started to shout. Naruto took a calming breath, before sitting back down and looking a little more serious. "... it's not your fault though. You and Deku are two very different people. Before your injury, your true form was just a little smaller than your muscle form... you're fighting style always relied on those big muscles to deliver punches. Deku is different, he comes from a smaller family, he isn't going to be all big and muscly. He needs to find his own fighting style, and he can't do that learning from you. He needs to experience other teachers, with different styles, and find the one that fits him best, or make his own like I did." Naruto knew from experience what it was like trying to find your own style that fit.

Naruto had trained in over a dozen different forms of martial arts over his life time, trying to find the type that fit him, and in the end... he didn't like any of them because none of them were something he could have used in both his Human and Fox forms. In the end, he had to take apart all of those fighting styles, and combine them into his own original style of fighting.

"He can learn that from you though." Toshinori pointed out, and Naruto frowned.

"He's different than me to, and I want him to get stronger, because he is the one you chose to inherit your title." Naruto glanced at Toshinori with a smile. "He will be a great hero... but he is still lacking in a lot of areas. Right now, he isn't ready to compete with me. Now, I'm going to go and see how things are going down there. They should be showing the tournament line up any minute now." Naruto got up and looked down into the arena.

-In the Arena, Minutes Later-

"Oh thank god, I'm not fighting first round." Mina said with a sigh of relief. Her opponent was the only person from Class B to pass, that Mineta boy, so she wasn't worried about it in the slightest. It was only if she won her match, that she was going to have to fight Naruto... provided that Naruto won his match as well. Considering that Naruto was going to be going up against Tsuyu as his first opponent. "Be gentle with the girl Naruto."

"Actually, I would appreciate it if you didn't. If you can, can you show me some of your Frog Kata when we fight? So I can get hands on experience facing it?"

Before Naruto could even respond, Tsuyu walked up behind him and added her two cents in. She didn't want Naruto holding back anything against her, she knew she might not win or anything like that, but she wanted to use this as a learning experience. That way she could adjust, and do better next year, and prepare herself for her future even more.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

He was cool with that.

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