Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 45 - Luck and Mistakes

"... It seems Sero exhausted himself, and passed out... the winner by knock out is... Toru?"

Not even Present Mic as the announcer knew what to say to that, because the match that everyone was watching had been going on for upwards to 30 minutes. 30 minutes of watching Sero shoot his tape all around the stage, looking for a nȧkėd Toru with all of his might. The boy had stayed in the center of the stage the entire time, laid his tape across the ground to make Toru force herself to be careful where she was stepping. He played his part well, and used his Quirk extremely well too. He had put up a super good fight the entire time, even as his Quirk exhausted him and dried him up. The boy had tried his hardest to capture Toru, and it had taken 30 of him using up everything he had physically, before Toru made a mistake and landed on his tape.

Which left the medics in an awkward situation.

A knocked out Sero, was laying underneath a giant ball of tape, with what might be Toru's head sticking out. Sero had managed to wrap her up using all of the tape he had shot out, but with the last push of his strength, he had tried to push her out of the stage. Sadly, he used up so much of his strength, the amount of force he used to push her even a little, had been what it took to knock him out. Then, knocked out, the giant ball of tape rolled on his back and got stuck there.

"That girl is the luckiest girl here... she should have lost in her first round..." Midnight whispered, hand over mouth, unsure of what she had just seen herself.

Clearly, Toru was the technical winner since Sero was knocked out... a knock out was considered to be more of a win than being unable to move. Since Toru was unable to move, naturally she would have been considered the loser... and then Sero decided to continue to match before it could be called in his favor. He had the win in the bag, but he tried to roll her out and passed out doing it. Since she was still awake, the win that should have been his, went to Toru instead.

-In the Class A Audience-

"Wow, Toru is so lucky." Izuku started to write down notes on the fight with a smile on his face. Sero's performance had been great, and the fight had shown the weaknesses behind his Quirk, which he needed to write down as soon as possible. While Todoroki had lost to Toru because of his own self-confidence in his win, and because he had been distracted by something on his mind. Sero had lost to Toru, because after watching Todoroki, Sero had chosen to make sure that Toru lost by going with overkill. Thanks to his own actions, he exhausted himself to the point of passing out, and handed his well earned win to Toru. The girl should have lost both fights, but thanks to her opponents being distracted, and overcompensating, she was once more continuing in the tournament. "Think she can luck her way to the top?" Izuku asked Tenya.

"... I don't see her getting passed Bakugo. His match is next." Tenya spoke as Denki and Bakugo came out of different ends of the stadium, and started to walk towards the stage.

This could get messy.

"Kaminari might not look it, but his Quirk is really strong... if he can shoot off everything he has before Bakugo can use his Quirk, this could be a quick match in Kaminari's favor." Kyoka interjected her opinion on the coming fight. Bakugo was one of the strongest in class, but Denki also had an elemental based, long range Quirk that was great for one on one fighting. Against Bakugo, it was simply a matter of who could shoot off their Quirk faster than the other.

She glanced at the person who knew Bakugo best.

"Go Kaminari! You can do it!" Mina called out from the stands herself, cheering on the much more cheerful of the two blonds on stage. "... because if somehow, you manage to win, and Naruto collapses on stage... I have a much better chance against you than Bakugo..." Mina whispered under her breath.

'So transparent.' The entire class that heard her words thought.

She just wanted an easier fight.

-On the Stage-

"Man, that is a really unpleasant face you have Bakugo. Don't worry, I'm going to end this fight as soon as I can. If Naruto's not going to use his Quirk, then I'll use this as my chance to become super popular by beating him. I'll finish you off in a second, don't worry, it won't hurt much." Denki gave some warning sparks off of his body. He had a plan, he was going to release all of his power as far around him as he could. The second the fight started, he wasn't going to make everything go up in lightning. Bakugo would get knocked out before he could release an explosion, and everything would go smoothly.

Denki didn't see the murder on Bakugo's face the second he spoke the words.

"They're going to be peeling you off the walls Dunce-Face! Once I'm done with you, I'm going to beat the shit out of that Nudist Freak! I'll be the one to beat Fox-Face, after he beats Raccoon-Eyes!" Bakugo shouted as small explosions came off of his hands. Midnight stood back with a nervous sweat, and she got her cellphone out and started to type a text.

"Can we have the medics on standby?"

Present Mic spoke what she texted him, and she gave the announcer box a thumbs up. She had been too nervous to say it herself, since she didn't want to get caught up in a dangerous explosion. She was right next to the stage, any big attacks were really capable of hitting her too. She was ready to use her Quirk if it looked like Bakugo was going to go too far with it.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him much!" Denki shouted over to Midnight with a grin.

Bakugo looked like a bomb about to explode.

Midnight waited until she saw the medics near the edge of the arena, staying away from the stage, but being there in case things got out of hand.

-In the Stands-

"... I'm sad I have to watch a man die today... Kacchan is going to kill him." Izuku was sweating nervously even as he said that. Bakugo was not going to take that one lying down, meaning Denki was going to be in for some serious pain in the next few seconds.

Everyone offered their prayers.

"... Fight!" Midnight shouted, before she jumped for cover away from the mic, and behind a cement wall.

"This will be over in a flash!"

"DIE!" Bakugo raised his arms, both of them, up the same second Denki prepared to shoot his lightning everywhere. The second any electricity started to charge up for Denki though, a massive explosion went shooting straight at Denki. Denki was covered by the explosion, before he went flying off of the stage and slammed into the wall with enough force to sink his body into it. His body was smoking, and covered in ashes, his gym clothes completely burned away. Leaving him mostly nȧkėd, except for his undėrwėȧr. Even then, his ȧss was exposed as the back part of his undėrwėȧr was destroyed.


Nobody cheered for Bakugo, not even a single person.

"He... he's alive... right?" Midnight asked into the mic, hiding behind the wall as she looked towards the medics.

"Don't worry, I made sure to attack him the second he released that damn Quirk of his. The lightning shielded his body from the worst of my explosion. Remember this Dunce-Face, next time you talk shit, you better be better to back it up." Bakugo growled and glared. He looked down at his own palms, and frowned when he saw that he had slightly injured his own hands. He had used an explosion that was too powerful for his own body to handle without some help from his gear. He shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk towards the edge of the stage.

What was left of the stage.

-In the Audience-

"Damnit! Now I have to fight Naruto, and even if I win, I have to fight Bakugo... no matter what, I'm in for a world of hurt... I'm gonna cry... you see this, I'm crying." Mina had literal dramatic tears rolling down her cheeks. No matter what, she was going to be unable to avoid the pain that was going to ruin her day. Her only hope, was that Naruto wasn't going to be capable of going all out on her. "Deku... what are your tips on fighting Naruto?" Mina had looked through the notebook, and she didn't see anything she would be able to use.

Why did her Quirk had to be Acid?!

Izuku thought about it.

"... Run away? Naruto might be suffering from bloodloss right now, so if you make him use up his stamina, that might exhaust him?"

"I mean, you could abuse Naruto's..." Kirishima covered his mouth with his hands, to stop himself from talking any further. He almost revealed something that Naruto told him not long ago in private, when Naruto opened up to him. "... I said nothing... I'm going to go get something to eat." Kirishima got up robotically and walked off before anyone could stop him.

He almost revealed that Naruto was still suffering some mental trauma.

"... Screw it, I'm going to do my best! What is the worst that could happen!?" Mina shouted with a giant smile on her face.

Time to show the world her stuff!

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