Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 48 - A Nice Suit

"How is this going to help me learn Frog Kata?"

Tsuyu wasn't questioning Naruto's training methods, she was more than happy to do what was asked of her, but she was a little surprised when instead of focusing on her upper body like she first thought... she was working on her legs. All she was doing was running behind Naruto, basic training, with a tire tied to her with a rope. It was just leg strength training, mixed with stamina training. Well, there was a little bit of an added challenge, since Naruto drew a line around the track with chalk, and she was only allowed to let her feet run while touching the line.

"Your Quirk makes your legs really strong and you're flexible sure, but you need a really high control over your body. Not to mention, the stronger your body, the better this style is, and if you lack stamina, this style will destroy you too. While fighting, you're moving your body about 4 times as much as normal, when you're moving, you'll be losing stamina about 4 to 40 times faster." Naruto explained with a grin. He was taking this as his chance to train as well, since this was their last day off from school after the sports festival, and tomorrow they would be back to normal. So, he was using his Quirk at the 2-Tail form, and running while pulling a truck behind him with a rope. He had seen where he needed to improve without the use of his Quirk at the Sports festival, and saw where he stood against his classmates, now he needed to test the limits of each of the tailed forms he was able to enter while in control.

Once he knew all of his limits, then he would see about finally pushing one more step further with them.

"Wouldn't I lose stamina 4 times quicker, since I'm moving 4 times as much?" Tsuyu questioned his math on that.

"If your body was in peek condition maybe, but fighting with the Frog Kata is like a contradiction in the form of fighting. You have to be fast and slow, aggressive and passive, strong and weak, moving and still. Not only does this force your body to constantly try to force itself to pick one or the other, but you're mind always has to be completely empty, but focused as well... this fighting style is both mentally and physically draining." Naruto was happy to explain it to the first person who ever wanted to really know the mechanics, Kirishima knew a little from their spars, but Tsuyu was the first person who ever wanted to learn the fighting style.

Tsuyu saw Naruto's smile.

He was really proud of this style.

"Why such a large gap in stamina loss?" She questioned why his guess was between 4 and 40.

"For an untrained body, you lose more stamina. For an untrained mind, you lose more stamina... there are a lot of conditions. You need to be able to control and relax your body, focus and empty your mind, become still and moving at the same time. If you master each of these, and become used to it, this style will take less of your stamina. The Frog Kata isn't just a set of motions to attack, it uses every part of the body, and you can use it in any way... with your build, you would be best using the Frog Kata with your legs." Naruto glanced back and looked her up and down. Her arms weren't super strong, maybe a little stronger than a normal girl's arms, but her legs beat her arms by a huge margin. Even if she trained her arms to the limit, she would more than likely never be able to use them to use the Frog Kata to any real effect.

Thinking on what he was saying, Tsuyu couldn't help but think of an important question.

"How long will this take to learn?" Tsuyu asked him with a finger to her lips, all while running behind him. At this point, she was even starting to sweat and pant. She was about to reach the point where her body was going to hurt to tell her to give up.

"I would say about 6 months before your body is good enough to start, and after that point... I would guess about 1 or 2 years total."


'That is a long time... but the ability to knock out villains easily, without killing them, makes that amount of time worth it. Learning the Frog Strike will help me become the best hero I can be.' Tsuyu nodded her head simply. She had a goal ahead of her, and it was one that would require a lot of her time and patience. Though, Naruto's freakish stamina made a little sense now, if he was always training his stamina to make use of this type of fighting style. Actually, the way he was so strong without his Quirk made sense too, if he put this much effort into training all of his life like he seemed to do. "My siblings want to see you again, by the way... and my parents want to thank you. They've been asking me to invite you to dinner when I go home on the weekend." Tsuyu remembered that when she thought about how strong Naruto was.

Her brother was really impressed with Naruto, and the way her classmate had been a key component to saving the world, and freeing her from enslavement, and everyone from destruction.

"Sure, sounds fun."

Wow, it was that easy to get Naruto to do stuff?

"I've said this before, but you're really nice. I'm sorry for thinking you were scary when we first met." Tsuyu really was sorry for her first impression of him. A tall, strong, guy who seemed to always have something on his mind, that could turn into a large dangerous fox, spew flames, and apparently enough punishment to kill a regular person, was just a terrifying person. Not to mention, even now, almost every time he used his Quirk, she always felt the sensation that she was around a large, dangerous predator that could go on a rampage at any given moment.

It was strange that she had that feeling, when Naruto had never given her a reason to suspect he would do anything to hurt his friends, other than beat them up in tournament fights, which didn't count.

Naruto looked back at her with confusion.

"You don't need to apologize. We're friends now, so what you thought of me before won't change how I think of you now. I'm just happy to have friends like you in my life at all."

'So adorable.' Tsuyu had never thought she was see such a big guy talking about friendship in such a genuine, honest way. It was absolutely adorable to see this big scary guy, act like the total softy that he really was. Not to mention, in his fox form, his fur looked really soft literally. She kind of wanted to see if his fur was as soft as it looked, but she was a little too embarrassed to ask if she could ride on his shoulders. A girl her age shouldn't be asking boys that, not to mention she didn't want to come across as too, "-I want to ride on your shoulders." Tsuyu accidentally spoke her mind, without thinking about it. Her cheeks turned pink, that was a really embarrassing thing to ask in general.

Naruto shrugged.

"Sure, don't see why not."

-Another Location-

"You're late."

Menma frowned deeply, dusting off his nice suit as he sat on the desk of an elementary schooler. With the time of day it was, there was nobody that was around to see him. It was after school, and this would serve as the best place to send a message. He hated being kept waiting, and sadly, his younger sister had no concept of what it meant to be on time. Her blood-ravaged mind only ever thought of when the next time she could go wild would be, and while her amazing power and combat potential could never be ignored, any attribute she held outside of fighting was annoying to even him. The girl was constantly late for everything, didn't care if she was making a scene or not, didn't ever give two shits about if their plans failed or succeeded.

She was an animal, through and through.

"It's not often I get to possess people brother, allow me to enjoy myself some."

Kamui Woods spoke as the pro hero walked into the room with a skip in his step. His voice sounded normal, but it was far more peppy than the usual Kamui Woods.

Their Mother had the Nine-Tails power of Illusion, their elder brother had the Nine-Tails power of Fox-Fire, and Naruko... Naruko had the Nine-Tails power of Possession. While she used her Quirk, she was capable of possessing the bodies of others. Transforming her body and going inside of them, completely taking over their minds and bodies, with very few having ever been able to force her out of their bodies. Those with a blood relation to her were usually the ones that had a form of resistance to her power.

"The key to being successful in the business world is proper advertisement. Our cousin, he wants the League of Villains to be successful. He's a child though, our elder he might be. The way he thinks is too small minded... allowing Stain to simply kill heroes in alleys... there are better ways. Release him... he needs to struggle..." Menma ordered his sister with a deep frown. Straightening his tie, he stood up and placed a smile on his face.

Kamui Wood's body jerked, before a black shadow started to exit his body, and it reformed into a Naruko, taking her own 1-Tail Fox Form, a near exact copy of Naruto's own, only with a slightly more feminine build to it. She quickly powered down and started to skip around the room, kicking over desks that got in her way.


"Wah... where... who are..."

"Calm down Kamui Woods, it won't do for a hero to spend their last moments on their world questioning the pointless. You're here to serve as a sacrificial offering to a purpose greater than you. Be pleased, you're death will be used to further the goals of the League of Villains." Menma spoke in a too friendly voice.

"I'll not go down easily! If you have information on the League of Villains, then I'll capture you!" Kamui Woods shouted out as he pointed his arm at Menma.

Menma clapped... while standing behind Kamui Woods as the wood that shot out of his arm, destroyed the wall that was behind where Menma had been standing. Menma took a small marble out of his pocket with a X on it and flicked it in the air. Kamui Wood's reflexes were on the good side, because he turned around in an instant and using more binding wood to try and capture Menma.

Menma was in the air, with the marble he flicked in his hand, he had teleported upside down so that his feet were on the ceiling, and he took a bag of marbles out of his pocket and let them all start to fall out of the bag. Looking towards Naruko, who had a X on the back of her neck, he teleported to it while the marbles were still falling out of the air.

"I've allowed you to struggle enough, time to finish this." Menma opened his jacket and showed that the inside of his suit was lined completely with knifes. When the marbles in the air had Kamui Woods completely surrounded, he ran his hand over the knifes in his jacket quickly. Instantly, every knife he touched vanished, and they appeared at the marbles. With how close the marbles were to Kamui Woods, each and every knife ended up stabbing the man in a different location. The head, the head, the heart, the liver, and over 2 dozen other knifes were all stabbing the man.

His death was instant.

Naruko pouted.

"... I blinked and missed the fight... brother! You killed him too fast! That fight took like a second! You should have let me kill him!" Naruko complained when she saw Kamui Wood's corpse start to fall to the ground. Menma held up his bag, and while the marbles were still falling out of the air, he started to catch them in the bag.

The fight had been finished before the marbles even hit the ground, and since Menma caught them all, they didn't touch the ground after the fight either.

Menma stopped smiling.

"This is a nice suit, I didn't want to needlessly prolong this fight and risk allowing him to touch me. Now, do the dirty work, and use his blood to paint a message on the walls. Dealing with a hero leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This kind of work is more suited for savages like you." Menma pointed out.

Naruko hugged him, and he rolled his eyes at her.

"... What was I suppose to write?" Naruko whispered, since she didn't remember anything about the plan, other than she was suppose to possess the first hero she saw, and bring them to this building. She almost never listened to people when they talked.

Menma sighed.

"The League of Villains is gaining power, heroes beware."

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