Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 50 - My Hero Name

Happy day.

"I'm so happy with this, I'm sure he'll accept." Ryuko spoke as she looked at a glass case that was showing off a manly, orange version of her own uniform, with black accents to it and a fur color to it. She had already submitted to U.A. her own personal request to allow her to take Naruto as her intern for the intern week. She was sure that Naruto had gotten a ton of other requests from other pro heroes, but she was like his elder sister. She had babysat him so much as a child, to the point he was bound to pick her. She was one of the first people of the Top 10 to suggest that instead of preventing Naruto from becoming a hero, that they train him to control his Quirk better than his mother. She had been just a child herself when Kushina lost control, so for her, the experience wasn't something she even remembered.

Naruto was destined to pick her.

After all, unlike other heroes who would just have Naruto watch them or lecture them for a week, she knew what he was capable of. She knew very well Naruto was more prepared for hero work than the majority of pro heroes. He was already ready, school was just a formality for him. He already did hero work when events happened around him, so she knew that she could trust him out in the field. She was going to put him to work, right beside her, so that he could use this week to gain all of the experience he needed for the future.

"You're super happy Ryukyu."

"Am I?" Ryuko schooled her features, calming herself. She had waited for this day for a long time, the day that Naruto would be able to legally do hero work at her side. She had offered him a position as her side-kick when he graduated, so that he could build a reputation outside of being 'Fox-Man'. Sure, he wasn't going to be her side-kick right now of course, but it was just a few short years away. "I'm rather excited, I believe that I got the student I requested as an intern. Don't you have paperwork to file?" Ryuko pointed out to one of her employees for her own office. Seeing as she was a pro hero who was pretty famous, she had long since had her own office, and plenty of employees who filled out all of the legal stuff for her.

One of her more important people, the man who was the head of her advertisement team, had approached her without her paying much attention to it.

"I was just wanting your permission for something. You see, my son Gaara is in U.A.'s Business Course. I wanted to know if he would be allowed to work here as an intern, and learn from me. His business course are having their own internships to learn about the business end of things in person." Rasa Sabaku bowed to her lowly. He wanted to be able to show his son the ropes in real life, instead of just telling him stories. Introduce him to important people, and start helping to build his son's future before he left U.A.'s hallways.

Ryuko raised an eyebrow.

As a hero herself, she actually never had any idea that the other courses did internships. It kind of made sense for the Business Course to do them. but she didn't see the General Studies doing them... it also made sense for the Support Course to do them.

"I'll allow it, but we can't let our personal attachments affect our work. I expect you to continue to put 100% into your work while you teach him." Ryuko stated that not only to Rasa, but also herself.

She was doing this not for just herself, but Naruto too.

This was her chance to finally allow Naruto to do some real hero work, legally, and help him gain the experience that she was never able to give him before now. She couldn't allow her relationship with him to affect her own hero work either, meaning she had to act as a mentor, and continue to be a pro about it. The costume she had made for Naruto, it was something she wanted him to wear at least once. It was her gift to him, and her apology to him. She had been easily captured during the entire supervillain issue, and had required help to become free. She had fought against Naruto against her will, and tried to kill him while under that man's control. Even if it wasn't her fault, she shouldn't have allowed herself to be captured in the first place. Then Naruto wouldn't have needed to save her, so this was her way to say thank you and that she was sorry.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good, anything else?" Ryuko asked with a glance at the man.

"We're receiving a 23% increase in profits. More than expected from your Scale Care products."

"Good, 23%... speak with accounting and tell them I want to increase the pay of the employees to fit the increase in profits." Ryuko spoke kindly as she turned away from the man. The profits from that line of sales was higher than expected, then she could afford to give everyone who worked under her a small increase in their wages. She was already making a lot of money from her hero work itself, her side products just added to that, and making more than what was expected just meant she would have more money than she really needed. Her staff worked very hard for her, to make sure that she could comfortably work as a hero, and they deserved to be rewarded for their efforts. It had been a couple of years since she had given them wage increases as well, so it was about time for her to do that anyway. "Also, I'm going out on patrol now. Let the others know."

Time to do hero work.

-At U.A.-

'Hero names... we're deciding them today?' Naruto thought as he leaned against his hand. He already knew what his was going to be, so it wasn't like he was going to be putting much thought into it like everyone else. They had Midnight joining Shota in his class, since he wasn't a good judge of what everyone could use for a name or not. Everyone was extremely excited for this, a class where they got to do something as important as begin the process of choosing a hero name. The name the world would come to know them by. 'As long as somebody doesn't chose anything-'

"Alien Queen!"

"-Mina, your hero name is Pinky." Naruto corrected the girl instantly when she shouted that. It was one of the first things he ever called her, and what most people would remember her by anyway... her body being like 95% pink.

"Oooookaaaaay." Mina pouted and started to walk back to her desk. She had really wanted to go with the name she chose. She placed her head on the desk, suddenly a little uninterested in everything.

Alien Queen sounded so much cooler.

"Since you're so eager, why don't you go next." Midnight pointed out to Naruto, and she started to pass out more dry erase boards to the class to write their names down on. Naruto stood up and started to write his name down on the way to the front of the class. Everyone was kind of excited, not just for his name of course, to see what their classmates were picking for hero names.

"Don't worry about me, I'm here, everything is all right."

"I'm all right... being a hero is dangerous, this is just part of the job."

Naruto stood in front of the class boldly, and then, he flipped his board around. Rather instantly, there was audible gasps when Naruto's hero name was revealed to all of them, even Midnight was a little shocked.

"Are you sure, a name like that has a lot of weight behind it." Midnight pointed out, her tone unsure.

"When I show up, I want these words to be the first thing people think. I want my name to reflect how I want people to feel... No matter how hurt I am, this name will tell people everything is okay, that they can believe that everything will be all right." Naruto spoke with a wide grin. He had another reason, a reason nobody in the class other than possibly Midnight, would understand. She might be aware that he and All Might shared a relation, but that was only because she was U.A. teaching staff.

The Kitsune Hero: All Right

Those words, he wanted people to think of those words when he arrived. That way, they would feel safe, because when he arrived, everything would be all right. No matter how hurt he was, he was "All Right", and he would keep them safe. His name would put their hearts at ease, and allow them to think they would be safe.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with something fox related?" Midnight asked him.

All Right would be a name that would carry the weight of the name All Might with it, being a hero name for a legendary hero. The name was something of a homage to the Number 1 Hero, and Naruto might get a lot of crap for his chosen name from those who didn't know how he was related.

'That's pretty arrogant, naming himself after All Might like that.'

That was the common thought of a portion of the class. That was saying a lot, to name yourself after the number 1 hero. Naruto could see it in their eyes, that they were shocked and disbelieving of his hero name. Naruto didn't frown, he took it with a smile on his face.

-Outside the Classroom-

Toshinori, listening in on the class, put his hand over his heart and had tears in his eyes. His smile was stretching as far as it could go when he heard and looked through the crack in the door to see what Naruto picked for himself. He had ȧssumed Naruto would pay homage to his mother or father, or make a fox related name. He had never thought Naruto would do something like that, and carry on the legacy of his name. Naruto chose not to inherit One for All, so he had also never even considered the possibility that Naruto might inherit something else from him. He had never felt so touched as a hero before, than somebody choosing to carry on his legacy in this way.

'I never knew he looked up to me like this. Minato, I'm sorry, but I can't stop myself from feeling happy, he chose to carry my name over yours.'

He couldn't help it, even as he felt guilty, he even more so felt happiness.

He needed to support Naruto in this.

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