Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 52 - A Very Busy Day

Hah! This area now belonged to the Volcano Thieves, if any of you so much as call a pro hero, we'll kill all of these hostages!"

A massive man shouted out as he hoisted a large bag of money over his shoulder with one hand. He possessed a massive, muscular build to him, with flaming red hair that flowed all over his head. He wore a fully body dark blue bodysuit, and he had rock-based gloves and boots, with his right arm having a massive stone gauntlet on it. Smoke was being released from his stone shoulder pads, and he had a mask over his lower face.

With the recent death of a pro hero, Kamui Woods, they had gotten the dėsɨrė to finally act in the light, instead of keeping their actions to the shadows, stealing only small time objects.

Volcano, the Leader.

"Clear a path." The second man of the group stated, a much shorter, very skinny many with giant fan-like fans stated, his head shaped like a hairdryer. He had black tights on, that cut off at his shins and forearms. He had a bag of money too in one hand, and his other hand pointed towards the crowd and started to spin. A large tornado shot from his hand and the crowd parted, or else risk getting hit by the attack.

Gust Boy.

Finally, a woman without money in her arms, wielding a small blunt weapon, showed a hostage that she was keeping in front of her. She was a tall, attractive woman, with wild white hair, and narrow grey eyes. She had a similar mask around her neck to her boss, and goggles over her eyes, her body being very on display in a massively revealing costume. She had small amounts of ash coming off of her free arm, and she started to throw it into the crowd, forcing them to close or avert their eyes to avoid getting ash in them.

Dusty Ash.

'Shit... where are the pro heroes right now?' A police officer thought as he rubbed the ash from his eyes.

Volcano shot lava out of his gauntlet, and the cleared path was now outlined by lava, preventing anyone from getting in their way. Dusty Ash slammed her weapon into the back of the hostage's head, knocking him out cold.

"Lets make an escape." She spoke to the leader, who nodded.

Best to get out of here while they had the money.


"Gust Boy?" Volcano questioned when he heard the sounds of his underling shouting in pain. He and Dusty Ash both turned to face the wind-based Quirk user, before they saw him lying in a crater, defeated and knocked out. All he saw, was a quick flash or orange move right by his right side, going underneath his outstretched arm.

"Bwuah!?" Dusty Ash felt a punch hit her in the gut as her vision was filled with orange. She was sent flying, and she saw a large fox with an outstretched arm, before the fox balled up his fist again and punched her before she got too far away. She was slammed into the side of the building, her own body keeping her pinned as she too was knocked out cold. Volcano turned around when he heard her shout, before he saw he was face to face with a large fox as well, with burning red eyes glaring into his own.


"Hi, I'm All Right, are you?" Naruto spoke as he waved a hand in a friendly manner. Naruto started to raise both of his fists into the air, before he slammed them onto the top of Volcano's head, knocking him to the ground in a crater of his own. Naruto clapped his hands together, before he dusted himself off, since the air had a good amount of dust in it still. "So, are you?" Naruto repeated the question once more for added effect.

"No." Volcano managed to weakly say, before his body went limp, and he passed out.

Volcano Thieves, swiftly defeated.

"Aaaaah, it's Fox-Man, and he's wearing a costume!"

"Fox-Man, you saved my cousin, you're awesome!"

"Can we get an interview!?"

"All Right, you went off without me. It is extremely rude to leave me behind, while you're my intern." The large dragon, Ryukyu, spoke as she descended from above. When she was close to the ground, she turned back to normal and landed on her feet. The second she had explained that they would be doing hero work today, and for the entire week of his internship, Naruto had grabbed the costume she asked him to wear, put it on, and he rushed into action. In retrospect, she should have seen it coming that he would be this eager. She looked up at his much taller form, in his over 7 foot form, it was like standing in front of freaking All Might himself.

Naruto waved to the crowd awkwardly.

He was doing legal hero work, under the authorization of a pro hero, and their watchful eye. For once, he didn't have a reason to flee the scene of a crime the second he was finished with the villains.

"All Right, I thought your name was Fox-Man, are you paying tribute to the hero All Might? Intern, does this mean that All Right-san is a student of a hero school?" One of the reporters managed to slip by the crowd and pushed forward.

The police started the process of collecting the villains, and taking pictures of the damages to the concrete and the small damage to the building. They would document everything that happened as quickly as possible, so the bank could be reopened as soon as it could be. While that happened, the reporters who usually showed up once a villain attacked, would be able to swarm the hero who saved the day with whatever questions or so they wanted to.

"I never once said my name was Fox-Man." Naruto deadpanned, but he forced himself to maintain a friendly smile.

Always smile, always smile, was his Uncle's most important lesson.

"Well, All Right, this is part of hero work. Thank you everyone, for staying as calm as you could. Thanks to my intern All Right, the situation was resolved quickly. Come now All Right, lets..." Ryukyu spoke, before she stopped when her phone made a noise. Opening it up, she saw a message from her deployment team, showing that another crime nearby was happening. She could see requests for heroes with Quirks that increased their strength to show up and give a lending hand. "There is a burning building nearby, it seemed a villain used his Quirk to light it on fire, but knocked himself-... and he's already gone." Ryukyu glanced up and realized that Naruto had already transformed into a larger form to gain more speed, and run towards where the fire was.

He was far too eager.

-10 Minutes Later-

Naruto, in his 4-Tail Form, was standing next to the building, and he was reaching inside of the building itself, and carefully pulling out as many people, slowly and safely, as possible. He had already saved a total of close to 100 or so people, while on the other side of the building Ryukyu was doing the same thing. She was allowing people to jump out of the window, and use her wings to land safely, before gently lowering them to the ground. They weren't the only heroes on the scene for this one, as many heroes with strength powers were doing their best to stop the nearby buildings from collapsing as larges of the flaming building fell onto them.

The hero who called for help, a water based one, was shooting water into the building to put out as much of the flames as possible, the fire fighters helping him with it as they followed his orders.

Part of the building itself collapsed, and it would have gone into the street, if Naruto didn't use his tails to catch the collapsed parts, and push his ċhėst into the building. He smiled wide, and sent the people on the street a thumbs up.

"That is everyone!" Death Arms shouted as he came out of the building's bottom floor with the last of the survivor's in his arms. With that done, Naruto and Ryukyu were given their key to carefully destroy the now collapsing building in a way that would make it collapse in on itself. So, they pushed themselves up against the building, and pushed through the walls, doing their big parts and collapsing it. The water hero started to put out the rest of the flames before they could spread to any of the nearby buildings, while Ryukyu took her human form again.

Reporters were on her instantly.

"I'm just glad that the worst everyone got were minor burns, no need to thank me. If the other pros hadn't contacted my office, then I wouldn't have known to show up."

When Naruto joined Ryukyu, in his 1-Tail Form, he saw that she was already surrounded by a multitude of people. People were taking her picture, making sure to shake her hand, and were trying to get interviews with her. She just gave them nods and would try to respond to them as calmly as possible, more than willing to make a smooth public appearance. Death Arms was even being talked to by some people, not nearly as many people were interested in him as they were Ryukyu, but a good number of them were. Even other heroes who had done less were being given praise by their fans.

"Did you employ a new side-kick Ryukyu?"

"This isn't my side-kick, this is a student of U.A.-"


Naruto felt a small thing hug against his leg, and he blinked and looked down when he saw a small girl that he sort of recognized hugging him. She only came up to his knee, and her shout and hug had stopped anyone from asking him questions. She looked about maybe 6 or 7 years old, and she seemed really familiar to him. She was smiling brightly as a woman came and grabbed her.

"Yuki, no, you can't just hug people like that. I'm sorry Fox-Man." The mother held her child and bowed a little.

Naruto blinked, before he crouched down and looked at the little girl.

"My name is All Right, not Fox-Man, Yuki-chan. Last time I saw you, you were even smaller than that. You've gotten bigger... you didn't have anything to do with this fire, did you?" Naruto teased the girl as he poked her forehead lightly. He remembered her now, she was the girl who awakened her Quirk and froze a road... and send a gasoline truck crashing into a building, setting a building on fire. He was surprised to see her again, and it had been over a year since he last saw her. She had grown a little, lost a tooth in her smile, and she wasn't unleashing her Quirk randomly.

She smiled even brighter, and Naruto could see a camera facing his way.

"I wanna be a hero like you... Mama! My drawing, I wanna show him! I wanna!" Yuki shouted at her mouth and reached for her purse.

"I'm sorry my child is such a hassle, you're her favorite hero. She draws pictures of you all the time. If you wouldn't mind-" The mother passed her child over to Naruto, and the girl climbed onto his shoulder and sat herself down, hugging his head. The mother took this chance to go through her purse, and bring out the drawing of the day her child had made. "-could you?" The mother asked as she also pulled out a pen with the drawing.

First, the drawing was a picture of Naruto in his fox form, a very crude drawing of him to say the least, holding hands with a crude drawing of Yuki. Naruto, were his face not covered in fur, would have been caught by the cameras blushing in shyness. He was honestly touched that he was somebodies favorite hero. In the picture, Yuki was wearing a crude hero costume, with "side-kick" written on the front of it.


"Sure..." Naruto took the pen, while Ryukyu watched from a small distance with a smile, as he gave out his first autograph. He signed the picture with his own Hero Name, "All Right" and he gave the letter g an extra spiral on the curve.

To a future hero, from All Right.

"Eeeeeh, thank you!" Yuki screamed into his ear, and he remained smiling even as he winced. He passed the picture back to the mother, before he somehow managed to pry the child off of his head.

"Thank you for your support, but we must get going." Ryukyu stepped in and insisted towards Naruto. She nodded to him with her face set in stone.

Naruto nodded.

He had chosen Ryuko for a reason, and he needed to speak with her at her office soon.

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