Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 57 - How to Summon a Villain

Kyoka was bored.

5 days... 5 days into her internship, and she had done a great amount of nothing. She followed Native, watched as he took down some petty thieves who tried to steal from an old woman. That one incident had maybe been the highlight of anything that she had done, watch him beat up some thugs. She was nearly done with her internship, and she had only learned a few things about protocols, stuff that she could learn about in school. She had thought that she would be getting some action, maybe make something of a name for herself.

She wasn't the only one.

Only Naruto and Todoroki had been allowed by their Pro Heroes to do Hero work, and both of them were interning under members of the Top 10.

"Look at me, I'll All Right!"

'Seriously, those stores really did not take their time transforming their Fox-Man merch into All Right merch.' Kyoka watched as a father took his daughter, who was dressed up with a white cape and a fox mask, onto his shoulders and smiled up at her. The girl had an All Right action figure, she seemed like a bit of a tomboy.

"No, I'm All Right!"

"Do either of you want to be Native?" Native asked when he saw what was happening. There was a boy, big brother to the girl, who was walking next to the father. He was dressed similar, but he had a Fox-Man T-Shirt on... in pink. "The super cool Native, who patrols the streets at night?" Native explained who he was with a friendly smile.


"Ow..." Kyoka winced when she saw Native's spirit get crushed. Being less popular than a student, who wasn't even a pro yet, must have really stung his ego. The fact that Naruto already had a rather wide spread fan base thanks to his vigilante work before he came to U.A., and the fact that nearly every day of his internship he had made the news thanks to his heroic exploits under Ryukyu. Native wasn't even in the double digits in popularity, he was in the high hundreds... between 900 and 1000 to be honest. He wasn't popular by any stretch of the word, you were more likely to find a Mt. Lady figure than you were to find a Native T-Shirt. That was saying something, since most heroes had T-Shirts, while only popular heroes had companies make figures for them. "Are you going to be okay?" Kyoka pat his shoulder.

He looked like he wanted to cry.

"This makes me glad you're my intern... he would have just made me look bad. I really don't like heroes who have those really flashy Quirks, make us little guys look bad." Native complained under his breath.

She didn't say anything in response to that.

'Naruto, in the past few days, has completed over several hundred rescues from building fires, villain incidents, and has taken down several new villain groups alone... even Todoroki has taken down some villains by himself. Makes me wish I had flashy Quirks like them.' Kyoka could understand where he was coming from. She had a few classmates who had those super cool Quirks, but at least she had a flashy Quirk too... unlike Kirishima and Toru. It would be really hard for those two to get noticed with their Quirks, so she counted herself luckier than them. "Do you think I can fight a villain today?" Kyoka asked Native as politely as she could.

Hopefully, her politeness would win him over, and get him to consider it.

"You're just an intern, interns don't get to actually fight villains... most interns don't." Native corrected himself when he looked back at the children with their father, who were still arguing over who had to be All Right.

Damn kids.

-With Naruto-

"I'm All Right, but these villains aren't!"

Naruto shouted out as he stood on top of a couple of knocked out villains, a large wound on his bicep from where one of them had thrown a car at a crowd of people. He had used his shoulder to knock it away safely, but he had gotten a gash on his arm for his effort, a metal shard stabbing him. Just because he was taking care of Eri, didn't mean he could skip his internship either. At the moment, Eri was with Shark, watching Naruto's internship take place. The girl was wearing his hoodie, with it pulled up over her head. It was large enough that she was able to wear it like a dress, and Shark was walking around on bear arms and legs today.

'He's hurt... he saved people.' Eri thought as she looked at the people that Naruto saved running towards him. Naruto had knocked out the bad guys, saved everyone in danger, and had done so at his own expense.

Everyone was avoiding her... well they were avoiding Shark, who snapped at anyone who tried to get too close to her. She had her own personal guard shark, since Naruto had tasked his pet with protecting her while he did hero work.

"You did well All Right, that is the 3rd time today. Nice use of your catchphrase." Ryukyu clapped her hands slowly, not sarcastically in the slightest, with a nod of appreciation. Heroes who were able to make jokes, or had catch phrases were usually able to lighten the mood after a villain attack. It helped people like them, and built a certain trust that those heroes would be able to beat the villains. So far, there were few heroes who were able to do that.

She was not one of them, she had no catch phrases or jokes she knew of, so she just retained a friendly and serious disposition, to let everyone know that she would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

"Come on Shark, there is more to do." Naruto spoke as he lifted Eri off of him, and placed her on his shoulder. "What do you want for lunch?" Naruto started to jog away from the scene, leaving reporters behind (he completely forgot that he wasn't a vigilante anymore). Ryukyu jogged behind him, thinking about what she wanted to eat.

She had no clue.

"Well... looks like he did it again." Kyoka looked at the news report on a TV in a shop. This added to yet another heroic deed that Naruto had done, and it would only increase his hero reputation further. "Too bad, if you were the hero who trained an intern capable of handling villains, it might make you more popular." Kyoka mentioned in passing as she walked down the side of the road.

Native thought on it.

"Okay, but only if it is ONE villain, and they aren't too powerful." Native liked the sound of her words.

Kyoka pumped her fist.

"Thanks Naruto, you're welcome Kyoka, I was just doing what a decent person does Naruto." Kyoka, instead of a response, started talking to herself. She thanked Naruto, not Native, before she responded to her own thanks in a more gruff voice, before switching back to her regular voice. "Don't worry Kyoka there aren't any villains around, are you sure Naruto, if any appear I'll protect you Kyoka." Kyoka continued talking to herself like a lunatic.

Native had second thoughts.

"What are you-"

"Okay fuċk-tards, don't make me use this flute!"

"It worked... I can't believe that worked." Kyoka had decided to pretend to be talking with Naruto, to try and abuse Naruto's bad luck and summon a villain to herself. The 'Naruto Factor' of Naruto summoning villains to his very existence, had been played in her favor this time. All she had to do was talk to herself, and pretend to be Naruto and she activated the Naruto Factor for herself. Naruto had such the presence of a "Main Protagonist" that she had been able to summon a villain to herself by just acting like Naruto was with her. "I wonder if Naruto knows about... Time to make the name Earphone Jack known." Kyoka grinned to herself as she extended her ears and plugged them into the back of her stereo boots.

She was ready to fight at a moment's notice.

The villain she walked up to fight was a red haired girl about her own age, wearing punk rock clothing, with a very petite figure just like her own... and slanted eyes. This was a music loving girl using a flute as a weapon, with almost no bȯȯbs and slanted eyes. Kyoka felt a sort of kinship with that girl's appearance, but she cracked her knuckles uselessly and prepared to fight.

This was her chance.

The girl started to play the flute.

Kyoka froze in place completely, as did everyone within a 20 foot radius of the girl. Everyone around the girl, those frozen, started to walk towards the girl while pulling out their money from their purses and wallets. Even Kyoka found herself pulling out all the money she had on her, not that much to be honest, and walking to the girl. Kyoka unleashed a large burst of sound from her boots, her enhanced heartbeat, and for a moment she drowned out the flute sounds. Everyone's control returned to their bodies after a moment, and the girl clicked her teeth in annoyance.

"That girl has a sound Quirk... fuċkɨnġ ċunt, you trying to drown out my music with your shit!? Take so of THIS!" The girl shouted out, before she visibly calmed down and started to play her flute.

Kyoka froze again.

This time, the entire world around her turned blood red, and her body was forced to take up cross position. She was able to glance to the sides, and saw her arms were bound by strings.

Her arm started to melt.

"Aaaaaah!" Kyoka screamed in horror, before she actually felt the pain of her arm being melted off.

"My Quirk is Demon Flute... I can confuse the 5 senses of anyone who hears my melody. The only thing that can beat my Quirk is true pain, and drowning out my sound... but it's not like anyone can hear me." The girl spoke as she looked at everyone. She had frozen the entire crowd, and all of them were screaming in pain. The girl was making sure to use her lips to blow a whistle, to keep them trapped in her trick. She started to walk around, before she grabbed the wallets and purses from the ground. Sadly, without using her flute, her tricks were a lot weaker, so it would fade away quicker as well.

Kyoka used her earphone jack, and stabbed herself in the back of the leg.

'Too bad for you... but you didn't confuse my earphone jacks... I heard all of that...' Kyoka thought as she snapped herself out of the illusion. She started to walk up behind the girl, before she plugged both of her jacks into her boots. She brought her thumb up to her mouth and she applied pressure to it with her teeth, enough to draw blood and keep her in pain. That way she wouldn't fall prey to the sounds again.

Full power.

With all of her heart (literally) she unleashed the strongest form of her heartbeat. Hyper amplified, she unleashed it when she was a few feet away from the girl. She was knocked forward by the shock, covering her ears as Kyoka smacked her flute out of her hand. Pushing the girl to the ground, everyone was released from the illusions they were being shown. Kyoka pulled both of the girl's hands behind her back, before she grabbed the flute from the ground and threw it as far away as she was able to.

What would Naruto do right now?

"Looks like I heart-beat you to the punch! You're... that was horrible... that was a horrible pun, and I hate that was what I said as I arrested you." Kyoka whispered to herself with flushed red cheeks. The first thing that came to her head, just so happened to be extremely corny. Naruto's catch phrase was cool, badass, and made to let people know that he was okay, so they would be okay. It was a way to reassure himself and others that he had the situation under control, while also threatening the villain with bodily harm to lower their fighting spirit.

Her catchphrase was... a lame pun.

She was so embarrassed right now!

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