Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 65 - Unhappy Graduates

Awkward silence.

"Tea?" Nezu asked as he sat across from the two confused students, neither of which knew the reason why they were called to his office in the first place more than likely. He had much to tell them, both good and bad news concerning them. He wanted them calmed down when he gave them this news.

Naruto crossed his arms.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but are we in trouble?" Momo asked with a nervous tone, and a slightly raised hand. She didn't remember doing anything that would result in her getting into trouble, seeing as Naruto was always in trouble, she hoped that she wasn't in trouble by knowing him.

She didn't want Naruto in trouble either.

"I'm always in trouble."

'At least he is self-aware enough to know that.' Momo looked at Naruto with a blank face. She had always wondered if Naruto had been aware that he was a trouble magnet, or if he was oblivious to the fact that he was the cause of so much trouble.

"As you know, awhile back, the two of you participated in a world saving operation." Nezu reminded them of the supervillain Orochimaru incident, where the two of them went up to his flying fortress to go and rescue the heroes and save the world. Naturally, there were more of them that went up there, so it was odd that the two of them were being singled out for something. When he saw the looks of remembrance appear on their faces, Nezu nodded his head and started to continue. "Well, the government has been reviewing that incident. Naruto, you were able to fight against many pro heroes by yourself, and Yaoyorozu, you're Quirk was what allowed for the safe return of the pro heroes. The government has gone over the facts of the rescue mission, and determined you two were the most vital members of that team."

"I couldn't have done-"

"Please, allow me to finish. The Japanese government might have decided to give you money as a reward, but seeing as this was an international incident that threatened all of humanity, the other nations of the world demanded information. Over the course of the last few weeks, those demands went through and UA was forced to give the various governments your information, test scores, physical examinations, and teachers notes on you." Nezu explained the situation that had been taking place behind the scenes. Many governments naturally wanted to reward the biggest players, and offer contracts to them depending on various factors.

Momo wanted to speak up, but she was afraid she would be denied again.

Naruto held no such fear.

"More money, I'm not interested."

"Several countries determined that you two aren't UA material, and has pressed this issue with our government. Starting now, the two of you are no longer UA students." Nezu spoke with calculated coldness.


"We've... been expe-"

"You two are now UA graduates." Nezu spoke as he opened his small vest and pulled out two IDs and put them on the table. Momo went completely silent when she heard that, while Naruto's jaw actually dropped in shock. Nezu could see that the two of them were still processing what he had just told them, so he was willing to wait for them to speak before he continued what he was going to tell them.

"... but... my friends... can't you undo this?" Momo asked with a soft tone.

She wanted to graduate with everyone, not before them.

"UA is a school, and while I have control of the school itself, I'm unable to go against the wishes of the government that funds this school and sets the regulations. Anyway, I quite agree with this decision as well. You both have weaknesses as heroes, but when the two of you work together, you're a rather frightening pair." Nezu was speaking of how they were forbidden from teaming up against other students. To prove his point, he turned on the TV in the room, with the TV connected to his computer, to show their profiles. "These are the statistics formed from all of your tests and evaluations since your time here started." Nezu pointed out to them.

Naruto Uzumaki

Power: S - Speed: S - Technique: S - Intelligence: D - Cooperativeness: A

Quirk Apprehension Test Results: 1st

Quirk: Monster Fox (Transformation)

Momo Yaoyorozu

Power: D - Speed: C - Technique: B - Intelligence: S - Cooperativeness: A

Quirk Apprehension Test Results: 2nd

Quirk: Creation (Emitter)

"S...?" Momo questioned when she saw that. In what she was aware of, the highest rank for anything was a 5/5, which was an A ranking.

"S is the rank given to those who have attained a 6 or higher out of 5 in a stat. Naruto, your power, speed, and your fighting techniques are all ranked at S, while your weakness is your intelligence, but you're highly cooperative. Your combined scores for the Quirk Apprehension Test were among the highest in the history of UA... comparable to All Might back in the day. You're both highly skilled as a fighter with or without your Quirk, and your Quirk is extremely powerful." Nezu pointed to Naruto as he explained what attracted the governments to Naruto in a way.

Momo looked at Naruto with some awe, she knew he was strong, but she didn't know he was that strong.


"You, Yaoyorozu, have pretty average physical abilities, but your technique with your Quirk and fighting techniques are ranked quite high. Your intelligence though, is higher than the scores of any first year student to enter this school. Very few people are as smart as you, and you're highly cooperative as well. You don't have any glaring weaknesses that your Creation Quirk don't cover. Despite your lack of power and speed, you were able to use your Quirk to overcome your limitations and score second in the test. This is the type of Hero Team you form when you work together." Nezu pressed forward on the remote, and the next slide appeared, showing what kind of stats they had when they teamed up together.


Power: S - Speed: S - Technique: S - Intelligence: S - Cooperativeness: A

"Holy freaking super crap." Naruto whispered when he saw why he and Momo weren't allowed to team up against other students. Combining their strengths together to cover each other's weaknesses, turned them into practically the perfect hero. The only thing that was slightly off was their Cooperativeness, and that didn't matter so much considering they were both maxing out that score anyway. S was just going above the max, and reaching a highly difficult score.

Nezu nodded.

"Naturally, these scores and results alone place either of you above the normal hero. Japan's government was pressured into bending the rules on this, but both of your impressive scores left little room for argument. Not to mention, Naruto's growing popularity, and Yaoyorozu's contrasting looks and appeal made the two of you a very ideal and well demanded team. We, UA, had little chose in the matter... you two are no longer students, you're now heroes." Nezu wanted to congratulate them, but he could see that they were still taking it all in.

This must be hard for them.

They were first year students, and they weren't being given a choice in the matter of their graduation. Though, this outcome should have been expected anyway, considering both of their amazing abilities, test results, and the fact that together they had helped to rescue the pro heroes and save the entire world. For them to even think that the only government that wanted to reward them was Japan would be foolish. The only reason it took so long was because, unlike with the money reward, this type of reward required a lot of work and effort from multiple governments.

"I see..." Naruto spoke in a whisper.

He always thought the day he become a true legal hero would be a day he could celebrate, but knowing that he was reaching for the future far ahead of them was, surprising to say the least. It left him feeling a little empty, knowing he was leaving them all behind.

"Though the efforts of the United States of America, Germany, Africa, Russia, India, and the Australian governments the two of you have been given these Unrestricted Hero Licences. You two have the status of heroes without restrictions on where you are allowed to do hero work, and construction of an office building for your hero operations has already begun. The building will be finished quickly, but the construction company would like to contact you two in order to see if you would like to add any special add-ons to the building. You two have already been requested to participate in a special mission." Nezu spoke the bad news, or at least, the starting point of the bad news.

This wasn't going to be an easy mission.

Momo slapped her cheeks, forcing herself back into a somewhat normal state. She was still horribly shocked, and kind of saddened by her promotion, but she could see she didn't have any real choice in the matter either.

"A job request for us personally?" She asked with her confused tone subdued.

This sounded odd.

"Have either of you heard of St. Lavender Academy?" Nezu questioned the two of them. "Have you heard of it Yaoyorozu?" Nezu realized asking Naruto wasn't the brightest idea, so he aimed the question purely at Momo.

"Not much. I was invited to join, but instead chose UA. All I know is St. Lavender Academy is an All-Girls school that used funding from the pharmaceutical company Hominine, and that they operate outside of any government involvement due to them officially declaring themselves their own small nation. I didn't trust the invitation, so I didn't join them, seeing as they hold no loyalty to any one nation."

"So basically, even when you don't know anything about something, you're still somehow able to provide with exposition. If this was a book, you would be a very convenient plot device to explain whatever was happening, without it looking unnatural." Naruto summed up with a dull tone. She started off by saying she didn't know much, and she then followed up with a detailed explanation on the subject.

Their definitions of "not much" were very different it would seem.

"You're like the protagonist of a story, so weird stuff always happens around you. You have a Naruto Factor, well, I need something to set myself apart. I study a lot, so I'm intelligent, in a way I'm similar to an exposition character in a story... it's my Momo Factor." Momo explained to Naruto, almost completely forgetting that they were talking about something very important.

"... Naruto Factor, what the hell is that?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

Nezu coughed.

"Anyway, the Hominine Company studies Quirks and makes medications to help people with Quirks... this company was originally created by Orochimaru, though he passed down ownership of it and reaped profit from behind the scenes. We believe St. Lavender Academy and the Hominine Company have been participating in illegal activities... but we have no authority there, and we can't sent most pro heroes, they're too old... St. Lavender Academy is an academy filled with girls who joined to escape from the law." Nezu started to tell them the scope of the mission. Momo was to infiltrate the school as a potential student, with Naruto hiding with her.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"... All girl's school... I'm a boy... and while my face is a little feminine, even if I crossdress, I won't pass for a girl by a long shot. I'm not a trap." Naruto pointed out as he gestured to his body.

Very masculine.

"Once the mission starts, you've been meeting up with the Small Hero: Shrinking Ray, from the United States to allow you to hide yourself on Yaoyorozu's body. You leave in a hour... I apologize that you won't be able to say goodbye to your friends-"

"I have Eri, remember? I'm not leaving her unattended."

"I've already arranged for Eraserhead to watch over her until you return for her." Nezu had already thought about that. This was an important mission that honestly, only the two of them could take together.

Their first job as pro heroes.

Investigate St. Lavender Academy!

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