Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 71 - Divide and Conquer


All teachers at the school were Kaguya, all of them were just younger versions of Kaguya with smaller horns, shorter hair, and clearly much younger than the woman they first met was. Seeing as Orochimaru had cloning technology at his disposal, Tsuyu had informed them of some of the machines on the Flying Fortress when asked about it after the events happened, all the teachers just being "Weaker" Kaguya clones made sense. The woman seemed to have some serious trust issues, and with her Quirk, who better to take control of a school filled with delinquents and villains than a woman whose touch could subdue them?

'This school work is... this is unbelievably hard...' Momo was looking at the equations on the board. This was her first class of the day, and she felt like she was taking a class from a nightmare. Even she, who ranked higher than all of her classmates in school subjects, could bȧrėly grasp the information being taught in the Brain course of the school. She had expected high school level work, but this went far above and beyond that. She could understand a small amount, and while that was enough for her to try and figure out the rest, she was just shocked when she saw the rest of the class had no trouble with the work that was being given to them. '... I've always known I wasn't the smartest person in the world... but you have to be a true genius to even begin-'

"Teacher, I'm done."

The students were starting to finish their work, one after the other, bȧrėly a few minutes passing by the students finishing up.

'Wow... I understanding nothing of this... Momo must have this down though... or not...' Naruto soon realized that Momo was in a nervous sweat, seeing as she had stopped at problem 4, and hadn't answered anymore problems in close to 30 minutes. Naruto glanced around the class, seeing the answers from multiple other students, Momo felt him moving a small finger against her body and writing down the most common answers that he was seeing to each question. If he saw 4 people or more agree on an answer, he conveyed that answer to Momo. 'There she goes.' Naruto thought without showing his emotion on his face.

Momo needed to maintain good grades until their mission was over, and she needed to stay out of trouble. The more she stayed under the radar, the better it was. Meaning that right now, cheating was okay for her. She just had to suck up her pride, something Naruto would admit he wasn't good at doing either, and cheat so that she didn't get put under suspicion for having low grades.

"Wow, it took her awhile, but look at her go, she's doing all of this in her head."

Quickly realizing that she was getting too much attention, Momo figured out the next answer Naruto was giving her, before she purposely wrote the wrong answer. A couple of the other students saw her get the answer wrong, and the impressive way she had been "doing" her work had the edge taken off of it. She smiled to herself, since this made her look smart, but out outstanding.

-At Lunch Later-

"... This place is an academic's paradise... I've never felt so stupid in my life." Momo whispered to herself as she ate. Math, Science, Nefarious Scheming, and Quirk Factor studies were all classes of such an advanced level that, other than science, she was having some extreme trouble in all of them. To think, after lunch she still had PE (being in the brain class didn't negate her requirement for that), Robotics, and Advanced Physics. She was sure that she was going to be in for a nightmare when PE started, and she was humiliated by the rest of her Brain course classmates.

"Sup Thicc-Tits."

"Thicc?" Momo asked, and Naruko scoffed when she saw the lack of meat on her plate.

"So, how is smart people stuff... can't believe that bitch cloned herself. You need more meat, veggies are for little girls." Naruko spat as she put one of her steaks on Momo's plate and looked at the girl with a firm nod of her head. Momo pushed her plate away from herself, seeing as she would not be able to stomach raw meat well. Himiko seemed a little grossed out by how Naruko was eating bloody meat so easily, but she said nothing.

The blood was great and all, it was the raw meat part she didn't like.

"Seduction Class was amazing... I learned so much... I'll make sure to use this later." Himiko gave an excited giggle, since her class had gone well in her eyes. "Did you know that-"

"I don't care about anything you have to say, seduction is stupid. All you need in life is people to kill. Isn't that right Momo-chi?" Naruko asked with a smile as she put another raw steak on hr plate. She had a wide smile as she looked at the girl who could create nukes, since that was a weapon that could induce mass murder with ease. Having somebody with a great Quirk for murder like her, now that was nice. Instead of Himiko, who just looked like people when she drank their blood. A Quirk like that wasn't impressive in the slightest to her. "Say, how about we team up, destroy this school... hell, lets go to China together, and just turn the country... no, all of Asia to ash... sounds fun right?" Naruko was getting more and more excited, slowly forgetting about the bad mood that she was in.

Yes, a road trip was only made complete with lots of death.

"Wanna join the League of Villains, we can always use another heavy hitter." Himiko gave out the offer.

Momo thought about her options, and she wasn't talking about becoming a villain. "Taking" their offer was the best way to question them about the League's location, which could be used for them to finally put an end to them.

"I'll be right back, I have to use the restroom." Momo stood up politely, before she turned and started to walk away. This was a good chance for her to do something else that she needed to do as well.

"Gross, high school girls really shouldn't say that out loud... it really ruins the image we should have." Himiko could be heard saying. Momo just held Naruto, who needed to be given some serious credit for not making any movements that anyone could notice of him for several hours at a time.

The training Naruto did to create the "Frog Kata" that he was teaching Tsuyu was really coming in handy in allowing him to pretend to be a plush toy.

-In the Bathroom-

"So, what do you think I should do?" Momo whispered to Naruto as he sat cross legged in her ŀȧp, while she was sitting down in a stall (not using the restroom yet of course). She, of course, was talking about the offer that she had just gotten from the other girls. "Should I accept and learn a little about the League?" Momo asked, and Naruto crossed his arms.

He wanted to say yes.

"It would be great if you could, but by the end of this mission, when we have to reveal who we are and escape, I'm pretty sure that if they know you have information about them, Naruko will chase us to silence you." Naruto pointed out to her. He didn't know if the girl was truly loyal to the League, or if she was just with them so that she could kill people.

Though, if his younger brother was also with the League, then it was more than likely she did hold some loyalty.

Momo opened her shirt enough for her cleavage to show, and she created a "fake" Naruto that looked exactly like him. Holding it like she had been holding Naruto, she nodded to him.

"Very well, lunch ends in 25 minutes, I'll pretend to have a stomach ache and come back here in 20 minutes. Use the vent in here, and do some scouting." Momo pointed out the vent. They had no layout of the place, and without that they couldn't make the escape that they needed. It was more than just that, while Naruto was scouting, he would need to locate anything that they could use to prove that this island was a danger to the nation of Japan.

While cloning was illegal on much of the world, Saint Lavender Academy existed outside of the laws of the world, on it's own independent island, separate from the rest of the world. They would need serious proof that the academy was a legitimate threat, and needed to be put to an end.

No to mention, she needed Naruto to find a way to communicate with the outside world.

"Anything else?" Naruto asked her, and she nodded.

"Find the blueprints to whatever it was that knocked out our phones. If I have those, I can create something that can block out the signals. Then, if I create new phones, we can contact the other heroes." Momo needed those blueprints more than she needed the school's layout, because without them escaping the island would become far more challenging for them.

Naruto nodded, and mentally added it to the list.

-Minutes Later-

"I'm sorry for that, anyway, I'm flattered, but I prefer to work alone. I don't want to worry about having allies that will get swept up in my destruction." Momo politely refused Himiko and Naruko their offer to join them. She had a light nervous sweat on the back of her neck, but she kept a calm aura about her.

Naruko raised an eyebrow, feeling something had changed about the girl, but shrugged it off with a grin.

"You can create weapons of mass destruction, you really don't need to join the stupid league... if only Brother and Cousin could see things like that. Brother is too concerned with starting a Hero/Villain war, and Cousin is way to obsessed with killing All Might... they never seem to stop and just appreciate the fact that we're murdering people... stop and smell the blood soaked roses." Naruko could completely understand where Momo was coming from. If she didn't hold loyalty to her brother, father, and cousin then she would have just gone on endless rampages long ago.

But alas, she held allies that she cared for, so she could only rampage when she was sure that they wouldn't get caught up in her destruction. Not that she believed for a second she would ever attack them when she did rampage.

"Sucks... would have liked to have you... so... you got anyone you like... or do you carry around an All Right plush because you like him?" Himiko was sick of talking villain stuff.

Talking about love was so much more girl-like and fun for her!

Naruko lost interest right away.

"All Right saved my life, so one day, I want to lock him in my basement and keep him to myself." Momo said the creepiest thing that she could think of. Still needed to pretend to be a villain after all.

Himiko seemed satisfied with the answer.

"Finally, every girl needs a rival for love... well... to the best girl goes the guy, and if you win, I do hope you'll let me join in for the fun... after all... I am bi." Himiko smiled and licked her lips.

Momo shivered when she realized that she had just aroused Himiko.

She never wanted to do that again.

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