Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 8 - What is the difference

Spring was in the air.

With the winter season coming and going, giving rise to warmer weather, Naruto couldn't help but enjoy it as he actually took a break from training of his own free will. He wore the pink shirt that Mina had gotten him, though it was too small for him now, stretching to contain his body. Combined with the baggy black pants he wore, it was actually a pretty good combination. The sleeves of the shirt had long since ripped off of his arms, and because of his training the pants had rips near the knees, but Mina had told him that it looked good, so the rips and tears were fine.


"Hey Mina..." Naruto waved with a grin.

She had invited him to come to the part, so he had decided to take a break from training to come. She was wearing new clothes too, a purple shirt that had "Acid" on the front, which extremely short hot pants. Thigh high socks, colored like one would see from the 70s, and leading into leather heeled shoes. She ran over towards Naruto and smiled brightly at him, happy to see him... and not in hit usual jacket and pants combo. The fact he wore clothes she picked out for him was more awesome, and he had a bad boy look going with the rips that complimented her 70s punk girl look.

"Looking good!" Mina pointed finger guns at him as she hopped back and forth, her entire body as animated as her personality was. "-and would you look at that, you're only a little hurt today." Mina pointed at the bandages on Naruto's forehead, and the bandages wrapped around his right forearm. He didn't seem super injured, and since the bandages weren't red with blood, they didn't seem like they happened today before he came to the part either.

Naruto glanced away from her.

This had happened... the day previously, when he trained with Ryukyu again, since she had a day off and sent him a message saying she wanted to keep her skills fresh for combat. She had gotten a little too intense in their training, and it ended up with the both of them hurting each other a little more than intended. She had bitten his arm and scratched his head, and he gave her a pretty nasty bruise on her back.

"Yeah... I'm not getting hurt that much." Naruto denied her.

She took her spot next to him and wrapped an arm around his, leading him down the stone pathway through the park. Wild deer all around them, with people feeding the tame, yet still wild, deer who just allowed it. Mina poked him in the side with her free arm, knowing that he was always getting hurt one way or another. Usually because he had the bad habit of pushing himself too hard. Either way, she took the lead and pulled him along, deciding the course they would take for the day. They hadn't gotten to hang out all week, since her school was really pushing them to study for their exams.

"Hey, this summer, before the U.A. tests happen, we need to go to the beach. I can invite some of my friends, and you can invite some of..." Mina's pink cheeks darkened when she realized that Naruto didn't have friends other than her. She quickly let go of Naruto and waved her arms around in apology. "-so sorry, forgot your situation! I'm sure my friends will love you! I'm friends with this funny guy, Kirishima... he's pretty... he's been kind of down lately." Mina said as she grabbed back onto Naruto's arm.

She wasn't super close to some of her friends, but she still wanted them to meet Naruto and have fun at the beach together, all of them. She had bȧrėly passed her exams with scores good enough to allow her to apply for U.A., and she really wanted to celebrate. Going to the beach, bursting a watermelon, lighting fireworks at night, and even going fishing were all stuff that sounded like a great way to kick off the summer.

Naruto nodded.

"... I know just the beach." His brain thought on finally checking up on Izuku's training in person. He had yet to meet the boy in person, see him in person was one thing, but since making the new training schedule, he had never actually checked up on Izuku. He heard about the training from his uncle, and how Izuku had collapsed a great number of times when the stress got too great and broke his body. Only for a visit to Recovery Girl to put him right back on track, even months into Naruto's training hell, the boy had yet to quit.

It was surprising, and it showed the teen's determination to inherit One for All from All Might.

Mina nodded excitedly.

'Awesome, this is the perfect to show off my swimsuit... I've waited months for the chance to wear it.' Mina pumped her fist high into the air. She nearly punched Naruto in the face when she did it, but he leaned back and dodged in time to avoid it. He had long since gotten used to how much she loved moving her body around, and avoiding her flailing limbs. "Wait... this isn't going to turn into a situation where a villain shows up at the beach, and it cuts out time together short like at the mall." Mina suspiciously pointed at Naruto.

They hadn't had a villain show up and ruin their hang outs in awhile, and a beach trip was the perfect time for their fun times to be ruined.

Naruto shrugged.

Mina smiled widely, eyes sparkling when she realized this was a great chance for her.

Something touched her buŧŧ.

"Oh... it's a deer!" Mina had turned her head and saw a deer was nibbling at the cut off portion of her shorts, and she stepped forward out of it's reach. She reached out and rubbed the side of it's neck. "Naruto, touch this deer, it's really relaxing and peace-"

"Like Icarus, I swore to the sun!"

A man with white wings jumped off of tree he had climbed, stripping absolutely nȧkėd from his coat, his nude body on complete display as his wings flapped, and he took off into the sky. Mina's skin became a lighter pink when she became her version of more pale, while Naruto looked up at the man, his jaw dropping in surprise when he saw sudden nudity.

What the hell!?

"... Wanna go to my place and play video games... before this gets weirder?" Naruto offered as he turned around, Mina nodding and turning around with him as the two of them smartly decided this was too much for either of them. She didn't see as the man fell from the sky, behind them and hit the ground, before he got up and went back towards the tree to do it again. They decided that seeing what they saw was enough, and they were better off enjoying today indoors, if this was the alternative.

-Naruto's House-

"Hey Naruto... tomorrow, do you mind... ah, you have company... Young Mina, nice to see you!" Toshinori walked into Naruto's room with a stack of papers in his hands, before he hid them behind his back when he saw Naruto wasn't alone. He had almost entered Naruto's room, and transformed into his muscle form to make a joke, but thankfully he had seen the girl before he went through with it. "... I have some paperwork I need to drop off at the office, do you mind dropping it off for me tomorrow?" Toshinori asked Naruto as he gave a quick show of the paperwork.

"Hey Yagi-san! Sorry for being here, but there was a sicko in the park showing... we decided video games was the mindless activity we needed." Mina shivered when she remembered what she had seen. "Noooo! You need to start suċkɨnġ at this game Naruto!" Mina shoved her feet into Naruto's side, laying on her back as she held the controller above her head. She continued to play as she tried to mess with Naruto, though it didn't work as Naruto mostly ignored her bȧrė feet pushing against his side.

Toshinori actually smiled at the display.

Naruto transformed into his first form, before he tilted to the side... slowly. Mina noticed her feet were on something really soft and furry, really warm, and pushing against her legs.

"Tiiiiiiiimber." Naruto fell onto his side, the side that Mina was on

"No... nonononono!"

Mina was crushed underneath a soft and fluffy hell as his larger body pushed her down. She had dropped her controller, her hands and feet being the only things free from his body. Naruto continued to play the game, not completely uncontested. If she wanted to play that game, then so would he, only he was going to win it.

"Need something?" Naruto asked as he put his controller down after winning. Sitting up, Mina took the deepest gasp of breath as she sat up.

"Dude... you would make a great bed..."

"If it's not too much trouble, do you mind dropping these off tomorrow?" Toshinori asked Naruto as he sat the documents down. Mina glanced in their direction curiously, while Naruto turned his body back, and looked towards them.

"I don't mind."

"Ah! Tomorrow is the day we are doing that thing, remember... we're seeing that movie... You know..." Mina made wide gestured with her arms, ones that confused everyone other than her. "... Wanna go see a movie, there is a new alien movie I want to see... it comes out tomorrow... I forgot to ask you." Mina rubbed the back of her head, seeing Naruto's confusion, she realized she had yet to ask him. She had ȧssumed that she already had, and had made plans according to that.

Well, this was a way to ask.

Toshinori looked at her.

"... I'll take care of myself this time, you two have fun on your date." Toshinori was smiling brighter than Naruto had seen him smile in months. Well, other than when he realized Naruto had a keeper for a friend.

"Date?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

Toshinori left the room.

"Yeah, weird... a boy and a girl going to the movies alone together is totally like a date. I didn't realize that. Well, it's not like we're going clothes shopping together-" Mina was interrupted when Naruto spoke up.

"We've done that."

"We were doing that today."

Mina was quiet for a moment as she thought about everything they did together. They hung out alone all the time, she was usually holding onto one of his arms and pulling him along whenever they hung out. They had gone to the mall, and he was in the habit of wearing clothes she picked out for him. She was always asking him to do things with her, usually just the two of them. She had a ton of fun with him, and when she saw her favorite movie series make a new movie, the first person she thought of seeing it with was Naruto. She and he even did some hero work together, several times actually, and their chemistry was through the roof.

Even right now, she was pushing her feet up against his face, and he didn't seem the least bit bothered by her.

"Holy crap, how long have we even been dating!?" Mina jumped up and pointed between herself and Naruto. She tried to think about when it could have began, when she started to enjoy his company more than her other friends. "Actually, you don't seem that surprised... Why aren't you surprised?"

"I mean... if we're already doing everything couples do... then what does dating really change between us?" Naruto asked her with a dull tone.

They did everything couples did but kiss and that kind of stuff. Honestly, their relationship wouldn't really change if they did or didn't start to officially date. All that would happen was that they would show a little more romantic affection.

Mina sat down.

"Dude... we're totally boyfriend and girlfriend... Actually, I think you're right... and I already think you're a total hottie, and love hanging with you. How about you?" Mina grabbed her controller and started to play with Naruto again. She had taken on the same dull tone that he had, starting to realize that she was making way too big of a deal out of this. He did make a really good point after all.

"Duh, you're super cute, and if I didn't like being around you, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Guess we're official now." Naruto tilted his head to the side, and Mina nodded her head.

He rolled his eyes.

"How is that any different than what I'm already doing?"

"That means you need to lose to me next round." Mina stuck her tongue out at him. She was getting sick of losing to him over and over, so she was going to abuse girlfriend power as much as possible.



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