At the allotted time, Naruto Uzumaki’s seventh class arrived at the venue of the second Chūnin exam, Exercise Field No. 44, also known as the Forest of Death.

Through the barbed wire fence that prevented outsiders from entering, Naruto Uzumaki could see the towering giant trees inside, and the roots of the coiled dragon were exposed several meters on the ground, like rough entangled pythons.

“This is the Forest of Death…”

Uzumaki Naruto whispered, he knew that in this forest, no one in Konoha could control his whereabouts, so this second exam of the Naka Shinobi selection, Uzumaki Naruto could run amok in this area without worrying that some of his power would be discovered by the high-ranking people of Konoha.

“Then before the second exam officially starts, you guys sign the consent form.”

While Naruto Uzumaki was silently thinking, Mitarashi Azuki had already spoken, and she pulled out a thick wad of consent from her arms.

“Why sign this?” After Hongdou finished speaking, he raised a question.

“Because someone may die next, so I have to ask for my consent, well, after all, I, the chief examiner, don’t want to take responsibility, ahhahaha…” Mitarai Azuki laughed, she said with the most relaxed expression, but it made the hearts of all the shinobi who were about to take the exam tighten.

“Pass the consent form to each other, sign it quickly, and just take this opportunity to announce the content of the second exam to you.”

“To put it simply, you have to start the extreme wilderness survival challenge here,” Mitarashi Azuki pointed to the Death Forest behind him and said, “First of all, the No. 44 Exercise Field is a field with a radius of 10 kilometers, surrounded by a total of 44 entrances, including river forests, and many kinds of poisonous insects and beasts, and your mission is to reach the tower location in the center within five days, and you must also bring two different scrolls. ”


“That’s right, the Heavenly Scroll and the Earth Scroll, you have a total of 26 teams, half of them hold the Heavenly Scroll, half of the team holds the Earth Scroll, and then the next time, you will have a good scroll battle in this Forest of Death!”

“But think about it, it’s really worth looking forward to.”

Mitarashi said with a smile, while licking the corners of his mouth, looking very interested in the next exam development.

“Okay, next each team will go to collect their mission scrolls and prepare to set off from each entrance!”

At the request of Mitarai Azuki Bean, the 26 teams each received their scrolls and were dispersed to random entrances to the Forest of Death.

And the task scroll that Naruto Uzumaki got was the Scroll of Heaven, and after getting the scroll, Naruto Uzumaki handed it over to Uchiha Sasuke’s assistant, after all, he wanted to wander around the Forest of Death alone, naturally it was impossible to carry the scroll, so it was also a good choice to give the scroll to Sasuke Uchiha, who was quite good.

So, after the allotted time arrived, Mitarai Red Bean announced the start of the assessment, and with the signal of Mitarai Red Bean, the middle ninjas, each in charge of a team, opened the entrance gate of the Forest of Death, and 26 teams rushed in, signaling the official start of this scroll battle.



The first day of the Chūnin exam, outside the Forest of Death.

Naruto Uzumaki and the three slowly advanced in the forest, surrounded by towering ancient trees comparable to the height of ordinary buildings, the hot sunlight above the sky was blocked by the lush ancient tree canopy, under the canopy, above the earth, there was always a dark and gloomy appearance.

However, under this oppressive atmosphere, Naruto Uzumaki was indeed relaxed as if he was touring, his face did not have the slightest nervous and cautious look, and even the Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno beside him were a lot calmer.

“Naruto, is it really okay for us to act like this?” However, as a girl, Sakura Haruno couldn’t help but ask, she has basically turned into Naruto Uzumaki’s ass now, because this will make her feel more secure, “If you don’t know the traces of the action, we will soon be discovered by the other teams, right?” ”

“It’s okay, it’s not a big problem,” Naruto Uzumaki said casually, “If there are other teams that really want to attack us, it will save us time to find them.” ”

“Besides,” Naruto Uzumaki glanced at the girl behind him, “Sakura, don’t you still know the strength of me and Sasuke?” ”

Well, although Naruto Uzumaki’s words brought Sasuke Uchiha with him, Sasuke Uchiha couldn’t help but snort, because even he himself inexplicably had no confidence in his strength, especially after seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s battle with Xiao Li.

“Say it, say it too.” Haruno Sakura touched her hair, inexplicably a little embarrassed.

Because in the team of the seventh class, Haruno Sakura’s actual combat ability is the weakest, so in this Death Forest, Haruno Sakura felt a little burdensome for the first time.

Haruno Sakura had just finished speaking, and the footsteps of Naruto Uzumaki, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, and Haruno Sakura who followed him was still distracted, so he hit Naruto Uzumaki straight on the back.

“Woohoo…,” Haruno Sakura whispered, and then while her face was slightly red, she quickly took two steps back and whispered, “Naruto, why did you stop suddenly!” ”

Naruto Uzumaki glanced back at Haruno Sakura’s reaction and spoke, “Because the guys you’re worried about are already here.” ”

“That’s right, I only found one, but he should still have teammates.” Uchiha Sasuke took out the kunai and said in a deep voice.

“Eh!” Haruno Sakura pulled out the kunai with some panic, and her vigilant look made Naruto Uzumaki sigh.

“Hey, Sakura, I have to warn you, this test is dangerous, and if you don’t realize what you’re doing now, you might die even with me and Sasuke here, understand?” Naruto Uzumaki’s words were clean and clean, without a hint of euphemism.

“Akira, I see…” Haruno Sakura said a little nervously when she saw Naruto Uzumaki’s sudden opening.

“No, you don’t understand it yet, so you can only change your weak state of mind after you have really experienced the battle between ninjas, just like this…”

As soon as Naruto Uzumaki’s voice fell, several shurikens came from behind him.

“Get out of the way!” Uchiha Sasuke, who discovered this situation, reminded loudly, and Haruno Sakura quickly did so, only Naruto Uzumaki himself did not seem to hear Uchiha Sasuke’s reminder, he turned his head to look in the direction where the shuriken attacked, and his face showed a moment’s stunned.


With Naruto Uzumaki’s incredulous murmur, the explosive talisman attached to the shuriken instantly detonated, and the burning flames and smoke engulfed Naruto Uzumaki’s figure, causing the pupils of the dodging Haruno Sakura to shrink suddenly.

“How, how!”

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