Chapter 42 Let Red Make Friends

After leaving the house, Ye walked directly to Hong’s house, but after coming out of the house, Ye Ye has been a little absent-minded, and before he knew it, he had come to the gate of Xiri’s house.

“Night, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Just as the night was immersed in thought, a crisp voice suddenly came into his ears.


Hearing this familiar voice, Ye suddenly sobered up, and then found that he had unconsciously arrived at Hong’s door, and it was naturally Red who had just interrupted him.

Seeing Hong standing outside the door, Ye immediately knew that it must be this little girl who saw that she was so late and hadn’t arrived, so she ran out of the house to wait for herself, but she didn’t know how long this stupid girl had been waiting for herself, thinking of this, Ye looked at Hong’s eyes a little guilty, and became softer.

“I’m sorry, Hong, I said I came to call you, but I didn’t expect it to be late, and I’m really sorry for letting you wait for me here for so long!”

Ye walked quickly to Hong, and then said very apologetically.

“It’s okay, night, and I just came out, I didn’t wait long, you don’t have to apologize for me.”

Hearing Ye apologize for herself, Hong suddenly looked a little helpless, and then immediately waved her hand to Ye and said, but no matter how you look at it, she feels that Hong’s behavior is not very natural.

After getting along with Hong for so long, Ye has long understood Hong’s character and so on, and at a glance, he knows that Hong is lying, and Ye also found that there are deep traces in the place where Hong just stood, which is not left in a short time, and looking at the traces, you can know that Hong has been standing here for at least half an hour.

“Huh, Red, are you ready? Are we going to ninja school now? ”

Instead of exposing Red’s lie, Night subtly diverted the subject and asked if Red was ready.

But obviously the night is redundant to ask, because Hong’s hand is carrying a small cloth bag, which should be what she prepared, but I don’t know what night is prepared inside.

“Uh-huh, it’s ready, let’s go to school now, if it’s late, I don’t know if the teacher will be angry.”

Sure enough, Hong was immediately distracted by the night, and did not care about shyness/shyness, nodded a little hurriedly to answer that the night was ready, and said that finally Hong showed a worried look, Hong has always been a good child, of course he doesn’t want to be late on the first day of school, and it’s not good to leave a bad impression on the teacher.

“Don’t worry, it’s still early, and the school is so close, we won’t be late even if we walk slowly, don’t worry!”

Seeing Hong’s somewhat worried look, Ye immediately said comfortingly to Hong.

“Whew, that’s good!”

Hearing the comfort of the night, Hong suddenly remembered that her home seemed to be really close to the ninja school, and it was less than ten minutes to walk over, and now it was still very early before the time of school, and she would definitely not be late, thinking of this, Hong was relieved.

“Night, what were you thinking when you came to my house just now, so intent, I called you several times before you reacted.”

The two walked side by side on the road, and Hong suddenly remembered that when she came to her house last night, she looked like she was not reluctant, and suddenly asked Ye with a curious look.

“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking that Red is so cute, and I must make a lot of new friends after today!”

Of course, Ye couldn’t talk to Hong about Xuan Yue, even if she said it at her current age, she wouldn’t understand, so Ye casually made up a reason to say to Hong.

“Hmph, I don’t want to teach any new friends, it’s enough to have a night with me, by the way, and Brother Kai…”

Red is not very interested in new friends or something, and is used to staying with the night, and Hong thinks that it is enough to have the night by her side, but immediately Hong thinks of Kai, the younger brother of the night, so she adds Kai.

“That’s not okay, Red, you must make a few more friends at school, these people are likely to become your teammates in the future.”

Although he was very touched by Hong’s words, Ye did not want to tie Red to him all the time, which would only limit Hong’s growth, and making more friends is also a good thing for Hong, Ye is not such a selfish person.

Night is not like the protagonists in some novels, as long as they are their favorite sisters, they must be chained to him at any time, while saying how much they love them, but depriving these girls of their freedom, such people in the eyes of night are not real love at all, just pure possessiveness.

And such people must be very unconfident in themselves, they are afraid to let the women around them out, afraid that their women will see better men abandon them after they go out, such people feel inferior to themselves from the heart.

Ye is obviously not such a person, not only because Ye has enough confidence in himself, but also confidence in Hong, he is confident that he is the best person, confident that Red will not leave him even if he sees more outside, because Ye believes that even if Hong sees more outside, he will not find someone better than himself.

So the night will not only prevent red from making friends, but even encourage red to make more friends, after all, he will not be able to accompany Hong all the time in the future, if there are no friends, red will definitely feel lonely, at this point the night is very thinking about red.

Of course, making friends with Night Red is just making friends with girls or ordinary friends.

“Night, why do you have to make me new friends, do you already hate me? Don’t want to play with me anymore? ”

However, Red did not understand Ye’s thoughts, and seeing that Ye had been persuading him to make new friends, he immediately misunderstood, and then he had an expression of wanting to cry.

“It’s not Red, why do you think that? I’ll let you make a few more friends, and there will be someone to chat with when you are on a mission in the future, you know, we will all become ninjas in the future and we will go out on a mission, if we are not divided into a group, and then you have no friends to chat with, what should we do? I’ll be distressed in that case…”

Seeing that red tears had begun to roll in his eyes, Ye quickly explained to Red that he was the one who couldn’t see the tears of the person he cared about the most.

Because the editor is on holiday on New Year’s Day, the book has not even signed a contract so far, so three changes every day these days, and when the editor goes to work to sign Xiaobai will resume the update, I hope you forgive me, in addition, I hope you continue to support Xiaobai, flowers, collection brush up, by the way, recommend Xiaobai’s book, thank you!

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