Chapter 226 arrived

When Night and the two Dark Squads arrived at Jiu Xinnai’s residence, Jiu Xinnai had already started a battle with the people who came to capture her!

The people sent by the three major countries to take the opportunity to capture the nine-tailed man Zhuli were obviously carefully selected, and Jiu Xinnai even burst out the six-tailed tailed beast Chakra coat, but it was still a little difficult to face the attack of twelve ninjas.

The original house and the surrounding circle of houses were turned into pieces of bricks and tiles under the fierce battle, and the twelve ninjas seemed to have been selected to deal with the human pillar force and have a ninjutsu that specifically suppressed the tailed beast.

It can be seen that Jiu Xinnai wants to attract more Nine Tails power, but in front of the suppression ninjutsu used by the twelve ninjas, it is very laborious.

Just when Jiu Xinnai was about to lose, Night and the two Dark Squads hurried to arrive.

Seeing this, the twelve ninjas hurriedly lifted the suppression of Kushina and united with the enchantment ninjutsu, and confronted the dark part of Konoha.

At this time, the night saw Jiu Xinnai for the first time, at this time, she was a little tired because of the difficult battle, and she relaxed after seeing the dark part coming, and when her eyes stopped on the night, she showed a trace of doubt, but she still smiled and greeted it as a greeting to the night.

“Huh? It’s the dark part of Konoha! ”

“There are eight of them, we have to divide at least six people to drag the nine-tailed people pillar force, six against eight, it’s a bit difficult.”

“Look, it’s not eight people, it’s nine people, I’ll grab that kid first and use it to threaten them!”

After a few whispered words, the twelve ninjas decided on the battle plan, using the night as an opportunity for victory.

The two captains of the dark division, Blade and Han, could be said to have experienced a hundred battles, and when the twelve ninjas on the opposite side looked at the night with malice, they had already guessed what they were paying attention to.

Looking at each other and smiling, both Blade and Han’s eyes showed a look waiting to watch the play.

Originally, Han and Blade were a little puzzled by the three generations who had placed a five- or six-year-old child in the dark department, but it wasn’t until they encountered several enemies on the way to Jiu Shinnai’s residence, and after seeing the night battle, they understood why the three generations did this.

In the encounter with the enemy, Ye has never used the second move, all of them are fatal with one blow, whether it is an enemy at the level of middle ninja or an enemy at the level of upper ninja, the strength shown by night has surpassed the three members of the dark department brought by Blade and Han!

At the beginning of seeing the strength of the night, the two teams of dark people and horses all seemed to see a monster, and the expressions on their faces were even more surprised than seeing the tailed beast, but as time went by, they encountered more and more enemies, and they also adapted to this child with a huge gap in strength and age.

The battle broke out, and six allied ninjas preemptively fought with eight ninjas from Konoha’s dark department, while the remaining six ninjas continued to entangle with the joint ninjutsu that suppressed the power of the tailed beast.

In fact, the ninjutsu used by these twelve allied ninjas is not particularly clever ninjutsu, once Jiu Xinnai releases all the nine tails, they don’t say that they are twelve people using it jointly, even if one hundred and twenty people join forces to use this ninjutsu, they can’t suppress it.

It’s just that today’s Jiu Xinnai has not yet reached the level of being able to control the complete body of the Nine Tails, and she can only erupt the Chakra cloak of the Nine Tails and Six Tails.

As Han and Blade expected, while fighting with the eight ninjas of their two dark squads, these ninjas of the three major alliance forces separated one person and went straight to the night.

“Little ghost, be my hostage honestly!”

A ninja roared cruelly and had rushed to the front of the night.

The dark people understand the strength of the night, and they have no intention of making a move, but they are all ready to watch the play, but Jiu Xinnai does not understand the strength of the night, and feels that the night is just an ordinary child, and when he sees this, he immediately bursts out with all his strength, and the six huge red tails dance wildly and anxiously want to rush over to save this ordinary five or six-year-old child in her eyes.

In her subconscious, the night is just a child with no strength who is not easy to go.

However, among the twelve ninjas, six were using the Joint Sealing Enchantment Ninjutsu against Jiu Shinai to suppress her, and she couldn’t break through this enchantment that specifically targeted the tailed beast Chakra for a while.

Just as the ninja who was about to kidnap Night was about to catch Night, Night chuckled and kicked the ninja on the chin with a speed invisible to the naked eye.

“Click… Boom! ”

The ninja was like a sandbag, kicked into the air by Yoruichi, and landed heavily in the ruins on the side, splashing a puff of smoke.

Suddenly, not only the remaining eleven ninjas of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, but also Jiu Xinnai who was in the enchantment were stunned.

Han and Blade and the rest of the Dark Divisions all showed an expression of schadenfreude, and at the same time, while the ninjas were stunned, the Dark Divisions launched another fierce attack.

The five elite ninjas of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Army were besieged by eight dark departments, but they were able to support them steadily for a while, and they also dragged the eight dark parts to death, and at the same time, the six ninjas who performed enchantment ninjutsu also accelerated the process, and the fatigue on the face of Jiu Xinnai, who was blocked by the special enchantment, became more and more serious.

“Damn it! These ninjas are quite strong, night, now only you can get rid of your hands, hurry up and rescue Lord Jiu Shinnai! ”

Seeing that he and the others could not get rid of the entanglement of the enemy for a long time, and Jiu Xinnai’s situation became more dangerous, Han immediately shouted to the night.

Whether it was the look in Watergate’s eyes before parting, or the anxiety that Jiu Xinnai showed when he saw his crisis situation just now, the night made up his mind that he would definitely not let Jiu Xinnai be in the slightest danger, and the appearance of such a beautiful female ninja suffering in the enchantment was really unbearable.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, Shengmen, Open!”

Without saying a word, Yoruji directly opened the third door of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, and a green fire suddenly rose from his body, and he rushed towards the famous ninja who was performing enchantment ninjutsu.

The green light flashed, and a ninja was caught off guard, and was kicked to the ground by Yoruichi, and the blue light of the enchantment instantly weakened a little, and Jiu Xinnai, who was blocked by the enchantment, also felt a little better.

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