"Gonggu Kong, this time, the navy and the ninja forces are fighting. Are there many more ninjas in the ninja forces?"

  Suddenly, the high-ranking five old star seemed to have thought of something, and directly pointed the front of the conversation at Gang Gukong and asked in a deep voice.


  Gang Gukong's face turned bitter, and he exclaimed in surprise. There were [-] draft mothers flying by in his heart. He was really afraid of what was coming.

  "Yes, Lord Five Old Stars, the ninja forces have created a huge ninja army out of thin air."

  However, no matter how unwilling it is, Steel Gukong took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and said slowly.

  "As expected... as expected!"

  Hearing the words, the high-ranking five old star nodded in despair, and his face became extremely pale. He finally figured out where the ninja power came from.

  And a thought of his own guesses.

  The heart of this high-ranking five old star is refreshing! !

  "what happened?"

  Well, seeing this scene, another five old star asked with some doubts.

  In his memory, that high-ranking five old star has never been so lost, even when One Piece Roger stirred the sea, he was very confident.


  After this question, the other three Five Old Stars also turned their attention to the high-ranking Five Old Stars, obviously having doubts in this regard.

  What was he thinking of?

  "Have you ever wondered where the ninja powers come from?"

  After a few seconds, the high-ranking five old star took a deep breath and asked with a bitter face.

  "Where did it come from? Isn't it a hidden dark force in a certain place?" A five old star blurted out an explanation.

  "Yeah, the world is so big, the ninja forces may have been forbearing all the time, and only now broke out." Another five old stars also agreed.

  "Hehe, you all guessed wrong."

  The high-ranking five old star heard the words, shook his head with a wry smile, and then continued, "The ninja force was born from the Chambord Archipelago, and those ninja troops also suddenly appeared from the Chambord Archipelago."

  "So, I suspect that the ninja forces are people from other worlds who have come to invade our world,"

  "After all, if the ninja forces are really hidden in a corner of the sea, there is no reason for our world government to find out, and the only explanation is that the ninja forces are not from our world."

  Quiet... a dead silence! ! !

  After the high-ranking five old star finished speaking, the conference room became silent.

  The expressions on the faces of the other four Five Old Stars, including Gang Gukong, became horrified in an instant, and their hearts were set off to see the monstrous giant wolf...

  Nima, the ninja forces are people from other worlds, are they specializing in invasion?

  Well, if it's normal.

  They will definitely think that this high-ranking five old star has some kind of persecuted paranoia, and thinks wildly!

  But now, they feel that it makes sense, and they have to believe...


Chapter 513 The Decision of the Five Old Stars

  But now, they feel that it makes sense, and they have to believe...

  Because the ninja forces appeared too suddenly, and the strength was too strong to be incredible.

  In a word, if the ninja force is an ancient force hidden somewhere in the sea, then it is impossible for the world government that has ruled the world for more than [-] years to discover it.

  Plus the ninja of the ninja force.

  The distinctive training system, such as ninjutsu and taijutsu, is different from the mainstream tricolor domineering and devil fruit power in the sea.

  Therefore, the only explanation now is that the ninja forces are invaders and people from another world.

  That's a bit shocking...

  "Yes, the ninja forces are definitely people from another world. Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many high-end combat power, and the navy will be defeated."

  The next moment, Gang Gu Kong seemed to have been stimulated in some way, and affirmed it extremely coldly.

  Nima, he finally figured it out. It's not that he and the navy are too weak, but that ninjas are too powerful and are the elite of another world. Of course, they can't win.

  Unless the world government can combine the power of the 483 navy, pirates, Tianlong people, three ancient weapons and so on.

  Maybe it can be evenly matched with the ninja forces...

  However, all of this is a fantasy. Now, the ninja forces have conquered the navy and pirates, and it is basically a little invincible trend!

  "Damn... that's how it should be, the ninja forces are the invaders!"

  One of the Five Old Stars holding a famous sword, the killing intent on his face disappeared in a flash, and the killing intent roared fiercely.

  He can accept that the pirates are strong, and he can accept the betrayal of the navy, but he cannot accept the rule that should belong to the world government and the Tianlong people, and was overthrown by the invaders.

  Because this is a matter of dignity and absolutely cannot be compromised.

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