The No. 2 training room is 10000 cubic meters, and the price is [-] coins

  No. 3"

  And so on, this training room seems to have no end, Fengyun also turned a lot of pages in a row, but this training room actually has thousands of training rooms, but the price is also terrible, every extra one The volume of the training room of No. 0 is also larger than that of the previous No. 2 training room. The gap between this zero and the space of the training room at the back will be larger, but the current situation is not too much. With this ability, buying a No. [-] training room can also be used for a period of time. Of course, if you want to buy things, the first task now is to make money.

  "Ding dong, urgent task, looking for the remains of the flying dragon, the reward is five million meow coins."

  Just when Fengyun wanted to click into the notice board to receive the task, suddenly, something like this appeared on his homepage, which made Fengyun also stunned. For the five million bounty, Fengyun It is also without saying a word that I clicked the button to receive, not for other reasons, because this task is an urgent task, which also means that the interior of Tianmiao Supermarket urgently needs such goods, so they will use high prices. Putting the bounty on this bulletin board, how could Fengyun miss this opportunity?

  0 ... 0

  "I'll take a look, the request is 'hunt the flying dragon on the island of no doubt and collect the remains of a flying dragon.'"

  Looking at the requirements of this task, Fengyun also read it out, and also thought that it should not be difficult, after all, there should be some wreckage of a flying dragon to collect.

  So Fengyun left Tianmiao Store, clicked on his own map, and shouted the words "Doubtless Island" on the map. This super-functional map also zoomed in on the location of Wuyou Island very quickly. degree of clarity.


  Hui Ye Fengyun whispered, and his body floated lightly in the air. In a blink of an eye, Fengyun came to an inexplicable island. The island looked very strange. He was composed of three colors, namely red, blue and black. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the three-colored areas are put together, giving people a gloomy feeling. As for why it is called the island of no doubt, the situation is not clear, but it is very strange.

  "It's quite big."

  Fengyun looked at the island and said with emotion.

Chapter 10 No Doubt Island

  The shoes left footprints one by one on the beach, and Fengyun was also walking towards the island. At this time, Fengyun was also going to find the so-called flying dragon, because the information given by this task was relatively small, and only gave a general idea. The location does not describe the address in more detail, and the situation still has to find it by itself.

  "Just go to the red one first."

  Because this island is composed of three colors, Fengyun also thinks that it is better to find the color plates one by one, so now I choose the red plate first.

  There are still many trees on this island. It looks like an abandoned desert island with no traces of human activities. In such a wild place, danger will come at any time, and the situation does not dare to be careless and move forward step by step. Besides, the flying dragon is in the end. What kind of strength is, the situation is not clear, let's take it slowly.

  After walking for a while, I finally saw some animals in the wind and rain.

  "Is this the flying dragon?"

  Hui Ye Fengyun looked at the dragon in the distance that was about the same size as his own and still had wings. If he guessed correctly, Fengyun thought it was the flying dragon. The key is that the number of red flying dragons is still quite large. Fengyun also didn't dare to be careless, walked over slowly, found a flying dragon that missed the order, and kicked the dragon with a direct kick.

  "So weak"

  After Feng Yun saw that he had stepped down, the dragon was lying on the floor motionless. Feng Yun was also a little speechless, but the dragon was dead. How to collect the remains of this flying dragon? The regulations only require a flying dragon wreckage, so the flying dragon wreckage is definitely not that simple, otherwise, how could it be possible to directly offer a reward of five million, there must be something very difficult in the middle.

  After defeating the red flying dragon, Fengyun also turned left and right, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find anything related to the wreckage, which also made Fengyun go hunting for other red flying dragons.


  In the blink of an eye, almost an hour has passed since the hunting. I have to say that there are quite a lot of flying dragons in this place. This hour of uninterrupted hunting, the super hunting ability is not to mention at least killed nearly [-]. The only dragon, but there was still no trace of the wreckage.

  "It seems that there is nothing wrong with not being in this place."

  Fengyun didn't say much, and left for the next place. After all, this island is composed of three color plates. This is the first plate, and Fengyun is not too irritable.

  The next situation came to another color plate. When you stepped into this blue plate, you could feel the cold air from your feet. This time it was ice.

  "Is there fire and ice?"

  Fengyun really doesn't know how this island brings such different things together, but he can't control so much now. After all, the first task now is to collect the remains of the flying dragon. To be honest, Fengyun doesn't want to. To waste too much time on this, one point is that this task is basically not difficult, and the monsters here are too weak.

  Bypassing one glacier after another, Fengyun saw a group of blue flying dragons perched together in the distance. This time, unlike those red flying dragons, they seemed to have learned that Fengyun was about to arrive. , When the next turn of the situation appeared, this group of blue flying dragons flew out in an instant, and thousands of dragons flew in the sky at the same time. What a spectacular scene, not only that, the next second Zhong, the mouths of these blue flying dragons are also open one after another, and the blue ice cubes are ejected. Each ice cube is sharp and angular, like a sharp sword. Fengyun's body flew over.


  Looking at the ice arrows all over the sky, Fengyun's mouth also rose slightly. Not much else to say, in the face of this crisis-like scene, Fengyun is naturally in danger, and we can be regarded as people who have seen the scene, Fengyun It's really solid now.

  "Just in time to try the moves I got some time ago."

  Seeing the attack coming from a wide area, Feng Yun also crouched down steadily, his hands turned into bowed hands, his wrists were tightly attached, and placed on his waist...  

  "Turtle School Qigong Wave!!!"

  Fengyun said word by word in his mouth, and the blue qigong began to slowly emerge from the palms of his hands, and the words became bigger and bigger as he shouted, which was really powerful.

  The blue qigong wave flew out from Fengyun's hands, with a long line in the middle, and the huge volume also swept away most of the ice arrows in the sky, not only that, after penetrating the ice arrows , even the blue flying dragon group behind it was hit steadily, causing a huge explosion. None of this group of dragon group was spared, and they all fell to the ground with smoke on their bodies. .

  Facing the next Frostbolt, Fengyun quickly dodged, dodging the remaining attacks, and at the same time quickly leaped towards the dragon group, happily no different from a child, and rummaged around. , Fengyun searched carefully, but the final result was still unsatisfactory.

  "Forget it, there must be one in the next place."

  Fengyun also doesn't know what went wrong. He killed so many flying dragons, but he still didn't see the wreckage of the flying dragons needed for the mission. It can be said that he is very sympathetic, but it doesn't matter. Fengyun is also 4.5 fast now. to comfort himself, after all, there is one last place on this island.

  Saying that, Kaguya Fengyun took out his map, zoomed in on the island again, and clicked on the last dark map. In an instant, his whole body shook and he came to a purple-black floor.

  "Huh? Why is this place so strange."

  Fengyun, who had prepared for the battle in advance, also said lightly. Originally, Fengyun thought that there would still be a huge number of flying dragons as before, but looking around, except for the places that were not very clear, Fengyun did not look at it. Even flies can't feel any creatures, and the current situation is also moving around like a jungle adventure, on the black earth here.

Chapter 11 The Dark World

  "My God, what's going on?"

  Fengyun complained and said that his eyes kept wiping his own eyes, because the light in front of his eyes was getting smaller and smaller, not to mention other things, when Fengyun got closer to the interior of this black continent, not only the land became more and more It was getting darker and darker, and even the air was mixed with some dark aura.

  "No, I'm almost out of sight."

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