Just as Liuli finished thinking, all the ninjas from the village were almost at Liuli's side.

Liuli looked at the ninjas who had already reached her and shouted to them: "Listen to me, all of you. The Earth Scroll and Sky Scroll you want are in my hands. If you want them, follow me and get them!"

After Liuli finished speaking, she ran towards the end, very fast.

"What? That kid actually has two scrolls in his hand!"

"He actually got the Earth Scroll so quickly!"

"That kid actually has two scrolls in his hand, hurry up and follow him..." As the ninja team said, they rushed towards the direction where Liuli disappeared.

"That direction is the kid going to the end. Will he set any traps for us?" A ninja from the Rock Village asked in doubt.

"What are you afraid of? You idiot, he's only one person, and we have several people, hurry up and catch up! Otherwise, we will be gone in a while!" One of his companions slapped him directly, and then led the way and rushed in the direction where Liuli disappeared.

Liuli, who was running hard towards the finish line, observed the situation behind him with his white eyes and found that many ninjas were following his footsteps and rushing towards the finish line. At this time, Liuli's face was full of smiles.

It was almost afternoon now. The sun was not as hot as at noon. There were still many spots of sunlight shining on the ground through the leaves in the forest.

At this time, there was a figure in the forest that was moving quickly between many trees. The figure moving at high speed between the trees was Liuli, and behind Liuli, there was a large group of ninjas chasing Liuli.

"It's strange, how can that kid run so fast! Did he eat something? He increased his physical strength so much all of a sudden?" A rain ninja behind Liuli said as he chased Liuli.

"Who knows? His physical strength is really a bit confusing! Maybe he really ate something to make his physical strength so high instantly!" A ninja following the rain ninja just now said to the front.

"Hold on a little longer, the front is about to reach the finish line. When we reach the finish line, see where that kid is running!" The rain ninja just now said to the back.

Just when Liuli was about to reach the finish line, Liuli used the white eyes to observe the situation behind, and then whispered with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect the effect to be so good! Then there will be fun next!"

As he said, Liuli rushed out of the dense forest of death and came to an open space in front of the finish line.

"Finally reached the finish line! Come on, although it's very time-consuming now, I also hope you won't be too bored! I hope your strength is not too weak!" After saying that, Liuli threw the two scrolls in his hand on the open space next to him.

Liuli looked at the ninjas from various countries who rushed out of the forest and arrived at the open space one after another with his white eyes.

"Finally we got out, but it's much slower than I thought!" Liuli said after watching them walk out of the forest.

"You are really a fast runner, you kept us chasing you for so long! You really exhausted us." One of the ninjas from the Rock Village who ran to the open space said to Liuli.

"Really? Did you eat something? Your physical strength increased instantly!" A ninja who just walked out of the forest said to Liuli while panting.

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