Liuli sat down at her seat, looked at her deskmate next to her, smiled, and said to her: "Hello, my name is Hyuga Liuli, I'm glad to be your classmate!"

After Liuli finished speaking, the little girl named Baicao Qingchuan looked at Liuli and her face instantly turned red. She said shyly: "Well, you... hello, I'm glad to meet you too, my name is Baicao Qingchuan."

After Qingchuan finished speaking with Liuli, she immediately lowered her head, her face even redder than before.

"Baicao Qingchuan, Qingchuan." Liuli said, "It's indeed a beautiful name, and you look the same as yourself!"

This is good, Qingchuan's face turned red completely. Qingchuan is a very shy little girl, and Liuli is also a very handsome guy. How can Qingchuan not be shy when she sees him?

After Liuli finished speaking, she looked around and saw where Uchiha Itachi sat? After looking around, Liuli found that Uchiha Itachi was sitting in the second row in front, and she was sitting in the third row.

"Be quiet, students, come up now and introduce yourself, so that everyone can get to know each other!" Asuma Sarutobi asked the students to come up one by one and introduce themselves.

After Asuma Sarutobi finished speaking, a little boy walked down from his seat, came to the podium and looked at the people below and said: "Hello everyone, my name is Akagi Maru, I am five years old this year, and my dream is to become a member of the Anbu in the future, protecting Konoha in secret, which is a very cool thing..."

Akagi Maru, who was speaking on the stage, had very beautiful red hair. Although he was only five years old now, he looked a little more mature than people of the same age.

Liuli looked at Akagi Maru's face, and it was obvious that this was a strange face. It was not mentioned in the original book, but now he was in the same class with her, and Liuli would get along with him in the future.

After Akagi Maru finished speaking, he walked to his seat and sat down, and then Uchiha Itachi stood up from his seat and walked to the podium.

"Hello everyone, my name is Uchiha Itachi, please take care of me in the future..." Uchiha Itachi's self-introduction was very simple. Although he was young and had a calm expression, it still caused a commotion among the students below.

"Hey, that guy is from the Uchiha clan!"

"Yes, yes, he is so handsome!" This is a girl, covering her face with both hands, saying infatuatedly. It is obvious that Uchiha Itachi's appearance is very popular in the class, especially for those girls.

"Tsk, what's so great, isn't it just a little handsome, strength can prove everything." The boy sitting next to the girl said jealously.

"Hush, keep your voice down, he is from the Uchiha family, I heard that he is the son of the Uchiha clan leader, the Uchiha clan is not easy to mess with! Let's be careful!"

After Uchiha Itachi briefly introduced himself, he walked back to his seat coolly and sat down. The girl next to him looked at Uchiha infatuatedly.

Soon it was Liuli's turn. After walking to the podium, she briefly introduced herself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hyuga Liuli. Please take care of me in the future!"

"Wow, another handsome boy! I feel so happy to be in this class." Seeing Liuli's handsome face on the podium, several girls in the audience were about to faint.

But several boys next to him said disdainfully: "What? Are all the Uchiha and Hyuga families this kind of pretty boy? They all look so weak!"

"Look at the white gauze on his forehead, he must be a member of the branch family of the Hyuga family..." Several boys in the audience discussed Liuli one after another.

However, Liuli ignored the discussion below. After introducing himself, he walked down the podium and sat in his seat.

"Qingchuan, hurry up, it's your turn to go up!" Liuli looked at Baicao Qingchuan next to him and said.

After hearing Liuli's words, Qingchuan's face turned red again, and then she said shyly: "Well, okay, I'll go now."

After that, Qingchuan walked to the podium shyly, looking at the students below, Qingchuan's red face shyly said: "Hello everyone, my name is Baicao Qingchuan, my good friend is Hyuga Reika, please give me more advice in the future!"

After Qingchuan finished speaking, he immediately ran to his seat and sat down.

Then another girl walked to the podium and introduced herself: "Hello everyone, my name is Hyuga Reika, like Liuli just now, I am from the Hyuga clan, my good friend is Baicao Qingchuan, my dream is to become a great female ninja like Tsunade, I am very happy to meet you here, please give me more advice!”

After the two very pretty girls introduced themselves, the crowd immediately became excited.

“Wow, you two are so pretty, it would be great if you could be my girlfriend!”

“Yes, it’s a great honor to be in Class 5!”

When Baicao Qingchuan heard the people next to him talking, his face instantly turned red again, and he lowered his head, not daring to look up at the people around him.

“I didn’t notice it just now, I didn’t expect that there was another Hyuga clan member in this class besides me! And she’s a very pretty girl…” Liuli thought to himself as he looked at the beautiful girl on the stage.

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